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This is a collection of Compugraphic Intellifonts. This format is
directly understood by the Amiga OS. To install, copy them anywhere
onto your hard disk and use the Intellifont (or Fountain) tool in
your System drawer to announce them to the system.
Note that the collection of Adobe fonts is bigger and that the
Adobe versions of the same fonts look slightly better.
All fonts in this collection have hints. These are instructions how to
make the fonts look good at low resolutions.
In the archive pix/illu/AminetPFonts.lha you find a set of images
displaying all fonts of the whole font collection. Also, each archives
contains an archive index image and an image for each font. Note however
that these images were made from the .pfb versions of these fonts.
============================= Archive contents =============================
Original Packed Ratio Date Time Name
-------- ------- ----- --------- -------- -------------
49182 20485 58.3% 18-Jan-96 20:59:00 0Sans13_Index.iff
2218 976 55.9% 15-Jan-96 17:55:40 KomOmbo.iff
25598 18198 28.9% 11-Jan-96 18:40:08 KomOmbo.type
1978 761 61.5% 15-Jan-96 17:56:06 Lampost.iff
24470 16520 32.4% 11-Jan-96 19:10:46 Lampost.type
2008 991 50.6% 15-Jan-96 17:56:06 LampostItal.iff
24898 16966 31.8% 11-Jan-96 19:11:04 LampostItal.type
2264 1077 52.4% 15-Jan-96 17:56:20 LeonardCohen.iff
36538 27663 24.2% 11-Jan-96 19:24:54 LeonardCohen.type
1460 763 47.7% 15-Jan-96 17:56:24 LetterGoth.iff
48506 25863 46.6% 11-Jan-96 19:25:16 LetterGoth.type
3868 1699 56.0% 15-Jan-96 17:56:30 LiffoExt.iff
24728 12763 48.3% 11-Jan-96 19:27:18 LiffoExt.type
4050 1276 68.4% 15-Jan-96 17:56:34 LightsOut.iff
33326 21032 36.8% 11-Jan-96 19:28:14 LightsOut.type
1606 864 46.2% 15-Jan-96 17:56:46 Lineprint.iff
62658 36493 41.7% 11-Jan-96 19:36:40 Lineprint.type
2794 1359 51.3% 15-Jan-96 17:57:22 LithographLight.iff
71484 44591 37.6% 11-Jan-96 19:58:48 LithographLight.type
2220 1046 52.8% 15-Jan-96 17:58:18 LucindaSans.iff
25062 16327 34.8% 11-Jan-96 20:49:16 LucindaSans.type
2396 1305 45.5% 15-Jan-96 17:58:22 LucindaSansDemiboldItalic.iff
25374 16720 34.1% 11-Jan-96 20:49:58 LucindaSansDemiboldItalic.type
2364 1084 54.1% 15-Jan-96 17:58:20 LucindaSansDemiboldRoman.iff
25052 16397 34.5% 11-Jan-96 20:49:38 LucindaSansDemiboldRoman.type
2360 1113 52.8% 15-Jan-96 17:58:24 LucindaSansTypewriter.iff
25262 16417 35.0% 11-Jan-96 20:50:20 LucindaSansTypewriter.type
2420 1098 54.6% 15-Jan-96 17:58:26 LucindaSansTypewriterBold.iff
24970 16269 34.8% 11-Jan-96 20:50:42 LucindaSansTypewriterBold.type
2296 757 67.0% 15-Jan-96 17:58:40 MachiavelliBld.iff
15514 5773 62.7% 11-Jan-96 20:55:00 MachiavelliBld.type
2296 1046 54.4% 15-Jan-96 17:58:42 MachiavelliItal.iff
15538 6234 59.8% 11-Jan-96 20:55:10 MachiavelliItal.type
532 241 54.6% 15-Jan-96 17:58:44 Machine.iff
26994 13952 48.3% 11-Jan-96 20:55:26 Machine.type
1308 413 68.4% 15-Jan-96 17:58:54 Madrid.iff
20552 9156 55.4% 11-Jan-96 21:13:20 Madrid.type
2258 1034 54.2% 15-Jan-96 17:58:56 Magnet.iff
26372 18602 29.4% 11-Jan-96 21:13:40 Magnet.type
2310 1142 50.5% 15-Jan-96 17:58:58 MagnetItal.iff
27316 19460 28.7% 11-Jan-96 21:14:04 MagnetItal.type
2440 1065 56.3% 15-Jan-96 17:58:58 MagnumItal.iff
19264 9123 52.6% 11-Jan-96 21:14:46 MagnumItal.type
658 366 44.3% 15-Jan-96 17:59:04 Mansion.iff
33596 19394 42.2% 11-Jan-96 21:16:08 Mansion.type
740 306 58.6% 15-Jan-96 17:59:14 MarboloNormal.iff
33880 24444 27.8% 11-Jan-96 21:18:20 MarboloNormal.type
2208 1028 53.4% 15-Jan-96 17:59:22 MargaretAnneStyle.iff
70404 42267 39.9% 11-Jan-96 21:23:30 MargaretAnneStyle.type
2150 966 55.0% 15-Jan-96 17:59:38 MarrowHeavy.iff
26434 18067 31.6% 11-Jan-96 21:32:08 MarrowHeavy.type
2190 1092 50.1% 15-Jan-96 17:59:40 MarrowItal.iff
26764 18403 31.2% 11-Jan-96 21:32:28 MarrowItal.type
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------
