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- s i r e n s d o n t n e e d t o b r e a t h e -
-=[ release '009 ]-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
Release: '009 - angelic repetition wholeheartedly
Song : "Song of the Siren" by Hotcakes
[ 07:57 / 163bpm / 834kB ]
Format : OctamMED SoundStudio V1 (MMD3), 6 channels, stereo
What happens when you take a normal tune, give Ravebusters the chance to
remix it twice (www.ravebusters.de), then let it sit on the shelf for a
few years before getting Hotcakes to massacre it?
Oh, you know where I'm heading with that...
Masssiiiiiiive thanks to Quiklite for some help structuring this one (we
end up cutting two whole sections out and the tune GREW by 3-4 minutes!
Go figure) and Pioneer for the drums (I finally managed to use them!)...
Nice one bruvva!
And as a special treat for Amy users, a little ARexx script to help the
tunes' performance. Just strap Siren.omed onto your REXX: directory and
feel the G's!
Can't hear it? Well try DeliTracker v2.32 or OctaMEDPlayer v7 on Amiga
and WinAMP, DeliPlayer or the provided player (OctaMEDPlayer.exe) on
-=[ members ]=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
hotcakes.......[ organiser, music ]...........[ hotcakes@dingoblue.net.au ]
silkworm..................[ music ]...........[ www.silky.disco.org.uk ]
pioneer...................[ music ]...........[ pioneer_adam@hotmail.com ]
quiklite..................[ music ]...........[ quiklite@dingoblue.net.au ]
midnight flip.............[ music ]...........[ mflip@ozemail.com.au ]
spawn.....................[ ascii ]...........[ www.spawnsite.com ]
(the door is always open for top notch new electro-mod musos to join our
ranks. Email us for more info : guest releases welcome too.)
-=[ contact - email hotcakes : hotcakes@dingoblue.net.au ]-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
distribution : ftp us.aminet.net, /pub/aminet/mods/ / [ AmiNet US ]
(and all other Aminet mirrors worldwide!)
www home.in.tum.de.hodges/cgi-bin/amifind
(just search for "NP_" in mods/!)
email : mailto hotcakes@dingoblue.net.au (to join the mailing list
to get all the latest releases. ask for lhas or zips!)
-=[ credits ]=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
nfo file by hotcakes, borrowed from phase^distortion, who borrowed it from
mono, who borrowed it from kfmf. ascii logo by spawn.
wonderful. not a single over-the-top smiley in the whole readme =]
Contents of mods/sets/NP_Siren.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 998 2967 33.6% -lh5- 1361 Dec 21 2001 np_2001r.doc
[generic] 1555 3614 43.0% -lh5- 9ae2 Dec 21 2001 NP_Siren.doc
[generic] 570395 854008 66.8% -lh5- c9d8 Dec 21 2001 np_SongOfTheSiren.MED
[generic] 40541 98304 41.2% -lh5- 7f66 Sep 3 2000 OctaMEDPlayer.exe
[generic] 647 2009 32.2% -lh5- 3be9 Dec 21 2001 Siren.omed
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 5 files 614136 960902 63.9% Jan 3 2002
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