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Directory Opus has Toolbaricons at the top of each
lister which are extremely useful. The only downpoint is
that they are Magic Workbench icons and no NewIcons exist
as a replacement. So after I had drawn a complete set of
NewIcons for DOpus, I descided to draw Toolbar NewIcons.
These icons are in the NI4 standard with the same colours
and style. They are also exactly the same size as the
old mwb icons, and so should integrate into your listers
with ease. I have also setup a toolbar - ToolBarNI_Default
which is an exact replacement for toolbar_default, so if
you use the standard toolbar you can easily switch to my
Newicons without having to do any work!
If you like the NewIcons which come with the archive, you
can find a complete set of DOpus Newicons on aminet:
Thanks go to the people on #amiga for their support and ideas.
Particular thanks goes to Aes (NI artist) for his ideas and
suggestions, and all the other people who keep hassling me
to finish and upload the icons!
This upload is email-ware. That is if you use it, you are kindly
asked to email the author (cs95abt@brunel.ac.uk) to say how
you are using it, what you think of it, any suggestions you may
have and if you find any errors, even if you've emailed the
author before!
If you have any ideas of work I can do, let me know.
This way I can see how many people are using it and hence if
its worth improving and doing more work.
I don't ask or expect any registration money or gifts, just one
email. Mind you, I wouldn't say no ;]
Ash Thomas (Dr_Ash on IRC)
Contents of pix/nicon/DOpusTBar.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 1153 1753 65.8% -lh5- fc9e Oct 27 1997 DOpusTBar.info
[generic] 897 1759 51.0% -lh5- 61ea Oct 27 1997 DOpusTBar/DOpusTBar.readme
[generic] 813 1364 59.6% -lh5- 9eeb Oct 27 1997 DOpusTBar/DOpusTBar.readme.info
[generic] 548 1131 48.5% -lh5- 54c7 Oct 12 1997 DOpusTBar/Installation
[generic] 776 1234 62.9% -lh5- 48e2 Oct 27 1997 DOpusTBar/Installation.info
[generic] 1012 1750 57.8% -lh5- 3207 Oct 27 1997 DOpusTBar/NewIcons.info
[generic] 419 676 62.0% -lh5- b45a Oct 10 1997 DOpusTBar/NewIcons/All.info
[generic] 394 668 59.0% -lh5- 4943 Oct 10 1997 DOpusTBar/NewIcons/CacheList.info
[generic] 397 670 59.3% -lh5- b50d Oct 10 1997 DOpusTBar/NewIcons/Comment.info
[generic] 436 670 65.1% -lh5- 2add Oct 10 1997 DOpusTBar/NewIcons/Copy.info
[generic] 437 670 65.2% -lh5- 0500 Oct 10 1997 DOpusTBar/NewIcons/CopyAs.info
[generic] 465 802 58.0% -lh5- e2fa Oct 10 1997 DOpusTBar/NewIcons/DateStamp.info
[generic] 440 808 54.5% -lh5- b058 Oct 10 1997 DOpusTBar/NewIcons/Delete.info
[generic] 395 668 59.1% -lh5- 3718 Oct 10 1997 DOpusTBar/NewIcons/DeviceList.info
[generic] 485 802 60.5% -lh5- 802c Oct 10 1997 DOpusTBar/NewIcons/FindFile.info
[generic] 407 676 60.2% -lh5- 8955 Oct 10 1997 DOpusTBar/NewIcons/GetSizes.info
[generic] 568 819 69.4% -lh5- 3232 Oct 10 1997 DOpusTBar/NewIcons/MakeDir.info
[generic] 426 676 63.0% -lh5- 59e6 Oct 10 1997 DOpusTBar/NewIcons/Move.info
[generic] 435 676 64.3% -lh5- fe9b Oct 10 1997 DOpusTBar/NewIcons/MoveAs.info
[generic] 454 672 67.6% -lh5- e8fb Oct 10 1997 DOpusTBar/NewIcons/None.info
[generic] 441 682 64.7% -lh5- b5d1 Oct 10 1997 DOpusTBar/NewIcons/Parent.info
[generic] 426 682 62.5% -lh5- 5b88 Oct 10 1997 DOpusTBar/NewIcons/Play.info
[generic] 477 802 59.5% -lh5- 240e Oct 10 1997 DOpusTBar/NewIcons/Protect.info
[generic] 383 670 57.2% -lh5- fa20 Oct 10 1997 DOpusTBar/NewIcons/Rename.info
[generic] 503 802 62.7% -lh5- 0f86 Oct 10 1997 DOpusTBar/NewIcons/Root.info
[generic] 431 676 63.8% -lh5- f818 Oct 10 1997 DOpusTBar/NewIcons/Select.info
[generic] 544 830 65.5% -lh5- 1491 Oct 10 1997 DOpusTBar/NewIcons/Show.info
[generic] 428 676 63.3% -lh5- e98e Oct 10 1997 DOpusTBar/NewIcons/Toggle.info
[generic] 581 1272 45.7% -lh5- 6c40 Oct 10 1997 DOpusTBar/NewIcons/ToolBarArrow.Image
[generic] 479 843 56.8% -lh5- 2104 Oct 10 1997 DOpusTBar/NewIcons/ToolBarArrow.Image.info
[generic] 42265 84058 50.3% -lh5- d45f Oct 12 1997 DOpusTBar/Preview
[generic] 1071 1743 61.4% -lh5- 3c89 Oct 27 1997 DOpusTBar/Preview.info
[generic] 452 2322 19.5% -lh5- 236e Oct 2 1997 DOpusTBar/ToolBarNI_Ash
[generic] 1261 1670 75.5% -lh5- 68ad Oct 27 1997 DOpusTBar/ToolBarNI_Ash.info
[generic] 462 2040 22.6% -lh5- a774 Oct 2 1997 DOpusTBar/ToolBarNI_Default
[generic] 1265 1670 75.7% -lh5- a83f Oct 27 1997 DOpusTBar/ToolBarNI_Default.info
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 36 files 62826 120382 52.2% Oct 28 1997
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