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- a n y w h i c h w a y y o u c a n -
-=[ release '010 ]-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
Release: '010 - warped drum'n'bass subbassiness
Song : "Warped" by Silkworm
[ 07:03 / 170bpm / 1841kB ]
Format : OctamMED SoundStudio V1 (MMD3), 8 channels, stereo
No, no way. You -don't- wanna mess with this one. It's 2 kool fer ya
But those with a death wish (or a death wish for their speakers:) may just
enjoy the incredible subbass lurking deep within the depths of this baby...
Yes, it's not just any old sorta bass so to get the full effect you better
hook up a subwoofer to those PC speakers you have lying there...
Manic. Manic, wild, mayhem. Luvvinit.
Can't hear it? Well try DeliTracker v2.32 or OctaMEDPlayer v7 on Amiga
and WinAMP, DeliPlayer or the provided player (OctaMEDPlayer.exe) on
-=[ members ]=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
hotcakes.......[ organiser, music ]...........[ hotcakes@dingoblue.net.au ]
silkworm..................[ music ]...........[ www.silky.disco.org.uk ]
pioneer...................[ music ]...........[ pioneer_adam@hotmail.com ]
quiklite..................[ music ]...........[ quiklite@dingoblue.net.au ]
midnight flip.............[ music ]...........[ mflip@ozemail.com.au ]
spawn.....................[ ascii ]...........[ www.spawnsite.com ]
(the door is always open for top notch new electro-mod musos to join our
ranks. Email us for more info : guest releases welcome too.)
-=[ contact - email hotcakes : hotcakes@dingoblue.net.au ]-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
distribution : ftp us.aminet.net, /pub/aminet/mods/sets/ [ AmiNet US ]
(and all other Aminet mirrors worldwide!)
www home.in.tum.de.hodges/cgi-bin/amifind
(just search for "NP_" in mods/!)
email : mailto hotcakes@dingoblue.net.au (to join the mailing list
to get all the latest releases. ask for lhas or zips!)
-=[ credits ]=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
nfo file by hotcakes, borrowed from phase^distortion, who borrowed it from
mono, who borrowed it from kfmf. ascii logo by spawn.
Contents of mods/sets/NP_Warpd.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 430 1247 34.5% -lh5- 342f Jan 15 2002 np_2002r.doc
[generic] 1338 3269 40.9% -lh5- bd33 Jan 15 2002 np_warpd.doc
[generic] 1323301 1885394 70.2% -lh5- cd02 Dec 12 2001 np_Warped.med
[generic] 40541 98304 41.2% -lh5- 7f66 Sep 3 2000 OctaMEDPlayer.exe
[generic] 263 445 59.1% -lh5- 20ed Dec 8 2001 Warped.txt
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 5 files 1365873 1988659 68.7% Jan 16 2002
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Müller and the Aminet team.
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