84782 packages online
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This archive countains chipmodules by <Broom.>
-» I N F O R M A T I O N «-
Name: Petri Pitkänen a.k.a Broom.
Group: Zenon
Function: Musician
Address: Jäkälätie 1 C 29, 18200 Heinola, Finland
Phone#: +358-[0]40-506 3498 [ supports SMS's ]
-» Hardware «-
4xspeed CD-rom/(= 1083S Monitor/Delfina-Lite SoundCard/
Hisoft's ProMidi interface/Yamaha CS1x Synthesizer...
-» Software «-
DigiboosterPro, Octamed SoundStudio, Protracker 2.3d etc.
Listing of archive 'brm_chip.lha':
Original Packed Ratio Date Time Name
-------- ------- ----- --------- -------- -------------
3952 2610 33.9% 11-Dec-97 23:34:08 mod.4_iloista_veikkoa!!
35072 15242 56.5% 11-Dec-97 23:34:08 mod.absent
10730 3290 69.3% 11-Dec-97 23:34:08 mod.cemetery
13784 5752 58.2% 11-Dec-97 23:34:08 mod.chippis
5334 1126 78.8% 11-Dec-97 23:34:08 mod.circus_left_town
12860 8382 34.8% 11-Dec-97 23:34:08 mod.coder'smind
21166 8395 60.3% 11-Dec-97 23:34:08 mod.coder'smindiii
20528 13271 35.3% 11-Dec-97 23:34:08 mod.cutepacktheme
14346 6776 52.7% 11-Dec-97 23:34:06 mod.dooper
9628 4470 53.5% 11-Dec-97 23:34:08 mod.fairyniinkaunis?
13718 4565 66.7% 11-Dec-97 23:34:08 mod.fanatical
41908 22148 47.1% 11-Dec-97 23:34:08 mod.groovyboogie
12794 5639 55.9% 11-Dec-97 23:34:08 mod.idzmazqur
18208 7492 58.8% 11-Dec-97 23:34:06 mod.let's_play_da_game!
20432 11246 44.9% 18-Sep-93 18:37:18 mod.love+police=peace!
9966 5232 47.5% 11-Dec-97 23:34:08 mod.lsdtriprulee
13616 4598 66.2% 11-Dec-97 23:34:08 mod.moonwithsun
9136 5589 38.8% 11-Dec-97 23:34:08 mod.muumihumppa
4264 1150 73.0% 11-Dec-97 23:34:06 mod.nightowl
6666 1759 73.6% 11-Dec-97 23:34:08 mod.prodigal_son
2176 433 80.1% 11-Dec-97 23:34:08 mod.rainbird
21300 20725 2.6% 04-Sep-95 12:59:30 mod.saint-ro
15204 7873 48.2% 11-Dec-97 23:34:06 mod.scepticsong
19956 8637 56.7% 11-Dec-97 23:34:08 mod.senkunrevit<>n
9992 4317 56.7% 18-Sep-93 18:37:32 mod.shadow
8612 2337 72.8% 11-Dec-97 23:34:08 mod.sideofmind
20104 11930 40.6% 18-Sep-93 18:38:04 mod.tasteofmars!!!
13578 4927 63.7% 11-Dec-97 23:34:06 mod.valo
6870 2568 62.6% 11-Dec-97 23:34:08 mod.wind-o-wind
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------
415900 202479 51.3% 27-Jun-98 19:03:26 29 files
Contents of mods/pro/brm_chip.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 2610 3952 66.0% -lh5- 9b5e Dec 11 1997 mod.4_iloista_veikkoa!!
[generic] 15242 35072 43.5% -lh5- 39b3 Dec 11 1997 mod.absent
[generic] 3290 10730 30.7% -lh5- 53b9 Dec 11 1997 mod.cemetery
[generic] 5752 13784 41.7% -lh5- 5740 Dec 11 1997 mod.chippis
[generic] 1126 5334 21.1% -lh5- 84d0 Dec 11 1997 mod.circus_left_town
[generic] 8382 12860 65.2% -lh5- bcfd Dec 11 1997 mod.coder'smind
[generic] 8395 21166 39.7% -lh5- 5acc Dec 11 1997 mod.coder'smindiii
[generic] 13271 20528 64.6% -lh5- 06a4 Dec 11 1997 mod.cutepacktheme
[generic] 6776 14346 47.2% -lh5- 979c Dec 11 1997 mod.dooper
[generic] 4470 9628 46.4% -lh5- 0c1a Dec 11 1997 mod.fairyniinkaunis?
[generic] 4565 13718 33.3% -lh5- 3439 Dec 11 1997 mod.fanatical
[generic] 22148 41908 52.8% -lh5- 515d Dec 11 1997 mod.groovyboogie
[generic] 5639 12794 44.1% -lh5- 62be Dec 11 1997 mod.idzmazqur
[generic] 7492 18208 41.1% -lh5- 16d5 Dec 11 1997 mod.let's_play_da_game!
[generic] 11246 20432 55.0% -lh5- 483d Sep 18 1993 mod.love+police=peace!
[generic] 5232 9966 52.5% -lh5- 358d Dec 11 1997 mod.lsdtriprulee
[generic] 4598 13616 33.8% -lh5- f270 Dec 11 1997 mod.moonwithsun
[generic] 5589 9136 61.2% -lh5- d4d6 Dec 11 1997 mod.muumihumppa
[generic] 1150 4264 27.0% -lh5- 7889 Dec 11 1997 mod.nightowl
[generic] 1759 6666 26.4% -lh5- 4207 Dec 11 1997 mod.prodigal_son
[generic] 433 2176 19.9% -lh5- 0f36 Dec 11 1997 mod.rainbird
[generic] 20725 21300 97.3% -lh5- fb78 Sep 4 1995 mod.saint-ro
[generic] 7873 15204 51.8% -lh5- 6cba Dec 11 1997 mod.scepticsong
[generic] 8637 19956 43.3% -lh5- 9420 Dec 11 1997 mod.senkunrevit<>n
[generic] 4317 9992 43.2% -lh5- e9d1 Sep 18 1993 mod.shadow
[generic] 2337 8612 27.1% -lh5- 722e Dec 11 1997 mod.sideofmind
[generic] 11930 20104 59.3% -lh5- 6fae Sep 18 1993 mod.tasteofmars!!!
[generic] 4927 13578 36.3% -lh5- f97a Dec 11 1997 mod.valo
[generic] 2568 6870 37.4% -lh5- a0dc Dec 11 1997 mod.wind-o-wind
[generic] 1239 2796 44.3% -lh5- 69e9 Aug 14 1998 Brm_chip.ReadMe
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 30 files 203718 418696 48.7% Jan 16 1999
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