84781 packages online
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Requires an accelerated AGA Amiga with minimum 1.5m chip ram and 4m fast ram. It runs better
with maximum chip ram and more fast ram. You will also need MUI3.8 if you want the CD interface
to work.
What is new
My apology to all if the programme did not work on your system. In the last version a font name was
left in the main script causing workbench to lock up if the font is not in your font directory. The problem
was caused by a fault of Scala because it did not automatically delete a text string after a page was
deleted. Obviously, I did not detect the problem because the font was installed on my system and the
programme has been running happily with or without the font.
Thank you all for informing me with the problem.
Although Amiga is the first true Multimedia Personal Computer the OS GUI is getting a bit ancient,
very naff and unprofessional for today's standard. With the new OSes on their way I thought it
would be nice to produce an idea of a good looking multiplayer. Hopefully, it will inspire
talented programmers to work towards the concept. In order to put the total idea across I made up
this working prototype. Most of the system is kind of working ;). You can even play audio CD with
it. Thanks to Stéphane Barbaray for his superb OptyCDPlay and its Arrexx port acting as a
background engine.
About the Author
Qualification: BA(Hons) Industrial Design(Engineering)
Work Experience: 2D/3D design & PC Multimedia authoring using Amiga for most of the
graphical/Video development.
You can contact me via Email:chantao@hotmail.com
Recent Involvement with the Amiga Community
1. Designed/contributed art work for Black Blade's TSotTM (version 1 & 2)
2. Designed/contributed art work for Geosync Media's Star Fighter.
3. Author of Amiwin95.LHA (An Amiga Workbench conversion kit for Win95 environment) can be
downloaded from Aminet under misc/emu.
I don't see any point to make another version of Amideck because it is only a dummy programme,
therefore, the future development of Amideck is entirely in your own capable hands when the
OS5Dev Machine is out. However, if I conceive another idea in the future, I will certainly
construct another prototype and upload it to Aminet.
All mentioned trademarks & archives are subject to their owners including myself of course.
The author can not be held responsible for any damage caused by the use or misuse of this
documentation and/or the programme.
This software package is for free (re)distribution. You are not allowed to change it in any form,
except for compression purposes.
Contents of mus/play/amideck.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 13262 42588 31.1% -lh5- 99b8 Jul 14 1998 amideck/Amideck
[generic] 189 314 60.2% -lh5- f0ef Jan 4 1980 amideck/Amideck+CD30.Scpt
[generic] 3182 39150 8.1% -lh5- 1af3 Aug 26 1998 amideck/Amideck.Scpt
[generic] 326 558 58.4% -lh5- 5b0f Apr 24 1998 amideck/end
[generic] 859 1636 52.5% -lh5- a1d2 Aug 26 1998 amideck/Fonts.info
[generic] 65 74 87.8% -lh5- aa76 Jan 4 1980 amideck/RunMe30
[generic] 1207 2116 57.0% -lh5- f2a7 Jan 5 1980 amideck/ScalaMMPlayer.info
[generic] 951 1710 55.6% -lh5- 8e4f Jan 5 1980 amideck/System.info
[generic] 474 680 69.7% -lh5- e121 May 3 1998 amideck/1234
[generic] 471 680 69.3% -lh5- 1a60 May 3 1998 amideck/1423
[generic] 77879 124316 62.6% -lh5- 53ee Jun 15 1998 amideck/Animrequester
[generic] 84919 120048 70.7% -lh5- f976 Jun 16 1998 amideck/CDMod-closed
[generic] 506 886 57.1% -lh5- 21e4 May 5 1998 amideck/cdrequesterClose
[generic] 744 1496 49.7% -lh5- bde6 May 5 1998 amideck/ModCancel
[generic] 558 782 71.4% -lh5- 03f4 Apr 24 1998 amideck/mode
