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Short:Demo of a new disk-mag creator
Author:shaun watters
Uploader:phil ware5d demon co uk
Download:text/misc/Mmpro.lha - View contents

Disk-mag created by MultiMag Pro, a new disk-mag creator from 5DL. This disk
shows what can be accomplished by using the easy to use point and click GUI.

Details of how to obtain the full version are also included.

Please format a disk and name it "WorkDisk" unpack the archive onto it, and
add the commands/libs/handlers to each draw as specified in the "Add.txt",
which will be found in every draw.

Finally install the disk and bootup, easy :)

    Original  Packed Ratio    Date     Time    Name
    -------- ------- ----- --------- --------  -------------
         130     110 15.3% 13-Sep-96 21:45:00  C/Add.txt
         232     119 48.7% 13-Sep-96 21:45:00  Devs/System-configuration
       37808   23536 37.7% 13-Sep-96 21:45:00  Extras/BACKDROP.IFF
        8896    6448 27.5% 13-Sep-96 21:45:00  Extras/MM1.IFF
        5094    2923 42.6% 13-Sep-96 21:45:00  Extras/MM2.IFF
        3924    2500 36.2% 13-Sep-96 21:45:00  Extras/MM3.IFF
        5382    3226 40.0% 13-Sep-96 21:45:00  Extras/MM4.IFF
        8758    3131 64.2% 13-Sep-96 21:45:00  Extras/MM5.IFF
        7816    3094 60.4% 13-Sep-96 21:45:00  Extras/MM6.IFF
        3448    1361 60.5% 13-Sep-96 21:45:00  Extras/MM7.IFF
        2258    1038 54.0% 13-Sep-96 21:45:00  Extras/MM8.IFF
       40178   23969 40.3% 13-Sep-96 21:45:00  Extras/NICE1990.MOD
       15208   12124 20.2% 13-Sep-96 21:45:00  Extras/BACK
        7896    2590 67.1% 13-Sep-96 21:45:00  Extras/BACK1
        4818    3232 32.9% 13-Sep-96 21:45:00  Extras/BACK2
       52608   39678 24.5% 13-Sep-96 21:45:00  Extras/BACK3
         786     128 83.7% 13-Sep-96 21:45:00  Extras/BACK4
        9074    3114 65.6% 13-Sep-96 21:45:00  Extras/BAR.MM
        7386    2711 63.2% 13-Sep-96 21:45:00  Extras/CLIPART.MM
       10038    4492 55.2% 13-Sep-96 21:45:00  Extras/EXTRAS.MM
       56862   42789 24.7% 13-Sep-96 21:45:00  Extras/FRACT001.IFF
       46118   37193 19.3% 13-Sep-96 21:45:00  Extras/FRACT002.IFF
       47216   35099 25.6% 13-Sep-96 21:45:00  Extras/FRACT003.iff
        4996    3077 38.4% 13-Sep-96 21:45:00  Extras/TOPBAR.MM
        1652     485 70.6% 13-Sep-96 21:45:00  Extras/INDEXPIC
       30454   18213 40.1% 13-Sep-96 21:45:00  Extras/LITTLE.MOD
       30528    9203 69.8% 13-Sep-96 21:45:00  Extras/MENUMUS3.MOD
       31728   19057 39.9% 13-Sep-96 21:45:00  Extras/MERDEMUS.MOD
      127242   82828 34.9% 13-Sep-96 21:45:00  Extras/MM.ANIM
        3208    1811 43.5% 13-Sep-96 21:45:00  Fonts/Ibm5/8
         264      27 89.7% 13-Sep-96 21:45:00  Fonts/News.font
        5248    2288 56.4% 13-Sep-96 21:45:00  Fonts/News/23
         264      26 90.1% 13-Sep-96 21:45:00  Fonts/Pearl.font
        2616    1398 46.5% 13-Sep-96 21:45:00  Fonts/Pearl/8
        1476     786 46.7% 13-Sep-96 21:45:00  Fonts/Peridot/7
        3884    2227 42.6% 13-Sep-96 21:45:00  Fonts/Personal/8
        1449     703 51.4% 13-Sep-96 21:45:00  CLIPART.TXT
        1789     452 74.7% 13-Sep-96 21:45:00
       79840   79840  0.0% 13-Sep-96 21:45:00  ENGINE
         988     504 48.9% 13-Sep-96 21:45:00  FONTS.TXT
         264      27 89.7% 13-Sep-96 21:45:00  Fonts/Ibm5.font
         264      31 88.2% 13-Sep-96 21:45:00  Fonts/Peridot.font
         264      31 88.2% 13-Sep-96 21:45:00  Fonts/Personal.font
         110      94 14.5% 13-Sep-96 21:45:00  L/Add.txt
         110      92 16.3% 13-Sep-96 21:45:00  Libs/Add.txt
        1876    1317 29.7% 13-Sep-96 21:45:00  Libs/Explode.library
        6076    4128 32.0% 13-Sep-96 21:45:00  Libs/Powerpacker.library
        1747     799 54.2% 13-Sep-96 21:45:00  NORMAL.TXT
         299     138 53.8% 13-Sep-96 21:45:00  S/Startup-sequence
        1668     715 57.1% 13-Sep-96 21:45:00  SCROLL.TXT
        1168     652 44.1% 13-Sep-96 21:45:00  SECRET.TXT
        1627     431 73.5% 13-Sep-96 21:45:00  SETUP
        8020      56 99.3% 13-Sep-96 21:45:00  SETUP.PALDATA
        1038     565 45.5% 13-Sep-96 21:45:00  SPLITSCREEN.TXT
    -------- ------- ----- --------- --------
      734091  486606 33.7% 13-Sep-96 21:46:50   54 files

