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Short:TextEditor multipage (MDI)
Author:Gianfranco "ShInKurO" Gignina
Uploader:polluks+aminet sdf lonestar org (Stefan Haubenthal)
Download:text/edit/nowined.lha - View contents

NoWinED is a MUI-based TextEditor that can handle more files simultaneously, 
using different "pages" for each file. The fact that it is impossible to find 
a MUI TextEditor on Amiga powerfull enough to be used instead of 
Notepad/Editpad and other editors does not have a reason. Moreover, switching 
from one AmigaOS flavour to the other it is not always possible to use the 
same editor due to incompatibilities. NoWinED has born to be a portable MUI 
program, and in fact it exists for every Amiga flavour (OS3.9, OS4, MorphOS, 
AROS). Sadly not all the features are present everywhere due to some minor 
The name NoWinED comes from an alternative information science magazine that 
never saw the light of the day: NOWindowsMagazine. Initially NoWinED was 
supposed to enable me to save the articles for this magazine preformatted 
for an eventual publication, even if with the development and the death of 
NOWindowsMagazine this texteditor lost these features.

NoWinED is my first Amiga program, so do not expect too much :)
NoWinED offers:

- Handling of multiple files through tabs that can be managed via 
  "titleButtons", a list, and/or an useful context menu which you can open if 
  you click with right mouse button on right scroll titlebutton (this one 
  appears when it's necessary);
- Context menus;
- Search and replace module;
- Search into opened files module;
- File Drag & Drop: dragging one or more files on the NoWinED list 
  the files will be opened in new tabs, draggin a file on a page will open it 
  on the current page. Finally dragging more files on a tab will open the first
  file in the current tab, and the others in new pages (AROS lacks Drag & 
- Basic texteditor features (C&P, select all, Undo, Redo, etc...);
- Usage from keyboard supported;
- UTF support (you can load UTF files and export UTF with/without BOM or 
- CR/LF/CR+LF support (you can load any kind of txt file and export text 
  with LF/CR/CR+LF);
- Wrapping process of your text at the column you want;
- Backup of all opened files (you can set time between a backup process and 
  another one);
- AutoSave of current file (you can set time between a autosave process and 
  another one);
- Graphic printout;
- Programmable Fn keys with indipendent profiles; 
- Exists on all 4 Amiga flavours;

You find all MCC and 3th parts libraries into NoWinED archive. NoWinED try to
load these requirements if they are not installed into your system and if you
have not loaded old version of them into memory.

TheBar MCC 26.5+                :
TextEditor MCC 15.38+           :
BetterString MCC 11.17+         : 
UrlText  MCC                    :
NList* MCC 20.122+              :

asyncio.library(embedded on MOS):Aminet ;-) 
uni.library                     :

Of course MUI/Zune...

NoWinED uses AISS 4.4 images by Martin "Mason" Merz:

It is possible to execute NoWinEd also from shell, so you can specify
some configuration's parameters for it using templates.

The templates NoWinED uses here are the same parameters you can
use as tooltypes in icon of the program.

Here is an example of the necessary command to run it

:> work:software/NoWinED/

"work:software/NoWinED/" are only an example path, type yours
depending when did you install NoWinED.

Then add the name of the binary (NoWinED_OS3 is obviously the 68k version)

if you use NoWinED for AmigaOS 4.x you must type _OS4 suffix and
so on ...

And then adding "?" command, this finally show you the various templates 
NoWinED support.

:> NoWinED_OS3 ?

If you type all right Shell will show you this one:


If you want more informations about these commands you simply add
another "?" 

Here a quick list of the command

FILE:       You can give me one or more file and I'll open each file
            in a new page.
NOFXFONT:   If you give me this template, I will not use the default
            fixed font.
CREATEICON: You give me this template and I will create a wonderful
            icon for your text.
HLIST:      If you give me this template, I will hide my list in which
            I show you all loaded files.
HTBAR:      You can give me this and I show you how I can be an ugly
            and sad editor without my wonderful Toolbar.
HINFOBAR:   You can give me this and I show you how I can be a simply
            and without any information for you about your texts.
CONVERTTAB: You can disable me this and I finally NoWinED will save 
            your tab chars into your texts without to convert them 
            into spaces.

