XDME Excelsior Suite 2.2 - A suite of files and programs that makes XDME
excel even more. Automatic selection of localized major modes: C, ARexx,
HTML, LISP, Outlining, Text, etc.; Spell Checking; Diary Maintenance; Many
Emacs-like features and keymappings; Pagination; XPK support; Various GTB
and ReqTools requesters; Many other features.
Here are some of XES's features:
I. Localized major modes
A. Text mode. This mode provides automatic indenting of
B. ARexx mode. This mode includes automatic line indentation
and a set of macros for inserting various ARexx commands.
C. Two C modes, ANSI and K&R, complete with automatic line
D. HTML mode and Amigaguide mode for writing hypertext
documents. Both include a set of macros for inserting
various hypertext instructions.
E. LISP mode. This mode is also useful for Installer scripts,
as well as for any other language that uses parentheses in
the same way as LISP does. It provides automatic indenting
for LISP-like code.
F. A general programming mode for other languages. This mode
provides a modicum of automatic indenting to make
programming a bit easier.
G. An outline mode for writing outlines, such as this one.
H. A proofs mode for writing logical proofs. (I'm a philosophy
II. Automatic major mode selection upon loading.
III. The maintenance of a "Windows" menu that keeps track of all of
XDME's windows.
IV. Different styles of editing integrated with each other.
A. Cutting and copying for all block types.
B. Regions and rectangles, a la Emacs.
V. XPK support, including automatic packing or encryption upon
saving, and decryption with a password requester.
VI. The maintenance of a personal diary, complete with password
encryption and decryption.
VII. Spellchecking via the AlphaSpell program and its accompanying
VIII. Automatic pagination via the Paginate program.
IX. Various find and replace routines, including a Find requester
and a Replace requester. The Replace requester lets you
replace the word at the cursor, every occurance of the find
string in the text, or every occurance in a block.
X. Various Emacs like keymappings.
XI. Various macros that make it easier to write other macros for
Here are the changes made with the latest version:
Released 25 August 1995
I. Modified the following scripts: print.xrc, menus.xrc,
c-mode.xrc, find.xrc, AlphaSpell.xrc, macros.xrc, and
II. Modified the following ARexx scripts: Paginate.xdme, Mode.xdme,
and SaveWords.xdme.
Fixed bugs, adapted calls to AlphaSpell to use AlphaSpell's new
argument format, and switched some key mappings in C mode to
reflect frequency of use.