[generic] 711 1496 47.5% -lh5- 5a84 May 5 1998 amideck/OK
[generic] 541 914 59.2% -lh5- 150e Apr 24 1998 amideck/play
[generic] 951 1710 55.6% -lh5- e250 Jan 5 1980 amideck/Sounds.info
[generic] 513 914 56.1% -lh5- 05da Apr 24 1998 amideck/Stop
[generic] 100589 131080 76.7% -lh5- 3b28 Apr 23 1998 amideck/WB
[generic] 325 558 58.2% -lh5- 1020 May 5 1998 amideck/beginning
[generic] 734 1290 56.9% -lh5- 0370 May 7 1998 amideck/CDButton
[generic] 326 556 58.6% -lh5- df20 Apr 24 1998 amideck/eject
[generic] 545 914 59.6% -lh5- 5570 Apr 24 1998 amideck/file
[generic] 532 788 67.5% -lh5- a030 Apr 24 1998 amideck/iconify
[generic] 4896 14294 34.3% -lh5- 9989 Apr 25 1998 amideck/ModPlayer
[generic] 291 552 52.7% -lh5- ac50 Apr 24 1998 amideck/pause
[generic] 431 628 68.6% -lh5- 1cbe May 4 1998 amideck/pauseLED
[generic] 467 648 72.1% -lh5- 3338 May 4 1998 amideck/PlayLED
[generic] 566 782 72.4% -lh5- 30bf Apr 24 1998 amideck/prefs
[generic] 674 1312 51.4% -lh5- ead9 May 5 1998 amideck/use
[generic] 66901 111006 60.3% -lh5- bb05 Jun 15 1998 amideck/WBAmideck
[generic] 323 558 57.9% -lh5- f20f Apr 24 1998 amideck/backward
[generic] 4260 12850 33.2% -lh5- be48 Apr 25 1998 amideck/CDPlayer
[generic] 1800 5074 35.5% -lh5- d787 Apr 26 1998 amideck/CDPLAYER.SML
[generic] 326 558 58.4% -lh5- 88af Apr 24 1998 amideck/forward
[generic] 3254 11056 29.4% -lh5- 1b72 Apr 30 1998 amideck/MainControl
[generic] 1697 4724 35.9% -lh5- c138 Apr 26 1998 amideck/MODPLAYER.SML
[generic] 15166 28760 52.7% -lh5- 445f Aug 29 1995 amideck/system/scalamm.ifs
[generic] 6939 14964 46.4% -lh5- 9876 Nov 2 1995 amideck/system/scalamm.msg
[generic] 2400 5830 41.2% -lh5- e93e Apr 24 1998 amideck/TopPanel
[generic] 629 1200 52.4% -lh5- 6496 Apr 25 1998 amideck/MainControl.But
[generic] 1855 4638 40.0% -lh5- 5e12 Apr 25 1998 amideck/MainControl.SML
[generic] 481 774 62.1% -lh5- 01b7 Apr 25 1998 amideck/Quit
[generic] 75984 149164 50.9% -lh5- d9af May 2 1998 amideck/ScalaMMPlayer
[generic] 45790 74040 61.8% -lh5- 0295 Aug 29 1995 amideck/system/scalamm.col
[generic] 83447 156944 53.2% -lh5- 1007 Aug 29 1995 amideck/system/scalamm.gfx
[generic] 48669 93580 52.0% -lh5- 93ab Aug 29 1995 amideck/system/scalamm.gui
[generic] 54163 107304 50.5% -lh5- fa73 Aug 29 1995 amideck/system/scalamm.sys
[generic] 622 926 67.2% -lh5- 6e01 Oct 27 1993 amideck/sounds/Click001
[generic] 393 3352 11.7% -lh5- f9e4 Oct 27 1993 amideck/sounds/Click002
[generic] 1424 4662 30.5% -lh5- 80ed Oct 27 1993 amideck/sounds/Click003
[generic] 795 3406 23.3% -lh5- 5a68 Oct 27 1993 amideck/sounds/Click004
[generic] 3440 17310 19.9% -lh5- e584 Oct 27 1993 amideck/sounds/SwitchOff001
[generic] 2271 7018 32.4% -lh5- 2305 Oct 27 1993 amideck/sounds/SwitchOff002
[generic] 2489 9736 25.6% -lh5- 70de Oct 27 1993 amideck/sounds/SwitchOn001
[generic] 4478 13236 33.8% -lh5- db48 Oct 27 1993 amideck/sounds/SwitchOn002
[generic] 190 314 60.5% -lh5- b7ed Jan 4 1980 amideck/Amideck+CD40.Scpt
[generic] 944 1942 48.6% -lh5- 020d Jun 18 1998 amideck/cd/OptyCDPlayer_030.info
[generic] 945 1942 48.7% -lh5- 718e Jun 18 1998 amideck/cd/OptyCDPlayer_060.info
[generic] 90952 90952 100.0% -lh0- 7558 Dec 2 1995 amideck/sounds/FLASHDAN.MOD
[generic] 197774 344332 57.4% -lh5- 26ef Oct 27 1993 amideck/sounds/mod.Calibra
[generic] 3892 13468 28.9% -lh5- bc5d Oct 27 1993 amideck/sounds/SwitchOn003
[generic] 348109 407146 85.5% -lh5- 621c May 4 1998 amideck/wave.anim
[generic] 553 1149 48.1% -lh5- eda9 Jun 18 1998 amideck/cd/Arexx.info
[generic] 2161 3172 68.1% -lh5- f93c Apr 27 1997 amideck/cd/asyncio.library
[generic] 866 1636 52.9% -lh5- dbce Jun 18 1998 amideck/cd/Catalogs.info
