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pix/theme/deathcons_os4theme.lha |
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Deathcon's Theme for AmigaOS4(tm)
This theme was built from various graphic components found
on the Internet (authors unknown - sorry), by a good friend of mine.
It is called DeathconsTheme because that is the handle he usually goes by. :)
After I featured this theme in screenshots of the release of
The SDK Browser v1.0.0.0, I kept getting several requests
to make it available. So here it is! :-)
Deathcon was nice enough to give me all the graphic pieces
he used and screenshots of the preference panels so I could
duplicate his settings. After a bit of minor adjustments,
I wrapped it all up into an actual "AmigaOS4(tm) Theme".
To Install:
Unpack this archive into SYS:Prefs/Presets/Default/
Double-click on the "DeathconsTheme" icon to activate it.
If everything works OK you can then Double-click on the "Save Theme"
icon to have these settings reloaded by default after a reboot.
NOTE: Due do some strange behavior with the current pre-release
of OS4 you may be prompted to reassign SYS: to the boot
disk (Workbench), where it is already assigned. I don't
know why this is, but if the problem persists then adjust
the GUI and WBPattern Prefs to use your boot drive by name.
(Simply hitting the Getfile gadget to reselect the same gfx
will do this automatically.)
Jamie Krueger
BITbyBIT Software Group LLC
Empowering Amiga(tm) Developers!
Contents of pix/theme/deathcons_os4theme.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 66 69 95.7% -lh5- 0a6c Jun 9 20:17 DeathconsTheme
[generic] 4580 6705 68.3% -lh5- 38fd Jun 9 19:46 DeathconsTheme.info
[generic] 954 15072 6.3% -lh5- e06f Aug 5 2004 DeathconsTheme.preset/borders/activewindow/MagicMenuBack
[generic] 58722 895614 6.6% -lh5- cbe7 Aug 5 2004 DeathconsTheme.preset/borders/act_win_title_border/Active
[generic] 954 15072 6.3% -lh5- e06f Aug 5 2004 DeathconsTheme.preset/borders/inactivewindow/MagicMenuBack
[generic] 33233 890614 3.7% -lh5- 6ad6 Aug 5 2004 DeathconsTheme.preset/borders/inact_win_title_border/InActive
[generic] 30751 30751 100.0% -lh0- 2dc3 Dec 20 2004 DeathconsTheme.preset/borders/titlebar/WBtitle004.jpg
[generic] 123 518 23.7% -lh5- 18fb Jun 9 21:58 DeathconsTheme.preset/font.prefs
[generic] 17486 17486 100.0% -lh0- 9285 Jul 16 2004 DeathconsTheme.preset/gadgets/background/lrock044.gif
[generic] 14408 14408 100.0% -lh0- c23b Jul 16 2004 DeathconsTheme.preset/gadgets/menus/lrock059.jpg
[generic] 633 7554 8.4% -lh5- df5a Jun 10 00:39 DeathconsTheme.preset/gui.prefs
[generic] 595 1474 40.4% -lh5- 8bb1 Jun 9 20:07 DeathconsTheme.preset/palette.prefs
[generic] 289 894 32.3% -lh5- 12c4 Jun 9 20:07 DeathconsTheme.preset/pointer.prefs
[generic] 46 78 59.0% -lh5- 7d88 Jun 9 20:07 DeathconsTheme.preset/PopupMenu.prefs
[generic] 211 720 29.3% -lh5- a9fe Jun 9 20:08 DeathconsTheme.preset/screens.prefs
[generic] 781368 781368 100.0% -lh0- 281c Dec 20 2004 DeathconsTheme.preset/wbpatt/Combustion_1280x1024_001.png
[generic] 67031 67031 100.0% -lh0- 956f Jun 10 00:29 DeathconsTheme.preset/wbpatt/desert3.jpg
[generic] 170 376 45.2% -lh5- 0cb6 Jun 10 00:51 DeathconsTheme.preset/wbpattern.prefs
[generic] 191 290 65.9% -lh5- 573c Jun 10 00:39 DeathconsTheme.preset/workbench.prefs
[generic] 612 1091 56.1% -lh5- 0ca3 Jun 10 01:17 readme
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 20 files 1012423 2747185 36.9% Jun 21 00:06
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