84782 packages online
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Archiv contens:
Original Packed Ratio Date Time Name
-------- ------- ----- --------- -------- -------------
23586 18165 22.9% 26-Jun-96 18:13:40 Back the...
9224 8198 11.1% 26-Jun-96 18:13:40 Bah
6172 5806 5.9% 26-Jun-96 18:13:40 Bah1
7588 6007 20.8% 26-Jun-96 18:13:40 bummbase
6928 5127 25.9% 26-Jun-96 18:13:42 bummbase2
6996 4426 36.7% 26-Jun-96 18:13:42 bummbase3
6998 5623 19.6% 26-Jun-96 18:13:42 bummbase4
6988 5576 20.2% 26-Jun-96 18:13:42 bummbase5
6908 5508 20.2% 26-Jun-96 18:13:42 bummbase6
41304 30959 25.0% 26-Jun-96 18:13:42 Chor
10502 8585 18.2% 26-Jun-96 18:13:42 Dü
10768 10061 6.5% 26-Jun-96 18:13:42 Fly
29612 27432 7.3% 26-Jun-96 18:13:42 guitar
17336 14655 15.4% 26-Jun-96 18:13:42 guitar1
16412 14860 9.4% 26-Jun-96 18:13:42 Guitar2
65120 59440 8.7% 26-Jun-96 18:13:42 KLF-Loop
30368 20703 31.8% 26-Jun-96 18:13:42 Loop
21976 18377 16.3% 26-Jun-96 18:13:42 Machine
19864 16702 15.9% 26-Jun-96 18:13:42 overdose
36602 31374 14.2% 26-Jun-96 18:13:42 say
2972 2098 29.4% 26-Jun-96 18:13:42 shortsynth
13082 11511 12.0% 26-Jun-96 18:13:42 synth
13708 12348 9.9% 26-Jun-96 18:13:42 synth2
5288 4499 14.9% 26-Jun-96 18:13:42 synth3
5522 4808 12.9% 26-Jun-96 18:13:42 synth4
4444 3876 12.7% 26-Jun-96 18:13:42 synth5
2456 1455 40.7% 26-Jun-96 18:13:42 ToxicBase
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------
428724 358179 16.4% 26-Jun-96 18:16:10 27 files
All samples are in the .IFF Format.
Contents of mods/smpl/UwiSampls2.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 18165 23586 77.0% -lh5- 5a0a Jun 26 1996 Back the...
[generic] 8198 9224 88.9% -lh5- db87 Jun 26 1996 Bah
[generic] 5806 6172 94.1% -lh5- c48b Jun 26 1996 Bah1
[generic] 6007 7588 79.2% -lh5- 2f83 Jun 26 1996 bummbase
[generic] 5127 6928 74.0% -lh5- 4717 Jun 26 1996 bummbase2
[generic] 4426 6996 63.3% -lh5- 6949 Jun 26 1996 bummbase3
[generic] 5623 6998 80.4% -lh5- 45aa Jun 26 1996 bummbase4
[generic] 5576 6988 79.8% -lh5- ed8c Jun 26 1996 bummbase5
[generic] 5508 6908 79.7% -lh5- 4b74 Jun 26 1996 bummbase6
[generic] 30959 41304 75.0% -lh5- c954 Jun 26 1996 Chor
[generic] 8585 10502 81.7% -lh5- 6761 Jun 26 1996 dü
[generic] 10061 10768 93.4% -lh5- 8625 Jun 26 1996 Fly
[generic] 27432 29612 92.6% -lh5- 24c5 Jun 26 1996 guitar
[generic] 14655 17336 84.5% -lh5- 14aa Jun 26 1996 guitar1
[generic] 14860 16412 90.5% -lh5- ff98 Jun 26 1996 Guitar2
[generic] 59440 65120 91.3% -lh5- 54f1 Jun 26 1996 KLF-Loop
[generic] 20703 30368 68.2% -lh5- b430 Jun 26 1996 Loop
[generic] 18377 21976 83.6% -lh5- e7ec Jun 26 1996 Machine
[generic] 16702 19864 84.1% -lh5- 8d3b Jun 26 1996 overdose
[generic] 31374 36602 85.7% -lh5- f96b Jun 26 1996 say
[generic] 2098 2972 70.6% -lh5- db2e Jun 26 1996 shortsynth
[generic] 11511 13082 88.0% -lh5- ab82 Jun 26 1996 synth
[generic] 12348 13708 90.1% -lh5- afa4 Jun 26 1996 synth2
[generic] 4499 5288 85.1% -lh5- c859 Jun 26 1996 synth3
[generic] 4808 5522 87.1% -lh5- 5cd7 Jun 26 1996 synth4
[generic] 3876 4444 87.2% -lh5- 882e Jun 26 1996 synth5
[generic] 1455 2456 59.2% -lh5- 4639 Jun 26 1996 ToxicBase
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 27 files 358179 428724 83.5% Aug 23 1996
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