[generic] 860 1636 52.6% -lh5- a368 Jun 18 1998 amideck/cd/Gadgets.info
[generic] 609 1542 39.5% -lh5- 040c Jun 18 1998 amideck/cd/Help.info
[generic] 941 1942 48.5% -lh5- fb15 Jun 18 1998 amideck/cd/OptyCDPlayer_040.info
[generic] 874 2156 40.5% -lh5- 1c01 Jun 18 1998 amideck/cd/README_FIRST.info
[generic] 610 1542 39.6% -lh5- 06f2 Jun 18 1998 amideck/cd/Tools.info
[generic] 1354 1792 75.6% -lh5- 7e43 Oct 16 1996 amideck/cd/arexx/Eject.rexx.info
[generic] 1268 1805 70.2% -lh5- 472b May 4 1998 amideck/cd/arexx/FastBack.rexx.info
[generic] 1355 1792 75.6% -lh5- 5dc6 Oct 16 1996 amideck/cd/arexx/Help.rexx.info
[generic] 864 1636 52.8% -lh5- 0789 Jun 18 1998 amideck/cd/DataBase.info
[generic] 32714 68676 47.6% -lh5- 48a4 Sep 7 1997 amideck/cd/OptyCDPlayer_030
[generic] 32421 68392 47.4% -lh5- 37a7 Sep 7 1997 amideck/cd/OptyCDPlayer_040
[generic] 32422 68392 47.4% -lh5- 32f7 Sep 7 1997 amideck/cd/OptyCDPlayer_060
[generic] 1270 1805 70.4% -lh5- 008c May 4 1998 amideck/cd/arexx/FastForward.rexx.info
[generic] 1358 1792 75.8% -lh5- 9168 Oct 16 1996 amideck/cd/arexx/Iconify.rexx.info
[generic] 1388 1824 76.1% -lh5- 9577 Oct 16 1996 amideck/cd/arexx/Info.rexx.info
[generic] 1353 1792 75.5% -lh5- 7e43 Oct 16 1996 amideck/cd/arexx/Next.rexx.info
[generic] 1355 1792 75.6% -lh5- d714 Oct 16 1996 amideck/cd/arexx/PlayPause.rexx.info
[generic] 1355 1792 75.6% -lh5- 3f85 Oct 16 1996 amideck/cd/arexx/PlayTrack.rexx.info
[generic] 75 76 98.7% -lh5- cf38 Oct 18 1996 amideck/cd/arexx/Eject.rexx
[generic] 206 326 63.2% -lh5- c630 Oct 18 1996 amideck/cd/arexx/Help.rexx
[generic] 1354 1792 75.6% -lh5- 7e43 Oct 16 1996 amideck/cd/arexx/Previous.rexx.info
[generic] 1354 1792 75.6% -lh5- 7e43 Oct 16 1996 amideck/cd/arexx/Quit.rexx.info
[generic] 1354 1792 75.6% -lh5- 7e43 Oct 16 1996 amideck/cd/arexx/Stop.rexx.info
[generic] 1354 1792 75.6% -lh5- b9ce Oct 16 1996 amideck/cd/arexx/UnIcon.rexx.info
[generic] 361 831 43.4% -lh5- 9bc6 May 4 1998 amideck/cd/arexx/FastForward.rexx
[generic] 74 74 100.0% -lh0- 901b Oct 18 1996 amideck/cd/arexx/Iconify.rexx
[generic] 257 631 40.7% -lh5- f4b1 Oct 19 1996 amideck/cd/arexx/Info.rexx
[generic] 81 83 97.6% -lh5- acb5 Oct 18 1996 amideck/cd/arexx/Next.rexx
[generic] 83 85 97.6% -lh5- 32af Oct 18 1996 amideck/cd/arexx/PlayPause.rexx
[generic] 122 134 91.0% -lh5- 1993 Oct 18 1996 amideck/cd/arexx/PlayTrack.rexx
[generic] 108 130 83.1% -lh5- d504 Oct 18 1996 amideck/cd/arexx/Previous.rexx
[generic] 363 831 43.7% -lh5- a1a9 May 4 1998 amideck/cd/arexx/FastBack.rexx
[generic] 351 754 46.6% -lh5- 1332 Oct 20 1996 amideck/cd/arexx/Jump.rexx
[generic] 1355 1792 75.6% -lh5- ea0a Oct 19 1996 amideck/cd/arexx/Jump.rexx.info
[generic] 79 79 100.0% -lh0- 9c14 Oct 18 1996 amideck/cd/arexx/Quit.rexx
[generic] 76 76 100.0% -lh0- 4afa Oct 18 1996 amideck/cd/arexx/Stop.rexx
[generic] 76 76 100.0% -lh0- b26e Oct 18 1996 amideck/cd/arexx/UnIcon.rexx
[generic] 137 168 81.5% -lh5- 6a15 Nov 24 1996 amideck/cd/README_FIRST
[generic] 13494 21968 61.4% -lh5- 25a8 Jan 11 1997 amideck/cd/tools/AudioConvert
[generic] 2721 4236 64.2% -lh5- 89c6 Sep 4 1997 amideck/cd/tools/CDIDRepair
[generic] 793 1585 50.0% -lh5- ac8f Sep 4 1997 amideck/cd/tools/CDIDRepair.info
[generic] 150 240 62.5% -lh5- 9a45 Sep 4 1997 amideck/cd/tools/CDIDRepair.lnk
[generic] 3230 5220 61.9% -lh5- a82b Sep 4 1997 amideck/cd/tools/DBConverter
[generic] 213 802 26.6% -lh5- fa85 Nov 23 1996 amideck/cd/tools/DBConverter.info
[generic] 153 242 63.2% -lh5- d8f8 Sep 4 1997 amideck/cd/tools/DBConverter.lnk
[generic] 34817 60328 57.7% -lh5- 49e7 May 21 1997 amideck/cd/tools/MusicIn
[generic] 4410 4410 100.0% -lh0- 5d6d May 24 1997 amideck/cd/tools/PIPE060.lha
