84781 packages online
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============================= Archive contents =============================
Original Packed Ratio Date Time Name
-------- ------- ----- --------- -------- -------------
125002 94483 24.4% 17-Jul-94 22:17:40 Tile050
144158 76550 46.8% 17-Jul-94 22:17:40 Tile051
203704 193825 4.8% 17-Jul-94 22:17:40 Tile052
200992 187027 6.9% 17-Jul-94 22:17:40 Tile053
171436 139005 18.9% 17-Jul-94 22:17:40 Tile054
148936 80710 45.8% 17-Jul-94 22:17:40 Tile055
137004 121753 11.1% 17-Jul-94 22:17:40 Tile056
146774 95524 34.9% 17-Jul-94 22:17:40 Tile057
183672 165249 10.0% 17-Jul-94 22:17:40 Tile058
182544 111013 39.1% 17-Jul-94 22:17:40 Tile059
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------
1644222 1265139 23.0% 01-May-96 13:59:38 10 files
Contents of pix/textu/Tile05x.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 94483 125002 75.6% -lh5- 70ba Jul 17 1994 Tile050
[generic] 76550 144158 53.1% -lh5- ec12 Jul 17 1994 Tile051
[generic] 193825 203704 95.2% -lh5- 3d12 Jul 17 1994 Tile052
[generic] 187027 200992 93.1% -lh5- 7bc6 Jul 17 1994 Tile053
[generic] 139005 171436 81.1% -lh5- 60f0 Jul 17 1994 Tile054
[generic] 80710 148936 54.2% -lh5- 8d25 Jul 17 1994 Tile055
[generic] 121753 137004 88.9% -lh5- ae2d Jul 17 1994 Tile056
[generic] 95524 146774 65.1% -lh5- 787f Jul 17 1994 Tile057
[generic] 165249 183672 90.0% -lh5- ceee Jul 17 1994 Tile058
[generic] 111013 182544 60.8% -lh5- 4ab9 Jul 17 1994 Tile059
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 10 files 1265139 1644222 76.9% Dec 25 1997
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