Counting from version 0.78 on, NoWinED can print documents by utilizing the
font currently displayed on-screen, or by specifying a certain font.
NoWinED performs graphical printings and does not use any of the built-in
fonts a printer may contain.
In order to print with NoWinED, you'll need a printer that can handle

Unfortunately, due to the age of the Amiga / MorphOS printer device and
drivers, several bugs that didn't get fixed in the past may lead today to
produce unreliable results, i.e. prints, which do not appear on the sheet as
There is no way to work around this on the part of NoWinED because you are
responsible to choose the right boundaries and printer settings in general.
NoWinED utilizes your printer settings. In case these settings are invalid,
the printout will be messed up. It's that easy.

So please, before you blame NoWinED to be the reason for messed up prints,
have a look at your printer's preferences. There you'll find the reason for
messed up prints.

Some tips: 
Define the textual boundaries identical to those of the graphical. This
reduces the chance that the printer driver gets confused. 
In case you are using the very buggy PostScript printer driver of OS3: 
Use always for the Printer preference program and for the PostScript
preference program the identical values for the page size and horizontal and
vertical resolution (DPI) and especially, the shading class (must be
"Color"), otherwise, the printout will be messed up - or you will be faced
with a Guru.
Set in the "Scaling Panel" "Centering" to "None" otherwise white graphics on a
white sheet will be rendered.

Alfie, Turrican, guruman, suppah, itix, kiero, aliem, -=ONIX=-, samo79, 
kidouin, Faranheit, Elena.

Q: Your program sucks on my AROS system! Why?
A: It's no my fault, but of who fix Zune bugs and implements into it MUI 
   compatibility, sorry but Zune is very bugged, so you can wait someone 
   to fix these issue or fix yourself on AROS...;

Q: NoWinED doesn't work very well with shortcut, why (AmigaOS3.x)?
A: MUI3.8 has a bug when a program uses context menu, in this case it doesn't 
   permitt to use shourtcuts when user with mouse pointer is on object which has 
   contextmenus. So NoWinED permitts to disable contextmenu from its prefs so user
   can choose to use context menu or shortcuts;

Q: NoWinED freeze my system OS3.x when I use it as associated tool for *.XYZ file,
A: Seems workbench 3.x uses stack imposed by icon of project instead to use
   coocky stack into NoWinED or stack imposed by NoWinED icon, so you have to
   set your def icon with a proper stack on OS3.x.

...are welcome ;-)

You will find my mail on my site:

or on sourceforge:

Bug reports and requests here:

