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Short:Programmable Texteditor for PC + Amiga
Author:Rick Stiles
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Download:text/edit/Uedit4k2.lha - View contents

Its the free Version 4.2 Update (v4k2/1995) with
the Version 4.0 (Shareware/1992) from Fish disks.

Look in the archive directory. Source include.


This archive contains an UPDATE to Uedit release 4.0 -- the release that Rick
Stiles placed into the public domain, and was distributed on Fish disks 768,
769, and 770 after his untimely death.  THIS IS NOT A COMPLETE UEDIT PACKAGE;
also need disk 769 if you want to use the spell checker or want the C source.
It contains material to be combined with that distribution.  It includes a
new version of the Uedit executable itself, but this is of little use without
the support files.  It includes source code in the form of "context diffs"
relative to the source on Fish disk 769.  Like Uedit 4.0 itself, this update
is in the public domain.

This new version is called release "4K2".  It is a further upgrade of a
previous version called release "4K1".  Version numbers containing a K
instead of a decimal point denote Uedit versions created by Paul Kienitz.  It
contains very few new features: it is almost purely an attempt to create a
more thoroughly debugged version of Uedit 4.0, which had several problems.
The two significant new features are that it now detaches from the CLI so you
no longer have to start it with a "Run" command, and it has a method, crude
but adequate, for specifying an alternate video mode to use for the display.

There are also several improved versions of keys in the standard config
files.  They are contained in several text files, each containing a related
group of keys in a specific category.  You can use any or all of them in your
config, leaving most of it unchanged.

There are two changes that cause significant compatibility trouble.  Each of
them requires, for most users, making some substantial adjustments to your
Uedit setup.  One has to do with the syntax of menus, the other with using
"U:" instead of "S:" as the directory for Uedit's support files.

                          Use of U: instead of S:

Previously, using "U:" instead of "S:" was an option.  If you wanted to keep
all those files out of your crowded S: directory, you used a small patch
program called "S-U" which patched the Uedit executable.  Version 4K2 comes
already patched; it expects the name U: to be assigned to some directory
where it can find files such as "Data!", "", the "Config!"  files
if it needs to compile them, and so on.  If you have already used the S-U
patch program, this change will not affect you.  Or if you have these files
in S: and simply want to get Uedit 4K2 up and running with a minimum of
trouble, you can just add the line "Assign U: S:" to your S:User-Startup
script.  Otherwise you will need to move files around.

Note: if you have version 4K1, no further changes need to be made for 4K2.
It should accept a 4K1 config with no changes and no need to recompile.

There are two steps to this procedure.  One is to create a new directory for
the files, add a line to S:User-Startup assigning U: to that directory, and
move every Uedit support file, including "Help!" and "REXXCOMM" and
"Directories" and "Key-Help", and those mentioned in the previous paragraph,
and perhaps others depending on your setup, to the new directory.  The other
step is to go through your Config! files (including Config!A through
Config!Z) and replace all references to S: with references to U: with a
search and replace.

    Search for the string:  "S:
       (that is, a quote character, the letter S, and a colon)
    And replace it with:    "U:
       (a quote character, a U, and a colon).

Then change the line that starts "<S:Key-Help>", in the config defaults near
the beginning of the file "Config!", to use U: instead of S:.  Then, when the
configuration is recompiled (which Uedit 4K2 will try to do as soon as you
run it), the change will be complete.

                      New (old) menu function syntax:

The other change affecting compatibility, which needs to be made before you
can compile the configuration, is in the specification of menus in the
startup key, in the file "Config!".  The syntax of the menu(), subMenu(),
checkedMenu(), and checkedSubMenu() functions has been simplified slightly,
and the width of the strings used by the menus has been increased from 17
characters to 22.