[generic] 180 288 62.5% -lh5- bf6a Mar 29 1997 amideck/cd/tools/SaveADP4
[generic] 141 172 82.0% -lh5- 309e May 21 1997 amideck/cd/tools/SaveMPeg
[generic] 79 140 56.4% -lh5- eb72 Mar 21 1994 amideck/cd/tools/tables/1cb0
[generic] 81 145 55.9% -lh5- 4339 Mar 21 1994 amideck/cd/tools/tables/1cb1
[generic] 77 137 56.2% -lh5- 9c61 Mar 21 1994 amideck/cd/tools/tables/1cb2
[generic] 76 134 56.7% -lh5- f832 Aug 29 1995 amideck/cd/tools/tables/1cb4
[generic] 76 132 57.6% -lh5- c2e4 Aug 29 1995 amideck/cd/tools/tables/1cb5
[generic] 73 123 59.3% -lh5- 03f2 Aug 29 1995 amideck/cd/tools/tables/1cb6
[generic] 943 1984 47.5% -lh5- 2b7d Mar 21 1994 amideck/cd/tools/tables/1th0
[generic] 905 1902 47.6% -lh5- 94fb Mar 21 1994 amideck/cd/tools/tables/1th1
[generic] 905 1902 47.6% -lh5- 94fb Mar 21 1994 amideck/cd/tools/tables/1th2
[generic] 1132 3028 37.4% -lh5- f0bc Aug 29 1995 amideck/cd/tools/tables/1th4
[generic] 1137 3028 37.5% -lh5- 7773 Aug 29 1995 amideck/cd/tools/tables/1th5
[generic] 1123 3028 37.1% -lh5- fc7c Aug 29 1995 amideck/cd/tools/tables/1th6
[generic] 87 159 54.7% -lh5- cf25 Mar 21 1994 amideck/cd/tools/tables/2cb0
[generic] 86 157 54.8% -lh5- 4911 Mar 21 1994 amideck/cd/tools/tables/2cb1
[generic] 83 149 55.7% -lh5- b5a9 Mar 21 1994 amideck/cd/tools/tables/2cb2
[generic] 82 144 56.9% -lh5- f196 Aug 29 1995 amideck/cd/tools/tables/2cb4
[generic] 81 144 56.2% -lh5- c0d0 Aug 29 1995 amideck/cd/tools/tables/2cb5
[generic] 77 133 57.9% -lh5- 9070 Aug 29 1995 amideck/cd/tools/tables/2cb6
[generic] 1171 2453 47.7% -lh5- e24a Mar 21 1994 amideck/cd/tools/tables/2th0
[generic] 1133 2375 47.7% -lh5- 0ffe Mar 21 1994 amideck/cd/tools/tables/2th1
[generic] 1202 2476 48.5% -lh5- 4da8 Mar 21 1994 amideck/cd/tools/tables/2th2
[generic] 1396 3700 37.7% -lh5- 4846 Aug 29 1995 amideck/cd/tools/tables/2th4
[generic] 1403 3700 37.9% -lh5- 792b Aug 29 1995 amideck/cd/tools/tables/2th5
[generic] 1401 3700 37.9% -lh5- 75b9 Aug 29 1995 amideck/cd/tools/tables/2th6
[generic] 807 5296 15.2% -lh5- 77fe Mar 21 1994 amideck/cd/tools/tables/absthr_0
[generic] 725 6129 11.8% -lh5- 22dd Mar 21 1994 amideck/cd/tools/tables/absthr_1
[generic] 697 6285 11.1% -lh5- 92e3 Mar 21 1994 amideck/cd/tools/tables/absthr_2
[generic] 1077 4544 23.7% -lh5- 6403 Nov 1 1996 amideck/cd/tools/tables/absthr_3
[generic] 1084 4644 23.3% -lh5- 3952 Nov 1 1996 amideck/cd/tools/tables/absthr_4
[generic] 1084 4644 23.3% -lh5- 3952 Nov 1 1996 amideck/cd/tools/tables/absthr_4.org
[generic] 725 6129 11.8% -lh5- df6e Nov 1 1996 amideck/cd/tools/tables/absthr_4.test
[generic] 1096 4726 23.2% -lh5- dae6 Nov 1 1996 amideck/cd/tools/tables/absthr_5
[generic] 815 4234 19.2% -lh5- 63b4 Mar 21 1994 amideck/cd/tools/tables/alloc_0
[generic] 838 4388 19.1% -lh5- 3e0a Apr 11 1995 amideck/cd/tools/tables/alloc_1
[generic] 256 1094 23.4% -lh5- 5ef5 Mar 21 1994 amideck/cd/tools/tables/alloc_2
[generic] 335 1519 22.1% -lh5- f950 Mar 21 1994 amideck/cd/tools/tables/alloc_3
[generic] 554 2670 20.7% -lh5- 3164 Nov 1 1996 amideck/cd/tools/tables/alloc_4
[generic] 3498 10621 32.9% -lh5- 14b9 Mar 21 1994 amideck/cd/tools/tables/dewindow
[generic] 3244 10621 30.5% -lh5- c83a Mar 21 1994 amideck/cd/tools/tables/enwindow
[generic] 6665 32993 20.2% -lh5- 6dbd Aug 29 1995 amideck/cd/tools/tables/huffcode
[generic] 3726 18948 19.7% -lh5- f74d Aug 11 1994 amideck/cd/tools/tables/huffdec
[generic] 605 1542 39.2% -lh5- 48e1 May 22 1997 amideck/cd/help/Dansk.info
[generic] 593 1542 38.5% -lh5- 9614 May 22 1997 amideck/cd/help/Deutsch.info
[generic] 600 1542 38.9% -lh5- 6018 May 22 1997 amideck/cd/help/English.info
[generic] 604 1542 39.2% -lh5- 1739 May 22 1997 amideck/cd/help/Français.info