Contents of text/edit/nowined.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic]                15628   48031  32.5% -lh6- 1f41 May  1 23:58 NoWinED/Catalogs/deutsch/deutsch.ct
[generic]                 9268   23936  38.7% -lh6- d50f May  1 23:58 NoWinED/Catalogs/deutsch/nowined.catalog
[generic]                 6694   18108  37.0% -lh6- 8363 May  1 23:58 NoWinED/Catalogs/français/NoWinED.catalog
[generic]                11782   37302  31.6% -lh6- c63c May  1 23:58 NoWinED/Catalogs/français/NoWinED.ct
[generic]                 6694   18108  37.0% -lh6- 8363 May  1 23:58 NoWinED/Catalogs/french/NoWinED.catalog
[generic]                11782   37302  31.6% -lh6- c63c May  1 23:58 NoWinED/Catalogs/french/NoWinED.ct
[generic]                15628   48031  32.5% -lh6- 1f41 May  1 23:58 NoWinED/Catalogs/german/deutsch.ct
[generic]                 9268   23936  38.7% -lh6- d50f May  1 23:58 NoWinED/Catalogs/german/nowined.catalog
[generic]                 8577   22484  38.1% -lh6- 1cdb May  1 23:58 NoWinED/Catalogs/greek/nowined.catalog
[generic]                14872   45559  32.6% -lh6- 300d May  1 23:58 NoWinED/Catalogs/greek/NoWinED.ct
[generic]                 8357   22866  36.5% -lh6- c055 May  1 23:58 NoWinED/Catalogs/italian/NoWinED.catalog
[generic]                14432   46446  31.1% -lh6- 4463 May  1 23:58 NoWinED/Catalogs/italian/NoWinED.ct
[generic]                 8357   22866  36.5% -lh6- c055 May  1 23:58 NoWinED/Catalogs/italiano/NoWinED.catalog
[generic]                14432   46446  31.1% -lh6- 4463 May  1 23:58 NoWinED/Catalogs/italiano/NoWinED.ct
[generic]                 8481   29373  28.9% -lh6- 9579 May  1 23:58 NoWinED/Catalogs/
[generic]                 8402   28085  29.9% -lh6- 39f4 May  1 23:58 NoWinED/Catalogs/NoWinED.ct
[generic]                 6769   16306  41.5% -lh6- d46a May  1 23:58 NoWinED/Catalogs/polish/NOWinED.catalog
[generic]                11825   34688  34.1% -lh6- 8ca5 May  1 23:58 NoWinED/Catalogs/polish/NOWinED.ct
[generic]                 6770   16306  41.5% -lh6- d46a May  1 23:58 NoWinED/Catalogs/polski/NOWinED.catalog
[generic]                11825   34688  34.1% -lh6- 8ca5 May  1 23:58 NoWinED/Catalogs/polski/NOWinED.ct
[generic]                 7253   17036  42.6% -lh6- afe0 May  1 23:58 NoWinED/Catalogs/russian/NOWinED.catalog
[generic]                13250   37335  35.5% -lh6- 773d May  1 23:58 NoWinED/Catalogs/russian/NoWinED.ct
[generic]                 8577   22484  38.1% -lh6- 1cdb May  1 23:58 NoWinED/Catalogs/åëëçíéêÜ/nowined.catalog
[generic]                14872   45559  32.6% -lh6- 300d May  1 23:58 NoWinED/Catalogs/åëëçíéêÜ/NoWinED.ct
[generic]                 5947    8725  68.2% -lh6- ea0e May  1 23:58 NoWinED/
[generic]                  152     256  59.4% -lh6- 0dea May  1 23:58 NoWinED/Documentation/BUGS.txt
[generic]                 3132    6098  51.4% -lh6- 272d May  1 23:58 NoWinED/Documentation/
[generic]                29433   84610  34.8% -lh6- d46d May  1 23:58 NoWinED/Documentation/ChangeLog.txt
[generic]                 2752    6126  44.9% -lh6- 786d May  1 23:58 NoWinED/Documentation/
[generic]                  296     608  48.7% -lh6- 3c57 May  1 23:58 NoWinED/Documentation/MPL2.txt
[generic]                 3088    6084  50.8% -lh6- 26ba May  1 23:58 NoWinED/Documentation/
[generic]               184455  184455 100.0% -lh0- f182 May  1 23:58 NoWinED/Documentation/PrinterPSSettings.jpg
[generic]                 4287    6570  65.3% -lh6- 0271 May  1 23:58 NoWinED/Documentation/
[generic]               145905  145905 100.0% -lh0- 0e01 May  1 23:58 NoWinED/Documentation/PrinterSettings.jpg
[generic]                 3936    6570  59.9% -lh6- 4cf4 May  1 23:58 NoWinED/Documentation/
