Nothing Left to Say
I don't take this song too seriously. It is an experiment to see if I could
write a demo-like song using only four channels. It was inspired mainly by the
recent demo "ZiF" from The Assembly '95 Party. Also from another song I heard
on the radio a few years ago. No idea what it was though.
I am going to try to get this song into a demo of some sort, so if you want to
use it, you can contact me. It will be given to the best bidder.
Grr, not v. talkative at the moment, think I'll go raid the fridge.
Utmost Respect: The Silents, Polka Brothers, Virtual Dreams/Fairlight.
Greetings: Acechan, Grypas, Mostro, volley, Logixs, mo3, Orpheus (not me), mo3,
CycleBurner, Cybernoid, Cat (Resistance), Spark, BaD CiTy, okmo, and
the others I know I've forgotten (sorry guys).
Contact: Best way is prolly on IRC. My nick is <shock> "orpheus", and I'm
usually in #TheEnd or sometimes #Amiga.
Apologies if you have been trying my e-mail addy (sgilbert@...). I've
lost it. In about a month I hope to have a new one.
Ya can also reach me on The Attic BBS (South Australia). Number is
+61-8-384-4762. (As "Sam Gilbert").
Copyright: This song is released under the concept of Freeware. Use it as you
will, and even put it in a demo or game if you want. I would like to
be told about it though :).
-- orpheus