925128 552447 40.2% 04-Nov-95 17:08:06 53 files
Contents of text/ifont/Sans13.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 20485 49182 41.7% -lh5- d2f1 Jan 18 1996 0Sans13_Index.iff
[generic] 976 2218 44.0% -lh5- 5e10 Jan 15 1996 KomOmbo.iff
[generic] 18198 25598 71.1% -lh5- 6f69 Jan 11 1996 KomOmbo.type
[generic] 761 1978 38.5% -lh5- 6a13 Jan 15 1996 Lampost.iff
[generic] 16520 24470 67.5% -lh5- bfc2 Jan 11 1996 Lampost.type
[generic] 991 2008 49.4% -lh5- b51b Jan 15 1996 LampostItal.iff
[generic] 16966 24898 68.1% -lh5- 292f Jan 11 1996 LampostItal.type
[generic] 1077 2264 47.6% -lh5- 69ce Jan 15 1996 LeonardCohen.iff
[generic] 27663 36538 75.7% -lh5- 425c Jan 11 1996 LeonardCohen.type
[generic] 763 1460 52.3% -lh5- 3217 Jan 15 1996 LetterGoth.iff
[generic] 25863 48506 53.3% -lh5- 317f Jan 11 1996 LetterGoth.type
[generic] 1699 3868 43.9% -lh5- 048d Jan 15 1996 LiffoExt.iff
[generic] 12763 24728 51.6% -lh5- 6264 Jan 11 1996 LiffoExt.type
[generic] 1276 4050 31.5% -lh5- e81b Jan 15 1996 LightsOut.iff
[generic] 21032 33326 63.1% -lh5- 2cee Jan 11 1996 LightsOut.type
[generic] 864 1606 53.8% -lh5- fc72 Jan 15 1996 Lineprint.iff
[generic] 36493 62658 58.2% -lh5- 8700 Jan 11 1996 Lineprint.type
[generic] 1359 2794 48.6% -lh5- 037b Jan 15 1996 LithographLight.iff
[generic] 44591 71484 62.4% -lh5- c529 Jan 11 1996 LithographLight.type
[generic] 1046 2220 47.1% -lh5- 5d5b Jan 15 1996 LucindaSans.iff
[generic] 16327 25062 65.1% -lh5- fcca Jan 11 1996 LucindaSans.type
[generic] 1305 2396 54.5% -lh5- f4c0 Jan 15 1996 LucindaSansDemiboldItalic.iff
[generic] 16720 25374 65.9% -lh5- b865 Jan 11 1996 LucindaSansDemiboldItalic.type
[generic] 1084 2364 45.9% -lh5- 1a29 Jan 15 1996 LucindaSansDemiboldRoman.iff
[generic] 16397 25052 65.5% -lh5- a282 Jan 11 1996 LucindaSansDemiboldRoman.type
[generic] 1113 2360 47.2% -lh5- 6780 Jan 15 1996 LucindaSansTypewriter.iff
[generic] 16417 25262 65.0% -lh5- fc4d Jan 11 1996 LucindaSansTypewriter.type
[generic] 1098 2420 45.4% -lh5- 0219 Jan 15 1996 LucindaSansTypewriterBold.iff
[generic] 16269 24970 65.2% -lh5- 4784 Jan 11 1996 LucindaSansTypewriterBold.type
[generic] 757 2296 33.0% -lh5- f554 Jan 15 1996 MachiavelliBld.iff
[generic] 5773 15514 37.2% -lh5- fb04 Jan 11 1996 MachiavelliBld.type
[generic] 1046 2296 45.6% -lh5- 63f9 Jan 15 1996 MachiavelliItal.iff
[generic] 6234 15538 40.1% -lh5- e609 Jan 11 1996 MachiavelliItal.type
[generic] 241 532 45.3% -lh5- 038c Jan 15 1996 Machine.iff
[generic] 13952 26994 51.7% -lh5- a127 Jan 11 1996 Machine.type
[generic] 413 1308 31.6% -lh5- 1132 Jan 15 1996 Madrid.iff
[generic] 9156 20552 44.6% -lh5- 8722 Jan 11 1996 Madrid.type
[generic] 1034 2258 45.8% -lh5- 38fa Jan 15 1996 Magnet.iff
[generic] 18602 26372 70.5% -lh5- 9a6b Jan 11 1996 Magnet.type
[generic] 1142 2310 49.4% -lh5- 4214 Jan 15 1996 MagnetItal.iff
[generic] 19460 27316 71.2% -lh5- 0644 Jan 11 1996 MagnetItal.type
[generic] 1065 2440 43.6% -lh5- e769 Jan 15 1996 MagnumItal.iff
[generic] 9123 19264 47.4% -lh5- 2739 Jan 11 1996 MagnumItal.type
[generic] 366 658 55.6% -lh5- 1a67 Jan 15 1996 Mansion.iff
[generic] 19394 33596 57.7% -lh5- c366 Jan 11 1996 Mansion.type
[generic] 306 740 41.4% -lh5- 44d2 Jan 15 1996 MarboloNormal.iff
[generic] 24444 33880 72.1% -lh5- 30f4 Jan 11 1996 MarboloNormal.type
[generic] 1028 2208 46.6% -lh5- 9121 Jan 15 1996 MargaretAnneStyle.iff
[generic] 42267 70404 60.0% -lh5- 2c50 Jan 11 1996 MargaretAnneStyle.type
[generic] 966 2150 44.9% -lh5- b014 Jan 15 1996 MarrowHeavy.iff
[generic] 18067 26434 68.3% -lh5- fc06 Jan 11 1996 MarrowHeavy.type
[generic] 1092 2190 49.9% -lh5- a922 Jan 15 1996 MarrowItal.iff
[generic] 18403 26764 68.8% -lh5- 4bed Jan 11 1996 MarrowItal.type
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 53 files 552447 925128 59.7% Nov 4 1995
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Müller and the Aminet team.
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