[generic]                 3989    9278  43.0% -lh6- f230 May  1 23:58 NoWinED/Documentation/ReadMe_eng.txt
[generic]                 3494    6334  55.2% -lh6- 37af May  1 23:58 NoWinED/Documentation/
[generic]                 4424   10452  42.3% -lh6- 38ad May  1 23:58 NoWinED/Documentation/ReadMe_ita.txt
[generic]                 3124    6328  49.4% -lh6- a8c8 May  1 23:58 NoWinED/Documentation/
[generic]                 1120    2269  49.4% -lh6- 8348 May  1 23:58 NoWinED/Documentation/ToDo.txt
[generic]                 3531    6314  55.9% -lh6- 25d7 May  1 23:58 NoWinED/Documentation/
[generic]                 1131    2406  47.0% -lh6- f36e May  1 23:58 NoWinED/Documentation/TranslatorsNotes.txt
[generic]                 2859    6084  47.0% -lh6- a047 May  1 23:58 NoWinED/Documentation/
[generic]                  837     837 100.0% -lh0- 9fc7 May  1 23:58 NoWinED/images/brush
[generic]                  816     816 100.0% -lh0- 7c89 May  1 23:58 NoWinED/images/brush_g
[generic]                  842     842 100.0% -lh0- 8bcd May  1 23:58 NoWinED/images/brush_s
[generic]                 1433    1433 100.0% -lh0- 2ac5 May  1 23:58 NoWinED/images/cancel
[generic]                  964     964 100.0% -lh0- 4be1 May  1 23:58 NoWinED/images/cancel_g
[generic]                 1408    1408 100.0% -lh0- a570 May  1 23:58 NoWinED/images/cancel_s
[generic]                  538     538 100.0% -lh0- e5f4 May  1 23:58 NoWinED/images/edit
[generic]                  522     522 100.0% -lh0- b794 May  1 23:58 NoWinED/images/edit_g
[generic]                  538     538 100.0% -lh0- e5f4 May  1 23:58 NoWinED/images/edit_s
[generic]                 1072    1072 100.0% -lh0- 5978 May  1 23:58 NoWinED/images/font_smaller_g.png
[generic]                 1664    1664 100.0% -lh0- 09fe May  1 23:58 NoWinED/images/historysave
[generic]                 1393    1393 100.0% -lh0- 31e0 May  1 23:58 NoWinED/images/historysave_g
[generic]                 1646    1646 100.0% -lh0- e035 May  1 23:58 NoWinED/images/historysave_s
[generic]                  483     483 100.0% -lh0- df0e May  1 23:58 NoWinED/images/jump_line
[generic]                  479     479 100.0% -lh0- 80f4 May  1 23:58 NoWinED/images/jump_line_g
[generic]                  486     486 100.0% -lh0- 7aa2 May  1 23:58 NoWinED/images/jump_line_s
[generic]                 1100    1100 100.0% -lh0- 94e8 May  1 23:58 NoWinED/images/key_fn
[generic]                 1093    1093 100.0% -lh0- 867a May  1 23:58 NoWinED/images/key_fn_g
[generic]                 1100    1100 100.0% -lh0- 94e8 May  1 23:58 NoWinED/images/key_fn_s
[generic]                  678     678 100.0% -lh0- 537a May  1 23:58 NoWinED/images/list_cancel
[generic]                35095   57108  61.5% -lh6- 17e0 May  1 23:58 NoWinED/images/logo.iff
[generic]                 1696    1696 100.0% -lh0- 2b0e May  1 23:58 NoWinED/images/
[generic]                  543     543 100.0% -lh0- d371 May  1 23:58 NoWinED/images/nav_southwest_g.png
[generic]                  444     444 100.0% -lh0- 2265 May  1 23:58 NoWinED/images/page_next
[generic]                  444     444 100.0% -lh0- 3190 May  1 23:58 NoWinED/images/page_next_g
[generic]                  444     444 100.0% -lh0- 2265 May  1 23:58 NoWinED/images/page_next_s
[generic]                  445     445 100.0% -lh0- 083c May  1 23:58 NoWinED/images/page_previous
[generic]                  443     443 100.0% -lh0- 10b1 May  1 23:58 NoWinED/images/page_previous_g
[generic]                  445     445 100.0% -lh0- 083c May  1 23:58 NoWinED/images/page_previous_s
[generic]                  839     839 100.0% -lh0- 4573 May  1 23:58 NoWinED/images/replace
