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Short:HanZiPLUS utilities (68k/PPc/Wos)
Author: lanch at (Fabrizio Bartoloni)
Uploader:lanch mail caribusiness it (Fabrizio Bartoloni)
Download:text/misc/HanZiPlus.lha - View contents

HanZiPlus (also referred as HZ+) is a standard derived from HZ in order
 to preserve chinese texts from e-mail encoding, here is a small group
 of utilities converting it to and fro Guobiao and Big5.

New for this upload are the PowerPC and WarpOs versions.

Readme created with ARC 3.2 - Copyright (c)1996-99 by Jens Weyer.

============================= Archive contents =============================
Original  Packed Ratio    Date     Time    Name
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------  -------------
    4668    1705 63.4% 04-Apr-99 17:57:46 +big2hzp.Amiga.c
    2702    1123 58.4% 04-Apr-99 17:58:52 +gb2hzp.Amiga.c
    9176    3092 66.3% 04-Apr-99 17:59:44 +hzp2big.Amiga.c
    7450    2526 66.0% 04-Apr-99 18:00:32 +hzp2gb.Amiga.c
   10856    6769 37.6% 04-Apr-99 17:57:56 +big2hzp
   24300    8939 63.2% 03-Feb-00 16:51:50 +big2hzp_ppc
   15660    6224 60.2% 03-Feb-00 16:51:34 +big2hzp_wos
   10280    6447 37.2% 04-Apr-99 17:59:00 +gb2hzp
   23524    8562 63.6% 03-Feb-00 16:52:26 +gb2hzp_ppc
   14980    5881 60.7% 03-Feb-00 16:52:50 +gb2hzp_wos
     764     501 34.4% 03-Feb-00 17:00:32 +Hzp-Amiga.doc
   10804    6631 38.6% 04-Apr-99 17:59:54 +hzp2big
    9952    6193 37.7% 04-Apr-99 18:00:42 +hzp2gb
    4809    1947 59.5% 02-Jun-94 17:25:44 +etfonts.doc
    6613    2847 56.9% 02-Jun-94 17:25:44 +hz.doc
    5906    2499 57.6% 25-Sep-94 18:49:16 +hzp.doc
     539     310 42.4% 24-Sep-94 22:51:28 +README
    1845    1000 45.7% 24-Sep-94 21:35:28 +howto.doc
     412     227 44.9% 06-Jul-94 16:48:58 +makefile.tcc
     731     357 51.1% 24-Sep-94 22:51:56 +README
    1627     816 49.8% 24-Sep-94 23:51:44 +README
    4656    1696 63.5% 22-Sep-94 06:37:00 +big2hzp.c
    2690    1115 58.5% 22-Sep-94 06:35:38 +gb2hzp.c
    1838     999 45.6% 25-Sep-94 18:26:06 +howto.doc
    9164    3083 66.3% 22-Sep-94 23:17:14 +hzp2big.c
    7438    2517 66.1% 22-Sep-94 23:19:56 +hzp2gb.c
      55      55  0.0% 24-Sep-94 22:35:32 +big2gb
      55      55  0.0% 24-Sep-94 22:35:26 +gb2big
    1339     441 67.0% 24-Sep-94 21:46:18 +hc.patch
     724     310 57.1% 24-Sep-94 22:35:54 +hzptty
    2388    1094 54.1% 24-Sep-94 22:49:38 +README
     491     229 53.3% 22-Sep-94 12:45:38 +Makefile
     839     408 51.3% 24-Sep-94 22:50:34 +README
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------
  199275   86598 56.5% 03-Feb-00 17:01:16   33 files

Operation successful.