One of the late changes Rick Stiles made in Uedit was the addition of a new
second argument to the menu functions, specifying an alternate string which
would show in the place of the menu item's usual text, when the mouse is
highlighting that item.  That is, when normally an item would reverse colors
as the mouse passes over it, moving up or down the menu, it could instead
momentarily display an alternate text.  This feature is stupid, so I removed
it.  The syntax of the menu functions is now as it was in older Uedit
            menu(D, N, C)
         subMenu(D, N, C)
     checkedMenu(D, N, C, F)
  checkedSubMenu(D, N, C, F)
      D: literal -- text that appears in the menu
      N: list 10 -- menu number, counting from the left
      C: list 10 -- command key corresponding to this item
      F: list 13 -- flag that determines whether checkmark is present

When Uedit 3.0 was released, those with older versions had to go through
their startup key definition in the file "Config!", and add a second argument
consisting of an empty pair of quotes to every menu function.  With Uedit
4K2, you have to take those useless second arguments back out again.  The
simplest way to do this is with another search and replace in "Config!".

    Search for the string:  ","",
       (a quote character, a comma, two more quotes, and another comma)
    And replace it with:    ",
       (a quote character and a comma).

If there are any menu functions that actually use the second argument, so
that there is a string between those two quotes instead of them just having
nothing between them, then you will have to fix those cases manually.  If you
miss any, Uedit will flash the screen and leave the cursor at the error when
compiling the startup key.  You can then fix it and recompile.

The default Config! file contains a few cases of the second argument being
used.  One is the "About" item in the "Files" menu (that's menu number 1),
two others are the "Local modes" and "Global modes" items in the "Modes" menu
(number 5).  Simply erase the second string after the comma, along with its
enclosing quotes and the extra comma that goes with it.  Most people's
configurations will probably not have any other instances.

If you are using the vanilla Uedit configuration or something very close to
it, you can simply replace the startup key definition entirely with the new
version that is included with this distribution, in the file called
"Startup-Key.UE".  Simply erase the startup definition, containing all the
menu functions and nameBuffer() functions, from your Config! file, and insert
the file "Startup-Key.UE" in the same place.  It contains the standard menu
definitions with the extra string arguments removed, and also with the
strings lengthened by five characters to fit the new widened menu size: 22
characters instead of 17.  Also, all menu items with submenus have a colon
character on the end of their name, just to make it more visibly recognizable.

If you have a menu configuration that is not much different from the standard
one, you can use the one provided in the file "Startup-Key.UE" and make
changes where necessary.  But if you have a substantially customized set of
menus, then you'll have to modify the menu functions by hand.  Each label
string (the first argument of each menu function) should be lengthened by
five characters.  I recommend that two of the five added characters be spaces
at each end, so as not to crowd the text against the edges of the menu
rectangles.  This process can be automated, to a large extent, with the
following function:

Pad all following menu item strings with five extra spaces
    while (nothing) {
        if (!search(curfile, sinvert, einvert, 1)) {
        movecursor(curfile, einvert)
        loctocol(curfile, n0, atcursor)
        while (movecursor(curfile, echar) & !is(curfile, "\""))
            if (is(curfile, eline))
                goto label(0)
        loctocol(curfile, n1, atcursor)
        sub(n1, n1, 17)
        if (gtnum(n0, n1))                      .. avoid top-level menu names
            goto label(0)
        sub(n1, n1, 6)                          .. avoid if already long
        if (genum(n1, n0))
            goto label(0)
        equateloc(curfile, sinvert, atcursor)   .. invert region is backwards
        insertchar(curfile, " ")                .. margin at right edge
        movecursor(curfile, schar)
        movecursor(curfile, schar)
        while (gtloc(curfile, atcursor, einvert) & !is(curfile, " "))
            movecursor(curfile, schar)
        insertchar(curfile, " ")                .. pad before key name,
        insertchar(curfile, " ")                .. with any luck
        insertchar(curfile, " ")
        movecursor(curfile, einvert)
        insertchar(curfile, " ")                .. margin at left edge

Just compile the above with F6, place the cursor at the beginning of your
startup key definition, and press the spacebar with the shift and alt keys
held down.  This will give each menu item a one character margin at each end,
and a padding of three spaces in the middle.  It will not remove the second
string argument if it is still present -- that has to be done separately, as
explained above.  In most cases, the three spaces added for padding will be
added just before the command key name, if any.

