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- d o n ' t c o u n t y o u r c h i c k e n s -
-=[ release '011 ]-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
Release: '011 - oldschool in da houuuse
Song : "Eklektik House" by Hotcakes
[ 05:25 / 135bpm / 1791kB ]
Format : OctamMED SoundStudio V1 (MMD3), 16 channels, stereo, dsp echo
Yes, those hardened, veteran, not oldschool but just plain old, listeners
among us will recognise this Ravebusters (www.ravebusters.de) remix of
House Electric. It was a cool tune to begin with, all I did was make it
louder ;]
Originally planned to be on my demo EP, it got cut for another piece that's
slightly lesser known as "The Best Tune in the World", which will probably
also feature on Noiz Phaktah later in the year...
Can't hear it? Well try DeliTracker v2.32 or OctaMEDPlayer v7 on Amiga
and WinAMP, DeliPlayer or the provided player (OctaMEDPlayer.exe) on
-=[ members ]=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
hotcakes.......[ organiser, music ]...........[ hotcakes@dingoblue.net.au ]
silkworm..................[ music ]...........[ www.silky.disco.org.uk ]
pioneer...................[ music ]...........[ pioneer_adam@hotmail.com ]
quiklite..................[ music ]...........[ quiklite@dingoblue.net.au ]
spawn.....................[ ascii ]...........[ www.spawnsite.com ]
(the door is always open for top notch new electro-mod musos to join our
ranks. Email us for more info : guest releases welcome too.)
-=[ contact - email hotcakes : hotcakes@dingoblue.net.au ]-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
distribution : ftp us.aminet.net, /pub/aminet/mods/sets/ [ AmiNet US ]
(and all other Aminet mirrors worldwide!)
www home.in.tum.de.hodges/cgi-bin/amifind
(just search for "NP_" in mods/!)
email : mailto hotcakes@dingoblue.net.au (to join the mailing list
to get all the latest releases. ask for lhas or zips!)
-=[ credits ]=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
nfo file by hotcakes, borrowed from phase^distortion, who borrowed it from
mono, who borrowed it from kfmf. ascii logo by spawn.
Contents of mods/sets/NP_EHous.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 1420581 1833338 77.5% -lh5- 6c1d Oct 29 2001 Eklektik_House.MED
[generic] 500 1462 34.2% -lh5- 3b35 Feb 1 2002 np_2002r.doc
[generic] 1343 3235 41.5% -lh5- 84e9 Feb 1 2002 np_ehous.doc
[generic] 40541 98304 41.2% -lh5- 7f66 Sep 3 2000 OctaMEDPlayer.exe
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 4 files 1462965 1936339 75.6% Feb 17 2002
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Müller and the Aminet team.
Aminet contact address: <aminet aminet net> |