[generic] 861 2156 39.9% -lh5- ed82 Oct 18 1997 amideck/cd/help/History.Guide.info
[generic] 603 1542 39.1% -lh5- 8ad6 May 22 1997 amideck/cd/help/Italiano.info
[generic] 10804 55058 19.6% -lh5- ef1a Oct 24 1995 amideck/cd/tools/tables/psy_data
[generic] 11335 28961 39.1% -lh5- b732 Sep 4 1997 amideck/cd/help/dansk/OptyCDPlayer.guide
[generic] 859 2156 39.8% -lh5- 71bc Oct 18 1997 amideck/cd/help/dansk/OptyCDPlayer.guide.info
[generic] 11106 27887 39.8% -lh5- ea2c Sep 18 1997 amideck/cd/help/deutsch/OptyCDPlayer.guide
[generic] 859 2156 39.8% -lh5- 71bc Oct 18 1997 amideck/cd/help/deutsch/OptyCDPlayer.guide.info
[generic] 862 2156 40.0% -lh5- c6c5 Oct 18 1997 amideck/cd/help/Readme.ATO.Guide.info
[generic] 10620 27165 39.1% -lh5- 0a89 Sep 4 1997 amideck/cd/help/english/OptyCDPlayer.guide
[generic] 859 2156 39.8% -lh5- 5d93 Oct 18 1997 amideck/cd/help/english/OptyCDPlayer.guide.info
[generic] 9167 23091 39.7% -lh5- 5eda Sep 4 1997 amideck/cd/help/français/OptyCDPlayer.guide
[generic] 860 2156 39.9% -lh5- 0b49 Oct 18 1997 amideck/cd/help/français/OptyCDPlayer.guide.info
[generic] 6271 15833 39.6% -lh5- b51c Sep 4 1997 amideck/cd/help/History.Guide
[generic] 11679 30452 38.4% -lh5- 8ea8 Sep 4 1997 amideck/cd/help/italiano/OptyCDPlayer.guide
[generic] 860 2156 39.9% -lh5- dce0 Oct 18 1997 amideck/cd/help/italiano/OptyCDPlayer.guide.info
[generic] 12658 30541 41.4% -lh5- 5d2b Sep 4 1997 amideck/cd/help/polski/OptyCDPlayer.guide
[generic] 865 2156 40.1% -lh5- 0cb6 Oct 18 1997 amideck/cd/help/polski/OptyCDPlayer.guide.info
[generic] 11422 30360 37.6% -lh5- becc Sep 4 1997 amideck/cd/help/português-brasil/OptyCDPlayer.guide
[generic] 865 2156 40.1% -lh5- 0cb6 Oct 18 1997 amideck/cd/help/português-brasil/OptyCDPlayer.guide.info
[generic] 12195 31757 38.4% -lh5- f465 Sep 4 1997 amideck/cd/help/português/OptyCDPlayer.guide
[generic] 862 2156 40.0% -lh5- a1ea Oct 18 1997 amideck/cd/help/português/OptyCDPlayer.guide.info
[generic] 248 432 57.4% -lh5- 923a Sep 3 1996 amideck/cd/gadgets/default/Eject.mf0
[generic] 256 432 59.3% -lh5- bff1 Sep 3 1996 amideck/cd/gadgets/default/Eject.mf1
[generic] 265 432 61.3% -lh5- 6528 Sep 3 1996 amideck/cd/gadgets/default/Forward.mf0
[generic] 277 432 64.1% -lh5- 5ae3 Sep 3 1996 amideck/cd/gadgets/default/Forward.mf1
[generic] 7992 17988 44.4% -lh5- 0340 Dec 23 1996 amideck/cd/help/Readme.ATO.Guide
[generic] 257 432 59.5% -lh5- 9f17 Sep 3 1996 amideck/cd/gadgets/default/Next.mf0
[generic] 266 432 61.6% -lh5- df1c Sep 3 1996 amideck/cd/gadgets/default/Next.mf1
[generic] 229 432 53.0% -lh5- ccbf Sep 3 1996 amideck/cd/gadgets/default/Pause.mf0
[generic] 242 432 56.0% -lh5- aec9 Sep 3 1996 amideck/cd/gadgets/default/Pause.mf1
[generic] 260 432 60.2% -lh5- 12bc Sep 3 1996 amideck/cd/gadgets/default/Play.mf0
[generic] 272 432 63.0% -lh5- 96dc Sep 3 1996 amideck/cd/gadgets/default/Play.mf1
[generic] 254 432 58.8% -lh5- e59d Sep 3 1996 amideck/cd/gadgets/default/Prev.mf0
[generic] 266 432 61.6% -lh5- c63f Sep 3 1996 amideck/cd/gadgets/default/Prev.mf1
[generic] 264 432 61.1% -lh5- 1342 Sep 3 1996 amideck/cd/gadgets/default/Rewind.mf0
[generic] 270 432 62.5% -lh5- 2954 Sep 3 1996 amideck/cd/gadgets/default/Rewind.mf1
[generic] 238 432 55.1% -lh5- c815 Sep 3 1996 amideck/cd/gadgets/default/Stop.mf0
[generic] 242 432 56.0% -lh5- 001e Sep 3 1996 amideck/cd/gadgets/default/Stop.mf1
[generic] 159 212 75.0% -lh5- dc31 Oct 9 1996 amideck/cd/gadgets/tiny/Eject.mf0
[generic] 168 212 79.2% -lh5- 2461 Oct 9 1996 amideck/cd/gadgets/tiny/Eject.mf1
[generic] 162 212 76.4% -lh5- f745 Oct 9 1996 amideck/cd/gadgets/tiny/Forward.mf0
[generic] 170 212 80.2% -lh5- 276b Oct 9 1996 amideck/cd/gadgets/tiny/Forward.mf1