You should then look through the list of menu definitions to spot anything
that looks wrong.  There may be occasional items where the three spaces in
the middle get added in the wrong place, for example the "Bracket hilite"
item in the standard config, which has no space before the key name, or the
unused "Directory utility" item.  At this time you may also wish to take
advantage of the extra space to lengthen some of the abbreviations that were
used in the shorter strings, to make the menu item descriptions clearer.  You
can use overstrike mode, and turn things like "Replace fwd" into "Replace
forward", or "Load & Run" into "Load & Run learn", and so on.  This whole
process may seem rather tedious, but in the end you will have menus that are
more readable and easier on the eye.

If you do not lengthen the menu descriptions, the program will run okay; the
menus will just look funny with a five character right margin.

                         Screen mode specification:

Uedit 4K2 has a method of specifying which video display mode its intuition
screen should use.  It does NOT support the ASL screenmode requester,
however; it accepts screen mode specifications only in raw numeric form.  How
do you select an appropriate number?  By using the small public domain
program "ScreenModes" which is included with Uedit 4K2.  When run from a CLI
prompt, it lists all of the available display modes that Uedit can use.  You
can redirect its output to a file with "ScreenModes > t:foo" or a similar
command, or load its output into a Uedit buffer by running the ScreenModes
command with Uedit's ctl-Z AmigaDOS function.

This list shows only display modes that are suitable for Workbench use,
excluding exotic modes such as HAM, extra-halfbrite, dual playfield, and so
forth.  Only Workbench-compatible modes should be used with Uedit.  The list
shows the nominal resolution (not including overscan) of each mode along with
its name, after the hexadecimal mode ID number.  For instance, one line reads:

 00029004:  640 × 512   PAL:High Res Laced

This line tells us that if you want to run Uedit on a PAL screen, assuming
this is not the default for your system, the mode ID to use would be the
hexadecimal value 00029004.  Another line, on ECS systems, reads:

 00039024:  640 × 480   MULTISCAN:Productivity

This tells us that the value 00039024 will create a productivity mode screen.
Besides avoiding ID numbers not listed by this program, you should also avoid
superhires modes.  Uedit is still limited to a maximum screen width of 1064
pixels, and these modes have a minimum width of 1280 pixels.  So if you use
such a mode, you will have a big empty space at the right side of the screen.

How do you tell Uedit about this number?  There are two ways.  One is with
the command language.  There is a new numeric variable (list 10) called
"modeID".  In a command language function, you can use functions such as
"equateNum(modeID, 0x39024)".  The "0x" is necessary so that Uedit knows the
number is hexadecimal.  When this is done, the new display type will be used
the next time the screen is reopened; for instance, after you go to tiny
window.  To make Uedit use the system default screen type as it always has in
the past, set modeID to zero.

** IMPORTANT! **  Note that changing the display ID *DOES NOT* change the
width and height of the screen in pixels!  These numbers are set in the
config defaults and are used regardless of the display type.  It is UP TO YOU
to select width and height numbers that make sense when used with the desired
mode ID.  This also goes for the "lace" setting.

The mode ID to use when Uedit starts up can also be set in the config
defaults.  Its position is where the "Cram display mode" flag used to be:
right between "Columnar display mode" and "Show page-row-column".  Cram mode
no longer exists in Uedit 4K2; the flag variable "cram" is no longer
recognized in the command language, and the 11th angle-bracketed value in the
config defaults is now either zero or a mode ID.

When entering a mode ID number in the config defaults, unfortunately, the
value has to be in decimal.  Just enter the number in hex, with "0x" in
front, and then position the cursor after the left angle bracket and use the
ctl-X key to translate the hex number into decimal.  You should end up with
something like this, assuming you entered "0x39024" into the brackets:

<0>     Columnar display mode
<233508>        Cram display mode
<0>     Show page-row-column

Of course, you'd also want to edit out the words "Cram display mode" and put
"Display mode ID (decimal)" or the like in their place.