[generic]                  948     948 100.0% -lh0- 220d May  1 23:58 NoWinED/images/replaceall
[generic]                  931     931 100.0% -lh0- cfff May  1 23:58 NoWinED/images/replaceall_g
[generic]                  888     888 100.0% -lh0- 6ac2 May  1 23:58 NoWinED/images/replaceall_s
[generic]                  818     818 100.0% -lh0- e4a6 May  1 23:58 NoWinED/images/replace_g
[generic]                  774     774 100.0% -lh0- ae48 May  1 23:58 NoWinED/images/replace_s
[generic]                 1495    1495 100.0% -lh0- c222 May  1 23:58 NoWinED/images/
[generic]                  685     685 100.0% -lh0- 4941 May  1 23:58 NoWinED/images/stop
[generic]                  689     689 100.0% -lh0- 9e82 May  1 23:58 NoWinED/images/stop_g
[generic]                  685     685 100.0% -lh0- db20 May  1 23:58 NoWinED/images/stop_s
[generic]                41850   41850 100.0% -lh0- 69a8 May  1 23:58 NoWinED/images/strip.png
[generic]                46984   46984 100.0% -lh0- 5e48 May  1 23:58 NoWinED/images/strip_g.png
[generic]                41375   41375 100.0% -lh0- 35a3 May  1 23:58 NoWinED/images/strip_s.png
[generic]                 1430    2868  49.9% -lh6- 6ba2 May  1 23:58 NoWinED/images/textAdapted.iff
[generic]                 1473    2936  50.2% -lh6- 43e1 May  1 23:58 NoWinED/images/textWrap.iff
[generic]                30636   62996  48.6% -lh6- bd1a May  1 23:58 NoWinED/Libs/AROS/mui/BetterString.mcc
[generic]                 8599   23224  37.0% -lh6- 617b May  1 23:58 NoWinED/Libs/AROS/mui/BetterString.mcp
[generic]                 4321    8696  49.7% -lh6- 6bb7 May  1 23:58 NoWinED/Libs/AROS/mui/HotkeyString.mcc
[generic]                 5175   10548  49.1% -lh6- 79ca May  1 23:58 NoWinED/Libs/AROS/mui/NBalance.mcc
[generic]                 8243   16716  49.3% -lh6- 9e70 May  1 23:58 NoWinED/Libs/AROS/mui/NBitmap.mcc
[generic]                 3255    6492  50.1% -lh6- 642b May  1 23:58 NoWinED/Libs/AROS/mui/NFloattext.mcc
[generic]               128376  286860  44.8% -lh6- c7b2 May  1 23:58 NoWinED/Libs/AROS/mui/NList.mcc
[generic]                50663  112020  45.2% -lh6- c83f May  1 23:58 NoWinED/Libs/AROS/mui/NListtree.mcc
[generic]                18591   45304  41.0% -lh6- 7d2c May  1 23:58 NoWinED/Libs/AROS/mui/NListtree.mcp
[generic]                 4950   10052  49.2% -lh6- 24d5 May  1 23:58 NoWinED/Libs/AROS/mui/NListview.mcc
[generic]                21536   60112  35.8% -lh6- 9e11 May  1 23:58 NoWinED/Libs/AROS/mui/NListviews.mcp
[generic]                66595  135148  49.3% -lh6- 4158 May  1 23:58 NoWinED/Libs/AROS/mui/TextEditor.mcc
[generic]                30709   79784  38.5% -lh6- 1985 May  1 23:58 NoWinED/Libs/AROS/mui/TextEditor.mcp
[generic]                30933   60120  51.5% -lh6- b7c5 May  1 23:58 NoWinED/Libs/AROS/mui/TheBar.mcc
[generic]                27662   74000  37.4% -lh6- 7517 May  1 23:58 NoWinED/Libs/AROS/mui/TheBar.mcp
[generic]                31185   60776  51.3% -lh6- 4644 May  1 23:58 NoWinED/Libs/AROS/mui/TheBarVirt.mcc
[generic]                35917   71420  50.3% -lh6- 93da May  1 23:58 NoWinED/Libs/AROS/mui/TheButton.mcc
[generic]                14127   56140  25.2% -lh6- b3d6 May  1 23:58 NoWinED/Libs/AROS/uni.library
[generic]                 1300    1646  79.0% -lh6- bfbc May  1 23:58 NoWinED/Libs/MOS/
[generic]                27445   64796  42.4% -lh6- 45e6 May  1 23:58 NoWinED/Libs/MOS/mui/BetterString.mcc
[generic]                10941   28664  38.2% -lh6- fa21 May  1 23:58 NoWinED/Libs/MOS/mui/BetterString.mcp
[generic]                 6120   14136  43.3% -lh6- dbb3 May  1 23:58 NoWinED/Libs/MOS/mui/HotkeyString.mcc
