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Short: | Converts Big5-CNS (chinese) 68k/Ppc/Wos |
Author: | lanch mail.caribusiness.it (Fabrizio Bartoloni) |
Uploader: | lanch mail caribusiness it (Fabrizio Bartoloni) |
Type: | text/misc |
Architecture: | m68k-amigaos,ppc-warpup,ppc-powerup |
Date: | 2000-02-03 |
Replaces: | text/misc/Big5-CNS.lha |
Download: | text/misc/Big5-CNS.lha - View contents | Readme: | text/misc/Big5-CNS.readme |
Downloads: | 4953 |
I've added PowerPC and WarpOs versions to give lucky ppc owners the
oppurtinity once more to enjoy their cards even with little programs
like these.
Readme created with ARC 3.2 - Copyright (c)1996-99 by Jens Weyer.
============================= Archive contents =============================
Original Packed Ratio Date Time Name
-------- ------- ----- --------- -------- -------------
844 455 46.0% 02-Feb-00 22:51:04 +big5-CNS.doc
8696 5348 38.5% 07-Apr-99 19:12:16 +big52cns
17336 6847 60.5% 02-Feb-00 22:45:46 +big52cns_ppc
10352 4603 55.5% 02-Feb-00 22:46:46 +big52cns_wos
8688 5347 38.4% 07-Apr-99 19:11:50 +cns2big5
17856 6790 61.9% 02-Feb-00 22:49:50 +cns2big5_ppc
10712 4580 57.2% 02-Feb-00 22:48:30 +cns2big5_wos
843 474 43.7% 16-May-94 17:19:20 +b5cns.c
2605 955 63.3% 11-May-94 18:11:48 +balance
10769 1456 86.4% 16-May-94 17:26:14 +Big5toCNS.c
1060 536 49.4% 16-May-94 17:22:22 +cnsb5.c
10610 1418 86.6% 16-May-94 17:26:22 +CNStoBig5.c
227 150 33.9% 16-May-94 17:18:42 +defs.h
450 231 48.6% 16-May-94 17:26:40 +Makefile
2535 922 63.6% 09-May-94 19:45:38 +MAP
477 213 55.3% 10-May-94 10:49:00 +map.h
1028 476 53.6% 16-May-94 16:34:40 +mkcode
914 564 38.2% 16-May-94 17:39:34 +README
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------
106002 41365 60.9% 02-Feb-00 22:52:16 18 files
Operation successful.
Contents of text/misc/Big5-CNS.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 455 844 53.9% -lh5- 5d1e Feb 2 2000 b5cns/big5-CNS.doc
[generic] 5348 8696 61.5% -lh5- 5328 Apr 7 1999 b5cns/big52cns
[generic] 6847 17336 39.5% -lh5- 29a8 Feb 2 2000 b5cns/big52cns_ppc
[generic] 4603 10352 44.5% -lh5- c680 Feb 2 2000 b5cns/big52cns_wos
[generic] 5347 8688 61.5% -lh5- 326b Apr 7 1999 b5cns/cns2big5
[generic] 6790 17856 38.0% -lh5- e74c Feb 2 2000 b5cns/cns2big5_ppc
[generic] 4580 10712 42.8% -lh5- dc71 Feb 2 2000 b5cns/cns2big5_wos
[generic] 474 843 56.2% -lh5- 0af7 May 16 1994 b5cns/Original/b5cns.c
[generic] 955 2605 36.7% -lh5- 3626 May 11 1994 b5cns/Original/balance
[generic] 1456 10769 13.5% -lh5- 0e26 May 16 1994 b5cns/Original/Big5toCNS.c
[generic] 536 1060 50.6% -lh5- 6d6c May 16 1994 b5cns/Original/cnsb5.c
[generic] 1418 10610 13.4% -lh5- 5b1a May 16 1994 b5cns/Original/CNStoBig5.c
[generic] 150 227 66.1% -lh5- bb72 May 16 1994 b5cns/Original/defs.h
[generic] 231 450 51.3% -lh5- 9259 May 16 1994 b5cns/Original/Makefile
[generic] 922 2535 36.4% -lh5- 0fa4 May 9 1994 b5cns/Original/MAP
[generic] 213 477 44.7% -lh5- 9f10 May 10 1994 b5cns/Original/map.h
[generic] 476 1028 46.3% -lh5- 0e3f May 16 1994 b5cns/Original/mkcode
[generic] 564 914 61.7% -lh5- 694c May 16 1994 b5cns/Original/README
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 18 files 41365 106002 39.0% Feb 3 2000
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