                               CLI detaching:

Uedit behaves the same as always when run from Workbench.  When run with a
CLI command, it now detaches itself automatically into the background, so you
can now start it with a simple "UE" command where previously something like
"Run <nil: >nil: UE" was necessary.  The side effect of this is that the
running Uedit process is not a CLI task -- it behaves as if it was started
from the Workbench.  Some information of the CLI it was started from, such as
local variables, are not inherited.  It does inherit the CLI's current
directory and command path, however.  It also picks up the command path if
started from Workbench.  In release 4K1, commands run from inside Uedit with
the execute() function had no command path.

                  Replacement versions of config functions:

Besides the file "Startup-Key.UE", there are several other files included
which contain improved versions of some of the key commands in the standard
config.  The files are:

   "Ctl-Click.UE"    - an enhanced tool for click-loading files.
   "I-Search.UE"     - an improved incremental search command.
   "Paging.UE"       - new commands for paginating text.
   "Printing.UE"     - new versions of some functions for using the printer.
   "ScrollGadget.UE" - an improved version of the horizontal fake scroll gadget.
   "Wildcards.UE"    - an improved command for loading files with wildcards.

Each of these replaces some key or keys in the standard config.  Each file
contains both documentation and CL functions.  See each file for details.

                        Other miscellaneous changes:

The following is a hopefully complete list of differences between Uedit 4K1
and Uedit 4.0.  Most of them are basically bugfixes, not new features:

    Default path for support files changed from S: to U: -- see above.

    Alternate description argument removed from syntax of menu(), submenu(),
    checkedMenu(), and checkedSubMenu() functions -- see above.

    Checkmarked menu items are no longer rendered in inverse colors.  Each
    checkmark item's description should have three spaces at the beginning
    instead of one (or zero) to allow room for the check -- this is
    sufficient to tell checkmarked items apart from non-checkmarked ones.

    Menu label strings are now 22 characters wide instead of 17 -- see above.

    "cram" variable (list 13) replaced with "modeID" (list 10) for alternate
    screenmode support -- see above.

    It detaches from the CLI at startup, and remembers a command path when
    started from Workbench -- see above.

    The "custom screen" value in the config defaults is ignored.  The screen
    is always custom.  Creating a second WBENCHSCREEN is dangerous to the
    rest of the system.

    The maximum number of menus is now 8 instead of 7.  The maximum number of
    items in each menu is now 24 instead of 20.  The maximum number of
    subitems attached to one item is still 12.

    The decimal-to-hex translation function now inserts "0x" instead of "0X".

    WarpText is no longer used for rendering, nor are primitive scrolling
    functions that aren't aware of layers.  Formerly, if you opened another
    window on Uedit's screen, Uedit's display updates would erase that
    window's visible image.  Now Uedit's display stays "behind" other windows
    the way it should.  And the display refreshing is actually faster this
    way!  At least, that's the case on an A3000.

    The word wrapper, used for both text entry and paragraph reformatting, no
    longer breaks words at a hyphen if the word has only one letter before
    the dash, like "T-shirt" or "X-ray".  (I made this change because I got
    sick of it breaking the name "Q-Blue" in the middle.)  It also will not
    break after a hyphen when the following character is a greater-than sign.
    C programmers will no longer get names like "foo->bar" broken between the
    two punctuation characters.

    A major memory loss problem was fixed: in Uedit 4.0, if you free a buffer
    while it's in the middle of being saved to disk, its memory is never
    deallocated!  If you do this regularly, your system can lose huge amounts
    of available memory space.

    Many Enforcer hits were fixed.  Several obscure bugs, including some
    Enforcer hits, were fixed simply by going back to the original C versions
    of various functions instead of using the clumsy and unnecessary assembly
    substitutes.  Uedit 4K1 should be Enforcer clean.

    The requestFile() function now uses the ASL file requester instead of the
    ARP requester.  Consequently, arp.library is no longer used at all, and
    requestFile() does not work under DOS 1.x.  If I work any further on
    Uedit, I will probably make the whole thing 2.x only.