Contents of text/misc/HanZiPlus.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic]                 1705    4668  36.5% -lh5- 8811 Apr  4  1999 hzp/AmigaSources/big2hzp.Amiga.c
[generic]                 1123    2702  41.6% -lh5- c627 Apr  4  1999 hzp/AmigaSources/gb2hzp.Amiga.c
[generic]                 3092    9176  33.7% -lh5- 4fd7 Apr  4  1999 hzp/AmigaSources/hzp2big.Amiga.c
[generic]                 2526    7450  33.9% -lh5- d5e2 Apr  4  1999 hzp/AmigaSources/hzp2gb.Amiga.c
[generic]                 6769   10856  62.4% -lh5- 9e70 Apr  4  1999 hzp/big2hzp
[generic]                 8939   24300  36.8% -lh5- dff1 Feb  3  2000 hzp/big2hzp_ppc
[generic]                 6224   15660  39.7% -lh5- 2ed9 Feb  3  2000 hzp/big2hzp_wos
[generic]                 6447   10280  62.7% -lh5- effb Apr  4  1999 hzp/gb2hzp
[generic]                 8562   23524  36.4% -lh5- d002 Feb  3  2000 hzp/gb2hzp_ppc
[generic]                 5881   14980  39.3% -lh5- fc9b Feb  3  2000 hzp/gb2hzp_wos
[generic]                  501     764  65.6% -lh5- a5aa Feb  3  2000 hzp/Hzp-Amiga.doc
[generic]                 6631   10804  61.4% -lh5- 48aa Apr  4  1999 hzp/hzp2big
[generic]                 6193    9952  62.2% -lh5- 59ad Apr  4  1999 hzp/hzp2gb
[generic]                 1947    4809  40.5% -lh5- 66bf Jun  2  1994 hzp/Original/etfonts.doc
[generic]                 2847    6613  43.1% -lh5- 709a Jun  2  1994 hzp/Original/hz.doc
[generic]                 2499    5906  42.3% -lh5- 4953 Sep 25  1994 hzp/Original/hzp.doc
[generic]                  310     539  57.5% -lh5- 53d9 Sep 24  1994 hzp/Original/macintosh/README
[generic]                 1000    1845  54.2% -lh5- 7acc Sep 24  1994 hzp/Original/msdos/howto.doc
[generic]                  227     412  55.1% -lh5- 9f3b Jul  6  1994 hzp/Original/msdos/makefile.tcc
[generic]                  357     731  48.8% -lh5- 86ec Sep 24  1994 hzp/Original/msdos/README
[generic]                  816    1627  50.2% -lh5- 6ccd Sep 24  1994 hzp/Original/README
[generic]                 1696    4656  36.4% -lh5- 6aba Sep 22  1994 hzp/Original/unix/big2hzp.c
[generic]                 1115    2690  41.4% -lh5- ace0 Sep 22  1994 hzp/Original/unix/gb2hzp.c
[generic]                  999    1838  54.4% -lh5- 94ed Sep 25  1994 hzp/Original/unix/howto.doc
[generic]                 3083    9164  33.6% -lh5- 6fd4 Sep 22  1994 hzp/Original/unix/hzp2big.c
[generic]                 2517    7438  33.8% -lh5- 58da Sep 22  1994 hzp/Original/unix/hzp2gb.c
[generic]                   55      55 100.0% -lh0- 6058 Sep 24  1994 hzp/Original/unix/hzptty/big2gb
[generic]                   55      55 100.0% -lh0- ac1c Sep 24  1994 hzp/Original/unix/hzptty/gb2big
[generic]                  441    1339  32.9% -lh5- 1918 Sep 24  1994 hzp/Original/unix/hzptty/hc.patch
[generic]                  310     724  42.8% -lh5- ea5c Sep 24  1994 hzp/Original/unix/hzptty/hzptty
[generic]                 1094    2388  45.8% -lh5- 242c Sep 24  1994 hzp/Original/unix/hzptty/README
[generic]                  229     491  46.6% -lh5- d7d5 Sep 22  1994 hzp/Original/unix/Makefile
[generic]                  408     839  48.6% -lh5- 1897 Sep 24  1994 hzp/Original/unix/README
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
 Total        33 files   86598  199275  43.5%            Feb  4  2000
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