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Short:A preview for an upcoming film
Author:Floyd Diebel
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 Title : "X Does Not Equal X Preview 1"
  Date : Final cut 25 March 2001
Format : 16mm b&w
   TRT : 00:35
 Notes : Shot with an Arriflex 16BL on Ilford HP5 film stock

This is a short, *really short* trailer for our upcoming 22 minute film 
title "X Does Not Equal X".  More info is available at the film's

It was cut on an A4000 w/Newtek Flyer, and all the music and audio was 
done using Audiolabs' ProStationAudio for AmigaOS.  For information, 
check out their website.

Official AudioLabs website :
                 US mirror :
           US support site :

Enjoy, and let me know what you think!

Produced & Directed by Stephen Chuchel
Written & Photographed by Floyd Diebel

The Cast

Emmet Walsh		John Ayers
Morgan			Katherine Knickerbocker
Turner			Jim Oliver
Charles Lindsay		Thomas Martin
Young Girl		Sadie Rex

The Voice of 
Benevolent Tyranny	Susannah Martin
Radio Announcer		Matthew Gallagher
Gallery Population	Anthony Avery
			Ernie Ayers
			Connie Boone
			Peter S. Caminiti
			Daniel 'Skidmark' Clark
			Ella Cross
			Lamarr V. Daniels
			Carroll J Fossum
			Jennifer Hageman
			Maya Juarez
			Eva Kim
			Jowe Chuong H Le
			Susannah Martin
			Sherry McKennee
			Suzanne Ness
			Tuan Thanh Nguyen
			Skye Newcross
			Anna Pavao
			Rebecca Russ
			Jason Stevens
			Geno Vasco
			Margo Vasco
			Pheonix Vaughn

The Crew

Associate Producer	Thomas Martin
Assistant Producer	Jim Henderson
Wardrobe & Makeup	Ella Cross
Continuity		Matt Gallgher
			Tanisha White
Music			Edward Stallman
Film & Audio Editor	Floyd Diebel
Foley Artists		Thomas Martin
			Floyd Diebel

Assistant Directors	Jim Henderson
			Chris Brita
Camera Operator		Logan Five
1st Assistant Camera	Casey Jahn
2nd Assistant Cameras	Thomas Martin
			Jeff Kasco
			Benjamin Tuttle
Focus Puller 		Paul Silmaro
Clapper			Nicole Mosbacher
Gaffer			Kerry Sweeny
Key Grip		Jim 'PigPen' Szutowicz
Grips			Tony Brown
			Ken Waller
			Jimbo Weaver
Dolly Grip		Tony Brown
Sound Recordists	Chip Conrad
			Kier Anderson
Boom Op			Tony Brown
Fork Lift Operator	Jim Fletter
Catering		Suzanne Ness

2nd Unit
Camera Operator		Francis Seven
Assistant Director	John Coyne
Gaffer			James Truesdale
2nd Assistant Fork 
Lift Operator		Sarah Granett

Thank You

John Chuchel
Charles Pomares
Katherine Lucas
Suriya Kumnertsena
Starbuck's Sacramento
Rex Cycles
Leon Corcos
1st Unit - San Francisco
Trent Levinson
Ellen Juarez
Crest Theater - Sacramento
Sid Garcia-Heberger
Steve, Peggy & Charlie Rex
Charlie Holiday
Jim & Cathy Fletter
Gary, Paula, Agnus & Denise
AudioLabs - Alassio, Italia

Cameras by Arnold & Richter K.G.
Film by Ilford UK
Processing by Fotokem
Digital Audio Workstation by AudioLabs Italia
Postproduction by EMRL, Northern California

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