    The mouseDown function now returns false if Uedit's backdrop window is
    inactive.  This prevents situations where another screen pops to the
    front while you were scrolling with the mouse, or something of the sort,
    and Uedit never hears the button being released so it keeps scrolling

    When the screen is closed and then reopened with a different lace
    setting and a nonzero top edge (from being slid down with the mouse), it
    formerly would use a top edge distance half or double what it should have
    used, depending on whether it was going from nonlace to lace or vice
    versa.  Now it uses the correct distance.

    Formerly, the row of letters in the title bar that you can click on to
    change flags would not work right if you used a wide font such as topaz
    9.  You would click on a letter and the letter to the right of where you
    clicked would be the one changed.  Now it handles all font widths.

    The title bar at the top of the screen has been somewhat cleaned up in
    appearence.  The close gadget and the message line no longer overlap each
    other, and so on.  When the screen is laced, there are two pixels of the
    screen title bar showing above the window title bar instead of one, to
    make it easier to grab it with the mouse.  Now it requires care and
    delicacy; formerly it required blind luck.  Anyway, you can always slide
    the screen by holding down the left Amiga key and clicking in the middle,
    depending on your Prefs/IControl settings.

    Small errors caused by fonts with differing baseline heights no longer
    occur.  Formerly, lines would be rendered a few pixels too high or low, a
    mouse click at the bottom edge of a character might land the cursor on
    the next line, and it might not be able to make use of the last few
    pixels at the bottom of the screen, forcing you to specify extra ones to
    get full use of the display.

    Fixed the currentDir() function so it unlocks the previous current dir
    lock instead of leaving "dangling locks" behind.

    Changed the basic input loop to wait for port signals, and wake up once
    per second for idle operations, instead of checking for input every 60
    milliseconds.  Much less drain on the system while waiting for input.
    This also helps ARexx commands execute a little faster.

The following is a list of further differences between Uedit 4K2 and Uedit
4K1, my previous bugfix release:

    Requesters such as "Blah present, want read-only copy?" now force the
    screen to the front if it's not active.

    When the screen is pushed to the front either by a requester or by the
    frontScreen() CL function, the window is activated.

    Fixed a rare but nasty bug which, if the timing was just right, could
    cause a buffer that had just been saved to be freed twice.  This usually
    happened if some command waited for the save queue to be empty and then
    called freebuf().

    It no longer changes the name of the buffer to match the existing
    filename on disk, if the name it finds differs in any way other than
    letter case.  Formerly, if for instance you loaded an MS-DOS text file
    from a CrossDOS disk with a name like "Foo.txt]", with the "]" telling
    CrossDOS to convert newlines, then Uedit would change the buffer name to
    "FOO.TXT" and the file would be saved with newlines not converted back.
    And when dealing with file links it could get the wrong name entirely.
    The one drawback now is that it is unable to correct the letter case of
    accented or umlauted letters in names in international filesystems.

    The execute() CL function now uses the command path of the CLI Uedit was
    started from, or that known to the Workbench when it was started.

    Probably one or two other little fixes I forgot to record...

                       Known problems as yet unsolved:

The display refreshing routines need to be redesigned from the ground up.
The present method fails to catch some display updates (until the full
refresh is done after four seconds of idle time) and in other cases redraws
the whole screen when only part of it is changed.  This is, for instance, why
the response is so sluggish when drag-selecting a hilite area.

It still gets confused sometimes about where the cursor is when two splits
are open on one buffer, and especially if three or more are open.  The
internal method used to handle this needs to be redesigned, storing cursor
information in the split's data rather than in the buffer's.

If a file is protected from writing and Uedit fails for that reason to save a
buffer, it deletes the file.  This is NOT good behavior.

It really ought to check AvailMem and do memory packing before it is down to
the last drop of available memory.

Search-and-replace needs to be optimized to not split blocks when the new
string is shorter than, or equal in length to, the old string.

Loading files with Workbench shift-double-clicking only works if all shift-
clicked args are in the same directory.