[generic]                 6723   15988  42.1% -lh6- 7bf3 May  1 23:58 NoWinED/Libs/MOS/mui/NBalance.mcc
[generic]                10524   24624  42.7% -lh6- 7621 May  1 23:58 NoWinED/Libs/MOS/mui/NBitmap.mcc
[generic]                 4697   10784  43.6% -lh6- 8bc0 May  1 23:58 NoWinED/Libs/MOS/mui/NFloattext.mcc
[generic]               102175  244188  41.8% -lh6- 32ee May  1 23:58 NoWinED/Libs/MOS/mui/NList.mcc
[generic]                42179  113472  37.2% -lh6- c5bf May  1 23:58 NoWinED/Libs/MOS/mui/NListtree.mcc
[generic]                18882   46108  41.0% -lh6- 377d May  1 23:58 NoWinED/Libs/MOS/mui/NListtree.mcp
[generic]                 6661   16080  41.4% -lh6- 789a May  1 23:58 NoWinED/Libs/MOS/mui/NListview.mcc
[generic]                28368   74540  38.1% -lh6- 27bf May  1 23:58 NoWinED/Libs/MOS/mui/NListviews.mcp
[generic]                64272  154608  41.6% -lh6- 00c3 May  1 23:58 NoWinED/Libs/MOS/mui/TextEditor.mcc
[generic]                35745   90548  39.5% -lh6- dab0 May  1 23:58 NoWinED/Libs/MOS/mui/TextEditor.mcp
[generic]                32887   75944  43.3% -lh6- 59f8 May  1 23:58 NoWinED/Libs/MOS/mui/TheBar.mcc
[generic]                29207   77884  37.5% -lh6- 68b4 May  1 23:58 NoWinED/Libs/MOS/mui/TheBar.mcp
[generic]                33435   76412  43.8% -lh6- e7a7 May  1 23:58 NoWinED/Libs/MOS/mui/TheBartVirt.mcc
[generic]                33127   76328  43.4% -lh6- c04a May  1 23:58 NoWinED/Libs/MOS/mui/TheBarVirt.mcc
[generic]                26210   58540  44.8% -lh6- 0aeb May  1 23:58 NoWinED/Libs/MOS/mui/TheButton.mcc
[generic]                 4893    8212  59.6% -lh6- 7312 May  1 23:58 NoWinED/Libs/MOS/mui/Urltext.mcc
[generic]                 4755   11824  40.2% -lh6- ebb6 May  1 23:58 NoWinED/Libs/MOS/mui/Urltext.mcp
[generic]                17154   67692  25.3% -lh6- 6d88 May  1 23:58 NoWinED/Libs/MOS/uni.library
[generic]                 6910   15884  43.5% -lh6- 1704 May  1 23:58 NoWinED/Libs/OS3/asyncio.library
[generic]                 1357    1694  80.1% -lh6- 8fce May  1 23:58 NoWinED/Libs/OS3/
[generic]                22429   41736  53.7% -lh6- e74f May  1 23:58 NoWinED/Libs/OS3/mui/BetterString.mcc
[generic]                 6330   14008  45.2% -lh6- 35bd May  1 23:58 NoWinED/Libs/OS3/mui/BetterString.mcp
[generic]                 3398    6056  56.1% -lh6- be4c May  1 23:58 NoWinED/Libs/OS3/mui/HotkeyString.mcc
[generic]                 4356    7872  55.3% -lh6- 3d5a May  1 23:58 NoWinED/Libs/OS3/mui/NBalance.mcc
[generic]                 6822   12656  53.9% -lh6- 0088 May  1 23:58 NoWinED/Libs/OS3/mui/NBitmap.mcc
[generic]                 2536    4496  56.4% -lh6- d2ea May  1 23:58 NoWinED/Libs/OS3/mui/NFloattext.mcc
[generic]                76378  154876  49.3% -lh6- 1682 May  1 23:58 NoWinED/Libs/OS3/mui/NList.mcc
[generic]                33444   73688  45.4% -lh6- 3b3c May  1 23:58 NoWinED/Libs/OS3/mui/NListtree.mcc
[generic]                15153   34820  43.5% -lh6- faff May  1 23:58 NoWinED/Libs/OS3/mui/NListtree.mcp
[generic]                 3903    7712  50.6% -lh6- 5f4e May  1 23:58 NoWinED/Libs/OS3/mui/NListview.mcc
[generic]                16561   41580  39.8% -lh6- 786a May  1 23:58 NoWinED/Libs/OS3/mui/NListviews.mcp
[generic]                50782   98260  51.7% -lh6- a008 May  1 23:58 NoWinED/Libs/OS3/mui/TextEditor.mcc
[generic]                26178   58044  45.1% -lh6- 99b1 May  1 23:58 NoWinED/Libs/OS3/mui/TextEditor.mcp
[generic]                23047   42820  53.8% -lh6- 4758 May  1 23:58 NoWinED/Libs/OS3/mui/TheBar.mcc
[generic]                34784   83368  41.7% -lh6- add2 May  1 23:58 NoWinED/Libs/OS3/mui/TheBar.mcp
