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CedFix - 1996 by Francesco Doro (fdoro@gpnet.it)
*** Introduction
CygnusEd has a problem when it is opened on a CyberGraphics screen: the
scrollbar makes strange effects on the cursor and one or more fake cursors
appear when text is scrolled with it. It seems this happens with all
graphics boards except for CyberVision. This small bug can be very
annoying and can discourage to use this amazing editor on a CyberGraphics
screen. CedFix solves this problem.
CedFix works with CygnusEd Professional v3.5c (the one included with the
magazine Amiga Computing 11/95); it should work also with version 3.5. If
you don't use CED or CyberGraphics or you use another CED version or the
problem doesn't exists with your system you don't need CedFix.
*** Installation & usage
Drag CedFix to the WBStartup drawer or copy the executable to C: and add
to User-Startup a line like "C:CedFix".
*** Details
CedFix patches the ScrollRaster function of graphics.library; before
calling the ScrollRaster, the patch calls a CED's routine that clears the
cursor. After ScrollRaster finishes the CED's code is called again so the
cursor reappears. When the text is scrolled with the scrollbar the cursor
is a bit flickering but the general effect is acceptable. The patch checks
carefully whether the function is really called by CED but the overhead for
this check is almost null and so is the slowdown of the scroll. If not
called by CED the patch does absolutely nothing so the ScrollRaster isn't
really modified; for this reason this fix can't work for other programs
that have similar problems.
*** Copyright
CedFix is Public Domain. You use it at your own risk.
*** Thanks to
Niels Knoop for idea, testing and icons.
Contents of text/edit/CedFix.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ ----------
[generic] 478 945 50.6% -lh5- 8c6a Jul 14 1996 CedFix.info
[generic] 513 740 69.3% -lh5- cc11 Jul 14 1996 CedFix/CedFix
[generic] 428 822 52.1% -lh5- 993b Jul 14 1996 CedFix/CedFix.info
[generic] 952 1899 50.1% -lh5- bb17 Jul 16 1996 CedFix/CedFix.readme
[generic] 352 840 41.9% -lh5- 2a1c Jul 14 1996 CedFix/CedFix.readme.info
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ ----------
Total 5 files 2723 5246 51.9% Jul 16 1996
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