Contents of text/edit/Uedit4k2.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ ----------
[unknown]                14906   14906 100.0% -lh0- e150 Nov 22  1992 Uedit/apropos.LZH
[unknown]                 4265   14643  29.1% -lh5- fc32 Nov 22  1992 Uedit/archive.list
[unknown]                  643     734  87.6% -lh5- d9e4 Nov 22  1992 Uedit/
[unknown]               440045  440045 100.0% -lh0- 19fd Dec 16  2012 Uedit/archive/
[unknown]               450732  450732 100.0% -lh0- ce78 Dec 16  2012 Uedit/archive/
[unknown]               749472  749472 100.0% -lh0- e365 Dec 16  2012 Uedit/archive/
[unknown]               148742  148742 100.0% -lh0- 2a24 Dec 16  2012 Uedit/archive/Uedit4K2.lha
[unknown]                 1612    3474  46.4% -lh5- 388f Nov 22  1992 Uedit/ASCII
[unknown]                  143     289  49.5% -lh5- 34dd Nov 22  1992 Uedit/
[unknown]                 1212    1212 100.0% -lh0- 3766 Nov 22  1992 Uedit/BookMark.LZH
[unknown]                 8025   21962  36.5% -lh5- ed65 Nov 22  1992 Uedit/Config!
[unknown]                  139     289  48.1% -lh5- 9215 Nov 22  1992 Uedit/Config!.info
[unknown]                 4427   15991  27.7% -lh5- 23f9 Nov 22  1992 Uedit/Config!H
[unknown]                  143     289  49.5% -lh5- a6bd Nov 22  1992 Uedit/Config!
[unknown]                 6135   26349  23.3% -lh5- d52b Nov 22  1992 Uedit/Config!K
[unknown]                14764   55083  26.8% -lh5- 4179 Nov 22  1992 Uedit/Config!M
[unknown]                  140     289  48.4% -lh5- b2a0 Nov 22  1992 Uedit/Config!
[unknown]                 2669    8412  31.7% -lh5- 3bdc Nov 22  1992 Uedit/Config!P
[unknown]                  143     289  49.5% -lh5- c8d7 Nov 22  1992 Uedit/Config!
[unknown]                 3373    9826  34.3% -lh5- 38a0 Nov 22  1992 Uedit/Config!R
[unknown]                  140     289  48.4% -lh5- ec7a Nov 22  1992 Uedit/Config!
[unknown]                 3547   12408  28.6% -lh5- 2516 Nov 22  1992 Uedit/Config!S
[unknown]                  142     289  49.1% -lh5- 623e Nov 22  1992 Uedit/Config!
[unknown]                17879   60119  29.7% -lh5- d499 Nov 22  1992 Uedit/Config!Z
[unknown]                  144     289  49.8% -lh5- 2911 Nov 22  1992 Uedit/Config!
[unknown]                 6180   21735  28.4% -lh5- 0498 May 11  1994 Uedit/Ctl-Click.UE
[unknown]                23352   48032  48.6% -lh5- 78ce Nov 22  1992 Uedit/Data!
[unknown]                  420     900  46.7% -lh5- 1cdc Nov 22  1992 Uedit/Demo.URexx
[unknown]                   72     140  51.4% -lh5- 14fd Nov 22  1992 Uedit/DemoFile
[unknown]                  244     624  39.1% -lh5- 0380 Nov 22  1992 Uedit/
[unknown]                  979    2063  47.5% -lh5- a2b8 Nov 22  1992 Uedit/Documentation/KnownBugs
[unknown]                  154     298  51.7% -lh5- d9f2 Nov 22  1992 Uedit/Documentation/
[unknown]               175638  175638 100.0% -lh0- 26f6 Nov 22  1992 Uedit/Documentation/ManualInProgress.lha
[unknown]                11180   30203  37.0% -lh5- dab8 Nov 22  1992 Uedit/Documentation/UEK.DOC