=-=-> 13.9.96 <-=-=

Contents of text/misc/Mmpro.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic]                  110     130  84.6% -lh5- 7000 Sep 13  1996 C/Add.txt
[generic]                  119     232  51.3% -lh5- b437 Sep 13  1996 Devs/System-configuration
[generic]                23536   37808  62.3% -lh5- da0d Sep 13  1996 Extras/BACKDROP.IFF
[generic]                 6448    8896  72.5% -lh5- 0336 Sep 13  1996 Extras/MM1.IFF
[generic]                 2923    5094  57.4% -lh5- 4689 Sep 13  1996 Extras/MM2.IFF
[generic]                 2500    3924  63.7% -lh5- 9bdc Sep 13  1996 Extras/MM3.IFF
[generic]                 3226    5382  59.9% -lh5- c875 Sep 13  1996 Extras/MM4.IFF
[generic]                 3131    8758  35.8% -lh5- 01cc Sep 13  1996 Extras/MM5.IFF
[generic]                 3094    7816  39.6% -lh5- 7f7f Sep 13  1996 Extras/MM6.IFF
[generic]                 1361    3448  39.5% -lh5- 26f5 Sep 13  1996 Extras/MM7.IFF
[generic]                 1038    2258  46.0% -lh5- 7a1c Sep 13  1996 Extras/MM8.IFF
[generic]                23969   40178  59.7% -lh5- 6e93 Sep 13  1996 Extras/NICE1990.MOD
[generic]                12124   15208  79.7% -lh5- b5be Sep 13  1996 Extras/BACK
[generic]                 2590    7896  32.8% -lh5- a5b5 Sep 13  1996 Extras/BACK1
[generic]                 3232    4818  67.1% -lh5- ee4a Sep 13  1996 Extras/BACK2
[generic]                39678   52608  75.4% -lh5- 6043 Sep 13  1996 Extras/BACK3
[generic]                  128     786  16.3% -lh5- cddc Sep 13  1996 Extras/BACK4
[generic]                 3114    9074  34.3% -lh5- 3e0c Sep 13  1996 Extras/BAR.MM
[generic]                 2711    7386  36.7% -lh5- 5709 Sep 13  1996 Extras/CLIPART.MM
[generic]                 4492   10038  44.7% -lh5- 2171 Sep 13  1996 Extras/EXTRAS.MM
[generic]                42789   56862  75.3% -lh5- 969e Sep 13  1996 Extras/FRACT001.IFF
[generic]                37193   46118  80.6% -lh5- b958 Sep 13  1996 Extras/FRACT002.IFF
[generic]                35099   47216  74.3% -lh5- aa2b Sep 13  1996 Extras/FRACT003.iff
[generic]                 3077    4996  61.6% -lh5- e7e8 Sep 13  1996 Extras/TOPBAR.MM
[generic]                  485    1652  29.4% -lh5- a836 Sep 13  1996 Extras/INDEXPIC
[generic]                18213   30454  59.8% -lh5- c7a5 Sep 13  1996 Extras/LITTLE.MOD
[generic]                 9203   30528  30.1% -lh5- cee9 Sep 13  1996 Extras/MENUMUS3.MOD