[generic]                23097   43020  53.7% -lh6- 5a6a May  1 23:58 NoWinED/Libs/OS3/mui/TheBarVirt.mcc
[generic]                19117   37012  51.7% -lh6- c5b5 May  1 23:58 NoWinED/Libs/OS3/mui/TheButton.mcc
[generic]                 5322    9172  58.0% -lh6- a843 May  1 23:58 NoWinED/Libs/OS3/mui/Urltext.mcc
[generic]                 4700   11416  41.2% -lh6- 94c3 May  1 23:58 NoWinED/Libs/OS3/mui/Urltext.mcp
[generic]                14227   51496  27.6% -lh6- 1eea May  1 23:58 NoWinED/Libs/OS3/uni.library
[generic]                 4634   10456  44.3% -lh6- 73f2 May  1 23:58 NoWinED/Libs/OS4/asyncio.library
[generic]                33496   84512  39.6% -lh6- 0717 May  1 23:58 NoWinED/Libs/OS4/mui/BetterString.mcc
[generic]                13750   80436  17.1% -lh6- d2ac May  1 23:58 NoWinED/Libs/OS4/mui/BetterString.mcp
[generic]                 7571   15348  49.3% -lh6- 0f29 May  1 23:58 NoWinED/Libs/OS4/mui/HotkeyString.mcc
[generic]                 8147   72624  11.2% -lh6- 7d31 May  1 23:58 NoWinED/Libs/OS4/mui/NBalance.mcc
[generic]                14268   74664  19.1% -lh6- 5a0e May  1 23:58 NoWinED/Libs/OS4/mui/NBitmap.mcc
[generic]                 6483   71128   9.1% -lh6- 2cb7 May  1 23:58 NoWinED/Libs/OS4/mui/NFloattext.mcc
[generic]               154229  305196  50.5% -lh6- 3d43 May  1 23:58 NoWinED/Libs/OS4/mui/NList.mcc
[generic]                59454  155972  38.1% -lh6- fe31 May  1 23:58 NoWinED/Libs/OS4/mui/NListtree.mcc
[generic]                18733   82012  22.8% -lh6- f6fc May  1 23:58 NoWinED/Libs/OS4/mui/NListtree.mcp
[generic]                 9741   72444  13.4% -lh6- cb3d May  1 23:58 NoWinED/Libs/OS4/mui/NListview.mcc
[generic]                37911   99480  38.1% -lh6- c13b May  1 23:58 NoWinED/Libs/OS4/mui/NListviews.mcp
[generic]                83943  167748  50.0% -lh6- 0c44 May  1 23:58 NoWinED/Libs/OS4/mui/TextEditor.mcc
[generic]                39674  100244  39.6% -lh6- 9fd9 May  1 23:58 NoWinED/Libs/OS4/mui/TextEditor.mcp
[generic]                44746   82384  54.3% -lh6- 1b19 May  1 23:58 NoWinED/Libs/OS4/mui/TheBar.mcc
[generic]                34849   99740  34.9% -lh6- 576e May  1 23:58 NoWinED/Libs/OS4/mui/TheBar.mcp
[generic]                44999   82396  54.6% -lh6- 526f May  1 23:58 NoWinED/Libs/OS4/mui/TheBarVirt.mcc
[generic]                36078   79560  45.3% -lh6- d14c May  1 23:58 NoWinED/Libs/OS4/mui/TheButton.mcc
[generic]                 4821    7948  60.7% -lh6- 849a May  1 23:58 NoWinED/Libs/OS4/mui/Urltext.mcc
[generic]                 4700   11416  41.2% -lh6- 94c3 May  1 23:58 NoWinED/Libs/OS4/mui/Urltext.mcp
[generic]                19355   75316  25.7% -lh6- fa7e May  1 23:58 NoWinED/Libs/OS4/uni.library
[generic]                 3265   11778  27.7% -lh6- e551 May  1 23:58 NoWinED/makefile
[generic]               169720  606429  28.0% -lh6- 3225 May  1 23:58 NoWinED/NoWinED_AROS
[generic]                 5479    5479 100.0% -lh0- e292 May  1 23:58 NoWinED/
[generic]               207965  826892  25.2% -lh6- 3f3b May  1 23:58 NoWinED/NoWinED_MOS
[generic]                 5479    5479 100.0% -lh0- 8102 May  1 23:58 NoWinED/
[generic]               144192  382176  37.7% -lh6- 9779 May  1 23:58 NoWinED/NoWinED_OS3
[generic]                 8841   12392  71.3% -lh6- 1d37 May  1 23:58 NoWinED/
[generic]               261525  652026  40.1% -lh6- 1b41 May  1 23:58 NoWinED/NoWinED_OS4
[generic]                16039   18819  85.2% -lh6- 86c3 May  1 23:58 NoWinED/
[generic]                 6224    8744  71.2% -lh6- c1a1 May  1 23:58
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
 Total       180 files 3842120 9220972  41.7%            May  1 20:14
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