[unknown]                 1099    2944  37.3% -lh5- 21d2 Nov 22  1992 Uedit/Documentation/UEP-cmds
[unknown]                 7038   20634  34.1% -lh5- 868d Nov 22  1992 Uedit/Documentation/UEP-DOC
[unknown]                   64     256  25.0% -lh5- a3eb Nov 22  1992 Uedit/Documentation/UEP.table
[unknown]                  595    1695  35.1% -lh5- 2466 Nov 22  1992 Uedit/Documentation/V26-Convert
[unknown]                  155     298  52.0% -lh5- 39e5 Nov 22  1992 Uedit/Documentation/
[unknown]                44888   44888 100.0% -lh0- 2c7b Nov 22  1992 Uedit/DonMikneus.LZH
[unknown]                15755   15755 100.0% -lh0- b3f7 Nov 22  1992 Uedit/DoPro15.lzh
[unknown]                 6149    6149 100.0% -lh0- b86d Nov 22  1992 Uedit/du.LZH
[unknown]                  286     452  63.3% -lh5- 8e85 Nov 22  1992 Uedit/e.rexx
[unknown]                20785   20785 100.0% -lh0- 501f Nov 22  1992 Uedit/edt.LZH
[unknown]                24350   63810  38.2% -lh5- ed7c Nov 22  1992 Uedit/Errata
[unknown]                 1670    3665  45.6% -lh5- b400 Nov 22  1992 Uedit/Europe-ReadMe
[unknown]                  144     289  49.8% -lh5- b3f6 Nov 22  1992 Uedit/
[unknown]                 3386    6228  54.4% -lh5- 4c14 Nov 22  1992 Uedit/F
[unknown]                  218     379  57.5% -lh5- 9f74 Nov 22  1992 Uedit/File-Requester
[unknown]                 2014    7670  26.3% -lh5- a9b3 May 11  1994 Uedit/I-Search.UE
[unknown]                18643   18643 100.0% -lh0- 7297 Nov 22  1992 Uedit/IscoveEdt.lzh
[unknown]               178296  178296 100.0% -lh0- e3db Nov 22  1992 Uedit/Jenkins.LZH
[unknown]                19161   19161 100.0% -lh0- ccd3 Nov 22  1992 Uedit/Jenkins1.LZH
[unknown]                18839   18839 100.0% -lh0- f78b Nov 22  1992 Uedit/Jenkins2.LZH
[unknown]                 2784    2784 100.0% -lh0- 2ade Nov 22  1992 Uedit/Jenkins3.LZH
[unknown]                51588   51588 100.0% -lh0- 48ac Nov 22  1992 Uedit/KenPerano.LZH
[unknown]                 6169    6169 100.0% -lh0- 8fa9 Nov 22  1992 Uedit/Keypad!K.lha
[unknown]                44057   44057 100.0% -lh0- 3d42 Nov 22  1992 Uedit/Kienitz.LZH
[unknown]                40437   40437 100.0% -lh0- 8ecd Nov 22  1992 Uedit/libs/libs.LZH
[unknown]                 3661   11069  33.1% -lh5- 2b15 May 11  1994 Uedit/Paging.UE
[unknown]                17062   17062 100.0% -lh0- e3fd Nov 22  1992 Uedit/Piotr.LZH
[unknown]                 7759    7759 100.0% -lh0- 7a0e Nov 22  1992 Uedit/Piotr2.LZH
[unknown]                 1940    4656  41.7% -lh5- 48d5 May 11  1994 Uedit/Printing.UE
[unknown]                46187   46187 100.0% -lh0- 56b3 Nov 22  1992 Uedit/Ptype23.LZH
[unknown]                 1219    2528  48.2% -lh5- 84d1 Nov 22  1992 Uedit/ReadMe
[unknown]                 1406    2908  48.3% -lh5- b094 Nov 22  1992 Uedit/ReadMe.Demo
[unknown]                  137     172  79.7% -lh5- 4a84 Nov 22  1992 Uedit/ReadMe.fnf
[unknown]                  154     298  51.7% -lh5- 4102 Nov 22  1992 Uedit/
[unknown]                 1144    2687  42.6% -lh5- dff3 Nov 22  1992 Uedit/READPlease