[generic]                19057   31728  60.1% -lh5- a857 Sep 13  1996 Extras/MERDEMUS.MOD
[generic]                82828  127242  65.1% -lh5- f6c9 Sep 13  1996 Extras/MM.ANIM
[generic]                 1811    3208  56.5% -lh5- 72ba Sep 13  1996 Fonts/Ibm5/8
[generic]                   27     264  10.2% -lh5- 52fa Sep 13  1996 Fonts/News.font
[generic]                 2288    5248  43.6% -lh5- 91d0 Sep 13  1996 Fonts/News/23
[generic]                   26     264   9.8% -lh5- 2422 Sep 13  1996 Fonts/Pearl.font
[generic]                 1398    2616  53.4% -lh5- 6455 Sep 13  1996 Fonts/Pearl/8
[generic]                  786    1476  53.3% -lh5- bfdd Sep 13  1996 Fonts/Peridot/7
[generic]                 2227    3884  57.3% -lh5- 817f Sep 13  1996 Fonts/Personal/8
[generic]                  703    1449  48.5% -lh5- c64d Sep 13  1996 clipart.txt
[generic]                  452    1789  25.3% -lh5- 1164 Sep 13  1996
[generic]                79840   79840 100.0% -lh0- 7785 Sep 13  1996 engine
[generic]                  504     988  51.0% -lh5- 1d0e Sep 13  1996 fonts.txt
[generic]                   27     264  10.2% -lh5- 4def Sep 13  1996 Fonts/Ibm5.font
[generic]                   31     264  11.7% -lh5- 02da Sep 13  1996 Fonts/Peridot.font
[generic]                   31     264  11.7% -lh5- 132c Sep 13  1996 Fonts/Personal.font
[generic]                   94     110  85.5% -lh5- 6536 Sep 13  1996 L/Add.txt
[generic]                   92     110  83.6% -lh5- 2af5 Sep 13  1996 Libs/Add.txt
[generic]                 1317    1876  70.2% -lh5- 8120 Sep 13  1996 Libs/Explode.library
[generic]                 4128    6076  67.9% -lh5- 0f8a Sep 13  1996 Libs/Powerpacker.library
[generic]                  799    1747  45.7% -lh5- 52f5 Sep 13  1996 normal.txt
[generic]                  138     299  46.2% -lh5- 0b67 Sep 13  1996 S/Startup-sequence
[generic]                  715    1668  42.9% -lh5- e637 Sep 13  1996 scroll.txt
[generic]                  652    1168  55.8% -lh5- 2ff6 Sep 13  1996 secret.txt
[generic]                  431    1627  26.5% -lh5- 1e83 Sep 13  1996 setup
[generic]                   56    8020   0.7% -lh5- a973 Sep 13  1996 setup.paldata
[generic]                  565    1038  54.4% -lh5- 9d2d Sep 13  1996 splitscreen.txt
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
 Total        54 files  486606  734091  66.3%            Sep 17  1996
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