[generic] 163 212 76.9% -lh5- 23e1 Oct 9 1996 amideck/cd/gadgets/tiny/Next.mf0
[generic] 171 212 80.7% -lh5- 6edb Oct 9 1996 amideck/cd/gadgets/tiny/Next.mf1
[generic] 166 212 78.3% -lh5- 5626 Oct 9 1996 amideck/cd/gadgets/tiny/Play.mf0
[generic] 165 212 77.8% -lh5- 4ee6 Oct 9 1996 amideck/cd/gadgets/tiny/Play.mf1
[generic] 165 212 77.8% -lh5- 4702 Oct 9 1996 amideck/cd/gadgets/tiny/Prev.mf0
[generic] 165 212 77.8% -lh5- d783 Oct 9 1996 amideck/cd/gadgets/tiny/Prev.mf1
[generic] 170 212 80.2% -lh5- 433a Oct 9 1996 amideck/cd/gadgets/tiny/Rewind.mf0
[generic] 165 212 77.8% -lh5- c47d Oct 9 1996 amideck/cd/gadgets/tiny/Rewind.mf1
[generic] 154 212 72.6% -lh5- 40b3 Oct 9 1996 amideck/cd/gadgets/tiny/Stop.mf0
[generic] 161 212 75.9% -lh5- df80 Oct 9 1996 amideck/cd/gadgets/tiny/Stop.mf1
[generic] 331 564 58.7% -lh5- ba7c May 11 1997 amideck/cd/gadgets/xen-large/Eject.mf0
[generic] 345 586 58.9% -lh5- 9703 May 11 1997 amideck/cd/gadgets/xen-large/Eject.mf1
[generic] 346 556 62.2% -lh5- 3ebe May 11 1997 amideck/cd/gadgets/xen-large/Forward.mf0
[generic] 373 568 65.7% -lh5- 1333 May 11 1997 amideck/cd/gadgets/xen-large/Forward.mf1
[generic] 321 564 56.9% -lh5- 6982 May 11 1997 amideck/cd/gadgets/xen-large/Next.mf0
[generic] 344 570 60.4% -lh5- 6e55 May 11 1997 amideck/cd/gadgets/xen-large/Next.mf1
[generic] 318 556 57.2% -lh5- b152 May 11 1997 amideck/cd/gadgets/xen-large/Play.mf0
[generic] 334 572 58.4% -lh5- af34 May 11 1997 amideck/cd/gadgets/xen-large/Play.mf1
[generic] 336 558 60.2% -lh5- 2a35 May 11 1997 amideck/cd/gadgets/xen-large/Prev.mf0
[generic] 356 582 61.2% -lh5- 35f8 May 11 1997 amideck/cd/gadgets/xen-large/Prev.mf1
[generic] 349 560 62.3% -lh5- 6331 May 11 1997 amideck/cd/gadgets/xen-large/Rewind.mf0
[generic] 383 582 65.8% -lh5- e86f May 11 1997 amideck/cd/gadgets/xen-large/Rewind.mf1
[generic] 252 540 46.7% -lh5- 5f6e May 11 1997 amideck/cd/gadgets/xen-large/Stop.mf0
[generic] 261 556 46.9% -lh5- aa86 May 11 1997 amideck/cd/gadgets/xen-large/Stop.mf1
[generic] 57186 109908 52.0% -lh5- 3ba4 Jun 24 1997 amideck/cd/mui/NList.mcc
[generic] 3235 6808 47.5% -lh5- 0adc Jun 24 1997 amideck/cd/mui/NListview.mcc
[generic] 6943 19272 36.0% -lh5- c856 Jun 24 1997 amideck/cd/mui/NListviews.mcp
[generic] 3532 6604 53.5% -lh5- b5a1 Feb 27 1997 amideck/cd/mui/Pophotkey.mcc
[generic] 5113 15940 32.1% -lh5- 4980 Sep 4 1997 amideck/cd/database/01.db
[generic] 936 1943 48.2% -lh5- 58b9 Oct 27 1996 amideck/cd/icons/OptyCDPlayer0.info
[generic] 1715 2807 61.1% -lh5- a286 Oct 27 1996 amideck/cd/icons/OptyCDPlayer1.info
[generic] 1693 2807 60.3% -lh5- 6fc2 Oct 27 1996 amideck/cd/icons/OptyCDPlayer2.info
[generic] 1673 2807 59.6% -lh5- 493f Oct 27 1996 amideck/cd/icons/OptyCDPlayer3.info
[generic] 5928 13490 43.9% -lh5- 3d68 Sep 21 1997 amideck/cd/OptyCDPlay.readme
[generic] 6482 15428 42.0% -lh5- 61bd Sep 4 1997 amideck/cd/database/02.db
[generic] 18540 43116 43.0% -lh5- 6536 Sep 4 1997 amideck/cd/database/03.db
[generic] 25917 60360 42.9% -lh5- efb1 Sep 4 1997 amideck/cd/database/04.db
[generic] 11997 27978 42.9% -lh5- cefc Sep 4 1997 amideck/cd/database/05.db
[generic] 10741 22440 47.9% -lh5- ed54 Sep 4 1997 amideck/cd/database/06.db
[generic] 8776 18462 47.5% -lh5- aae2 Sep 4 1997 amideck/cd/database/07.db
[generic] 17563 35534 49.4% -lh5- 642f Sep 4 1997 amideck/cd/database/08.db
[generic] 27979 55150 50.7% -lh5- 1599 Sep 4 1997 amideck/cd/database/09.db
[generic] 73765 148298 49.7% -lh5- e4cd Sep 4 1997 amideck/cd/database/10.db
[generic] 59617 117174 50.9% -lh5- bded Sep 4 1997 amideck/cd/database/11.db
[generic] 71862 142034 50.6% -lh5- 9268 Sep 4 1997 amideck/cd/database/12.db