[unknown]                  156     298  52.3% -lh5- d6ea Nov 22  1992 Uedit/
[unknown]                  698    1299  53.7% -lh5- 6b49 Nov 22  1992 Uedit/Rev-History
[unknown]                  153     298  51.3% -lh5- d75b Nov 22  1992 Uedit/
[unknown]                  182     272  66.9% -lh5- 4f27 Nov 22  1992 Uedit/REXXCOMM
[unknown]                12649   12649 100.0% -lh0- 8442 Nov 22  1992 Uedit/Rich-Martin.LZH
[unknown]                15655   15655 100.0% -lh0- 63b8 Nov 22  1992 Uedit/RogerHand.LZH
[unknown]                 2530    4480  56.5% -lh5- 8ffa Nov 22  1992 Uedit/s-u
[unknown]                  597     848  70.4% -lh5- 5193 Nov 19  1993 Uedit/ScreenModes
[unknown]                  909    2412  37.7% -lh5- f0df May 11  1994 Uedit/ScrollGadget.UE
[unknown]                  176     266  66.2% -lh5- 139e Nov 22  1992 Uedit/Setup
[unknown]                  155     298  52.0% -lh5- 2a2e Nov 22  1992 Uedit/
[unknown]                32466  115791  28.0% -lh5- f2c6 Mar 22  1995 Uedit/source/C-source.diffs
[unknown]                 2178    5454  39.9% -lh5- 86fc Mar 22  1995 Uedit/source/deetach.c
[unknown]                  976    3090  31.6% -lh5- 7cb8 Mar 22  1995 Uedit/source/makefile
[unknown]                 8247   24103  34.2% -lh5- d1ce Mar 22  1995 Uedit/source/uedit.h
[unknown]                  155     240  64.6% -lh5- 96d1 Mar 22  1995 Uedit/source/version.h
[unknown]                 3160   11377  27.8% -lh5- 4edc May  4  1994 Uedit/Startup-Key.UE
[unknown]                  525     956  54.9% -lh5- f3ca Nov 22  1992 Uedit/SU-ReadMe
[unknown]                  140     289  48.4% -lh5- e334 Nov 22  1992 Uedit/
[unknown]                 3017    3017 100.0% -lh0- a022 Nov 22  1992 Uedit/TomZartler.LZH
[unknown]                   55      57  96.5% -lh5- 9ed5 Nov 22  1992 Uedit/u.rexx
[unknown]                  379     682  55.6% -lh5- 1a04 Nov 22  1992 Uedit/ucd.rexx
[unknown]                73173  131036  55.8% -lh5- 1c76 Mar 22  1995 Uedit/UE
[unknown]                  269     694  38.8% -lh5- e888 Mar 22  1995 Uedit/
[unknown]                67656   67656 100.0% -lh0- 68eb Nov 22  1992 Uedit/UEP.lha
[unknown]               234556  234556 100.0% -lh0- 8599 Nov 22  1992 Uedit/UESource.lha
[unknown]               144663  144663 100.0% -lh0- a3b8 Nov 22  1992 Uedit/UESpell.lha
[unknown]                 4536    8016  56.6% -lh5- 59cf Nov 22  1992 Uedit/UHC
[unknown]                 9692   24588  39.4% -lh5- 3be8 Mar 22  1995 Uedit/UPDATE-README
[unknown]                  187     401  46.6% -lh5- 5ac6 Jun 11  1994 Uedit/
[unknown]               139411  139411 100.0% -lh0- 1590 Nov 22  1992 Uedit/Ustar.LZH
[unknown]                60062   60062 100.0% -lh0- fa1b Nov 22  1992 Uedit/vi.lzh
[unknown]                 2299    6393  36.0% -lh5- b250 May 11  1994 Uedit/Wildcards.UE
[unknown]                 9871   24960  39.5% -lh5- 5893 Aug  7 18:57 Uedit4k2.readme
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ ----------
 Total       103 files 3512573 4033519  87.1%            Aug  8 15:05
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