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- < i n s e r t s l o g a n h e r e > -
-=[ release '008 ]-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
Release: '008 - more bremmen than you can poke a stick at
Well it's certainly been too long since the last release but hopefully we
can settle down and get things going again. Starting with this:
Quiklite's debut dual-release for Noiz Phaktah. It's been a long time
coming. Plus a special little something by myself to help get the season's
festivities underway...
Theme of Bremmen
Song 1 : "Bremmen Pathetique" by Quiklite
[ 01:39 / 60bpm / 552kB ]
Format : OctamMED SoundStudio V1 (MMD3), 8 channels, mono
Somewhat of a haunted classical piece this one. Bremmen, in case you're
wondering, is the lead nasty evil guy from a new PC game from a new group
who are gunna rock the RTS world. Either that or it's for a Kendall tune.
Quiklite hasn't decided yet =]
Song 2 : "Theme of Bremmen" by Quiklite
[ 01:53 / 80bpm / 1225kB]
Format : OctaMED SoundStudio V1 (MMD3), 7 channels, mono
Beautifully understated, melodically sound and a bizarre backing, this is
Quiklite's experimentalist approach (even though he hates that
terminology:) showing just how... well... unorthodox? unusual?
different? don't they all mean the same thing?!? he strives to be =]
And it pays off, too, cuz, well, he -is- different =] And that's a rare
breed in today's world of music...
Song 3 : "That Christmas Tune" by Hotcakes
[ 04:15 / 120bpm / 224kB]
Format : OctaMED SoundStudio V1 (MMD3), 14 channels, mono
Hard beat. Simple melodics. Doesn't really fit in with the rest of this
release =] But it is XMas after all and would a XMas be the same without
my usual rompy remix? Not quite. Well, perhaps. Who's to say =]
A small technical note about this tune : it features 8bit volume shading,
as opposed to your typical Amiga tracker's 6bit shading, or your typical
new-age/PC tracker's 7bit shading ;] Oooh.
Can't hear them? Well try DeliTracker v2.32 or OctaMEDPlayer v7 on Amiga
and WinAMP, DeliPlayer or the provided player (OctaMEDPlayer.exe) on
-=[ members ]=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
hotcakes.......[ organiser, music ]...........[ hotcakes@dingoblue.net.au ]
silkworm..................[ music ]...........[ www.silky.disco.org.uk ]
pioneer...................[ music ]...........[ pioneer_adam@hotmail.com ]
quiklite..................[ music ]...........[ quiklite@dingoblue.net.au ]
midnight flip.............[ music ]...........[ mflip@ozemail.com.au ]
spawn.....................[ ascii ]...........[ www.spawnsite.com ]
(the door is always open for top notch new electro-mod musos to join our
ranks. Email us for more info : guest releases welcome too.)
-=[ contact - email hotcakes : hotcakes@dingoblue.net.au ]-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
distribution : ftp us.aminet.net, /pub/aminet/mods/misc/ [ AmiNet US ]
(and all other Aminet mirrors worldwide!)
email : mailto hotcakes@dingoblue.net.au (to join the mailing list
to get all the latest releases. ask for lhas or zips!)
-=[ credits ]=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
nfo file by hotcakes, borrowed from phase^distortion, who borrowed it from
mono, who borrowed it from kfmf. ascii logo by spawn.
Contents of mods/sets/NP_XMas1.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 941 2752 34.2% -lh5- 7271 Nov 22 2001 np_2001rel.doc
[generic] 481615 564562 85.3% -lh5- 5119 Nov 19 2001 np_brem-pathetique.med
[generic] 1060439 1254058 84.6% -lh5- ba87 Nov 18 2001 np_brem-theme.med
[generic] 29042 228764 12.7% -lh5- 8167 Nov 18 2001 np_ThatChristmasTune.MED
[generic] 1910 4393 43.5% -lh5- eb9f Nov 22 2001 NP_XMas1.doc
[generic] 40541 98304 41.2% -lh5- 7f66 Sep 3 2000 OctaMEDPlayer.exe
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 6 files 1614488 2152833 75.0% Dec 1 2001
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Müller and the Aminet team.
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