[generic] 39967 79486 50.3% -lh5- 6c57 Sep 4 1997 amideck/cd/database/13.db
[generic] 49099 96386 50.9% -lh5- 5506 Sep 4 1997 amideck/cd/database/14.db
[generic] 38527 75850 50.8% -lh5- c80f Sep 4 1997 amideck/cd/database/15.db
[generic] 51065 103214 49.5% -lh5- aa7e Sep 4 1997 amideck/cd/database/16.db
[generic] 27330 54788 49.9% -lh5- dfa2 Sep 4 1997 amideck/cd/database/17.db
[generic] 44976 93214 48.3% -lh5- 7e0e Sep 4 1997 amideck/cd/database/18.db
[generic] 23616 47018 50.2% -lh5- 1ae5 Sep 4 1997 amideck/cd/database/19.db
[generic] 23788 48210 49.3% -lh5- e0f0 Sep 4 1997 amideck/cd/database/20.db
[generic] 5500 10184 54.0% -lh5- 5b43 Sep 4 1997 amideck/cd/database/21.db
[generic] 5136 9450 54.3% -lh5- 4a3d Sep 4 1997 amideck/cd/database/22.db
[generic] 2385 4182 57.0% -lh5- a138 Sep 4 1997 amideck/cd/database/23.db
[generic] 5535 11608 47.7% -lh5- 87f6 Sep 4 1997 amideck/cd/database/24.db
[generic] 3413 6134 55.6% -lh5- 36a5 Sep 4 1997 amideck/cd/database/25.db
[generic] 3088 5292 58.4% -lh5- 6a3a Sep 4 1997 amideck/cd/database/26.db
[generic] 854 1294 66.0% -lh5- a287 Sep 4 1997 amideck/cd/database/27.db
[generic] 2215 4214 52.6% -lh5- f6f5 Sep 4 1997 amideck/cd/database/28.db
[generic] 2017 4006 50.3% -lh5- 8444 Sep 4 1997 amideck/cd/database/30.db
[generic] 475 720 66.0% -lh5- fe99 Sep 4 1997 amideck/cd/database/31.db
[generic] 451 648 69.6% -lh5- 0ceb Sep 4 1997 amideck/cd/database/32.db
[generic] 1104 1918 57.6% -lh5- beee Sep 4 1997 amideck/cd/database/34.db
[generic] 901 1414 63.7% -lh5- dc57 Sep 4 1997 amideck/cd/database/35.db
[generic] 1174 2324 50.5% -lh5- dee8 Sep 4 1997 amideck/cd/database/36.db
[generic] 102 678 15.0% -lh5- d3f0 Sep 4 1997 amideck/cd/database/38.db
[generic] 107 814 13.1% -lh5- 5ffb Sep 4 1997 amideck/cd/database/46.db
[generic] 956 1530 62.5% -lh5- 9656 Sep 4 1997 amideck/cd/database/49.db
[generic] 647 1256 51.5% -lh5- 7ec4 Sep 4 1997 amideck/cd/database/50.db
[generic] 956 1600 59.8% -lh5- d225 Sep 4 1997 amideck/cd/database/55.db
[generic] 117 992 11.8% -lh5- f882 Sep 4 1997 amideck/cd/database/57.db
[generic] 942 1724 54.6% -lh5- d32a Sep 4 1997 amideck/cd/database/63.db
[generic] 2407 5629 42.8% -lh5- b4c4 Sep 3 1997 amideck/cd/catalogs/aeotina.ct
[generic] 203 308 65.9% -lh5- 686b Sep 4 1997 amideck/cd/database/66.db
[generic] 139 1286 10.8% -lh5- d966 Sep 4 1997 amideck/cd/database/73.db
[generic] 136 1572 8.7% -lh5- a968 Sep 4 1997 amideck/cd/database/91.db
[generic] 500 2098 23.8% -lh5- 98f6 Sep 4 1997 amideck/cd/database/97.db
[generic] 1974 10150 19.4% -lh5- fcdc Sep 4 1997 amideck/cd/database/99.db
[generic] 4 4 100.0% -lh0- 4e0f Sep 4 1997 amideck/cd/database/Infos
[generic] 472 854 55.3% -lh5- 9520 Sep 18 1997 amideck/cd/catalogs/ATO.readme
[generic] 2385 5950 40.1% -lh5- cd5f Sep 3 1997 amideck/cd/catalogs/brazil.ct
[generic] 2412 5823 41.4% -lh5- 2e88 Sep 3 1997 amideck/cd/catalogs/dansk.ct
[generic] 1387 2728 50.8% -lh5- 855b Sep 3 1997 amideck/cd/catalogs/dansk/OptyCDPlayer.catalog
[generic] 2594 6124 42.4% -lh5- 2a8a Sep 18 1997 amideck/cd/catalogs/deutsch.ct
[generic] 1693 3422 49.5% -lh5- 68ba Sep 18 1997 amideck/cd/catalogs/deutsch/OptyCDPlayer.catalog
[generic] 2285 5531 41.3% -lh5- 110a Sep 3 1997 amideck/cd/catalogs/espanol.ct
[generic] 2433 5936 41.0% -lh5- cfad Sep 3 1997 amideck/cd/catalogs/francais.ct
[generic] 1473 2946 50.0% -lh5- 36d3 Sep 3 1997 amideck/cd/catalogs/français/OptyCDPlayer.catalog
[generic] 2616 5854 44.7% -lh5- 46f7 Sep 3 1997 amideck/cd/catalogs/greek.ct
[generic] 1391 2886 48.2% -lh5- 7ef0 Sep 3 1997 amideck/cd/catalogs/italiano/OptyCDPlayer.catalog
[generic] 2378 5955 39.9% -lh5- d122 Sep 3 1997 amideck/cd/catalogs/italiano.ct
[generic] 2348 5772 40.7% -lh5- 6369 Sep 3 1997 amideck/cd/catalogs/norsk.ct
[generic] 1541 4524 34.1% -lh5- baf8 Sep 3 1997 amideck/cd/catalogs/OptyCDPlayer.cd
[generic] 1541 4114 37.5% -lh5- 0b35 Sep 3 1997 amideck/cd/catalogs/OptyCDPlayer.ct
[generic] 2557 6029 42.4% -lh5- ed57 Sep 18 1997 amideck/cd/catalogs/polski.ct
[generic] 1571 3156 49.8% -lh5- 95a0 Sep 18 1997 amideck/cd/catalogs/polski/OptyCDPlayer.catalog
[generic] 2496 6156 40.5% -lh5- f63c Sep 3 1997 amideck/cd/catalogs/portugues.ct
[generic] 1421 2926 48.6% -lh5- ed71 Sep 3 1997 amideck/cd/catalogs/português-brasil/OptyCDPlayer.catalog
[generic] 1643 3434 47.8% -lh5- 0ff2 Sep 3 1997 amideck/cd/catalogs/português/OptyCDPlayer.catalog
[generic] 1088 2004 54.3% -lh5- fb71 May 20 1997 amideck/cd/catalogs/ReadME.PL
[generic] 2377 5582 42.6% -lh5- 8e1a Sep 3 1997 amideck/cd/catalogs/slovak.ct
[generic] 79005 129900 60.8% -lh5- 3ac9 Jun 15 1998 amideck/Amp-Closed
[generic] 86562 128940 67.1% -lh5- efdd Jun 15 1998 amideck/AmpCD-Closed
[generic] 750 1324 56.6% -lh5- f97d May 5 1998 amideck/cancel
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[generic] 2321 5682 40.8% -lh5- 815a Sep 3 1997 amideck/cd/catalogs/svenska.ct
[generic] 1323 2626 50.4% -lh5- 1e44 Sep 3 1997 amideck/cd/catalogs/svenska/OptyCDPlayer.catalog
[generic] 304 532 57.1% -lh5- 9939 May 4 1998 amideck/cd/OptyCDPlayer.cfg
[generic] 327 558 58.6% -lh5- ec6c May 5 1998 amideck/next
[generic] 86276 127774 67.5% -lh5- ec61 Jun 15 1998 amideck/AmpMod-Closed
[generic] 862 1278 67.4% -lh5- f0bd May 7 1998 amideck/Animrequester2
[generic] 75678 115742 65.4% -lh5- fcce Jun 16 1998 amideck/CD-Closed
[generic] 549 1178 46.6% -lh5- 2c92 May 7 1998 amideck/Film.But
[generic] 84076 133986 62.7% -lh5- edbb May 2 1998 amideck/Main-Iconified
[generic] 89827 133068 67.5% -lh5- cade May 2 1998 amideck/MainCD-Iconified
[generic] 88840 131238 67.7% -lh5- e67c May 2 1998 amideck/MainMod-Iconified
[generic] 75286 114540 65.7% -lh5- 0bb0 Jun 16 1998 amideck/Mod-Closed
[generic] 835 1340 62.3% -lh5- c7e7 May 7 1998 amideck/modrequester2
[generic] 93586 129660 72.2% -lh5- fbaa May 2 1998 amideck/All-Iconified
[generic] 188 314 59.9% -lh5- f5ec Jan 4 1980 amideck/Amideck+CD60.Scpt
[generic] 94372 127212 74.2% -lh5- 021e Jun 16 1998 amideck/CDMODAMP-Closed
[generic] 18989 43388 43.8% -lh5- 8c19 May 5 1998 amideck/cdrequester
[generic] 637 1254 50.8% -lh5- c2a9 May 7 1998 amideck/Mod.But
[generic] 76154 124492 61.2% -lh5- a9fc Jun 16 1998 amideck/modrequester
[generic] 14618 22604 64.7% -lh5- 5ba8 Apr 24 1998 amideck/requester
[generic] 66 74 89.2% -lh5- 6a00 Jan 4 1980 amideck/RunMe40
[generic] 1181 5676 20.8% -lh5- ce04 Jan 5 1980 amideck/RunMe40.info
[generic] 66 74 89.2% -lh5- aa23 Jan 4 1980 amideck/RunMe60
[generic] 822 1369 60.0% -lh5- d479 Jan 5 1980 amideck/Amideck.Doc.info
[generic] 859 1636 52.5% -lh5- 689b Jan 5 1980 amideck/CD.info
[generic] 1067 1452 73.5% -lh5- 5096 Jul 6 1994 amideck/IconX
[generic] 1099 2214 49.6% -lh5- abea Aug 26 1998 amideck/Read Me First
[generic] 781 1239 63.0% -lh5- ddd3 Jan 5 1980 amideck/Read Me First.info
[generic] 1177 5676 20.7% -lh5- 8d36 Jan 5 1980 amideck/RunMe30.info
[generic] 1179 5676 20.8% -lh5- c357 Jan 5 1980 amideck/RunMe60.info
[generic] 91691 154140 59.5% -lh5- 3121 Jun 16 1998 amideck/WBVideo
[generic] 603691 793860 76.0% -lh5- dbb0 Jun 16 1998 amideck/WBVideo.anim
[generic] 2210 4584 48.2% -lh5- 9af1 Aug 26 1998 Amideck.Doc
[generic] 821 1369 60.0% -lh5- c4c7 Aug 26 1998 Amideck.Doc.info
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Total 344 files 4224530 7200456 58.7% Aug 28 1998
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