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Short: | Freeware Protext Document Converter V0.9 |
Author: | jogvanj yahoo.com (Jógvan Jacobsen) |
Uploader: | jogvanj yahoo com (Jógvan Jacobsen) |
Type: | text/misc |
Architecture: | m68k-amigaos |
Date: | 2003-09-14 |
Replaces: | ProTexCon.lha |
Download: | text/misc/ProTexCon.lha - View contents | Readme: | text/misc/ProTexCon.readme |
Downloads: | 423 |
* *
* ProTexCon V0.9 by J. Jacobsen jogvanj@yahoo.com *
* ----------------------------------------------- *
* The Freeware Protext document Converter *
* *
ProTexCon is a CLI based Protext document converter. It can output
ascii, amigaguide, html and readme. It can also translate the
characters from an Amstrad NC100 so they are displayed correctly on an
Amiga. And it is freeware.
This is the first release of ProTexCon.
This very readme file was written on an Amstrad Notepad NC100 and
then converted into an ascii readme file using ProTexCon and the
readme option.
ProTexCon is Copyright 2003 Jógvan Jacobsen. All rights reserved.
ProTexCon is FREEWARE. You may use it as you please. But you may only
distribute it as long as no profit is gained from it. You must also
include all files in this archive if you choose to distribute it.
ProTexCon does not require much. Any Amiga should do. Some Protext
documents would be nice.
inputfile is the Protext document that is to be converted.
outputfile is the name of the resulting file.
ASCII|GUIDE|GUIDE40|HTML|README is the format to convert to. Only one
of these options can be used at the same time. ProTexCon currently
supports the formats ascii, amigaguide, html and readme. Default is
Here follows a short description of the currently supported output
Ascii - American Standard Code for Information Interchange. This
format is pure text. The lines are only cut of at the end of each
paragraf. No justification of text. Good for importing text into word
Guide - Amigaguide. The resulting outputfile is an amigaguide with a
single page. The text is formatted and justified. The lines are cut of
at the same points as the original Protext document. This is usable
for viewing and printing the contents of a Protext document.
Guide40 - also amigaguide but uses newer amigaguide commands. The
lines are only cut at the end of each paragraf. It uses amigaguide
commands to wrap text and to justify to the left and right. Only
useful if you have Workbench 3.1 or newer.
Html - Hypertext Markup Language version 4. The text is formatted, but
not justified. The lines are only cut of at the end of each paragraf.
The internet standard. Good for importing formatted text into some
word processors.
Readme - Ascii with a tweek. Pure text. No formatting of text. Text is
justified. Lines are cut of at the same points as the original Protext
document. This a good option for creating - have you guessed it? -
readme files. This very readme file was created using this option.
NOTEPAD is used to translate special characters written on an Amstrad
Notepad into amiga native ones. Very handy if you are writing in a
language that uses special characters.
The first parameter MUST be the name of the inputfile. The second MUST
be the name of the outputfile. The order of any following parameters
is irrelevant.
FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions
Q? What is Protext?
A! Protext is a word processor created by Arnor. A Protext document
is a document created with this word processor.
Q? Why does ProTexCon not distinguish between Protext documents and
other files?
A! There does'nt seem to be any identification code in Protext
documents. So ProTexCon attempts to convert all files.
Q? What does "justification of text" mean?
A! Protext documents are justified. The information about
justification is used by some of the output formats to create the
apropriate look.
Q? What is a an Amstrad Notepad?
A! An Amstrad Notepad or Notebook is a very handy tool for writing
notes in a comfortable digital manner. It creates Protext documents
which can then be converted into something else using ProTexCon.
Q? Why does the text not center align properly when converted to
ascii, amigaguide and html?
A! The Protext document format uses space to justify. It simply
positions the text in the middle of the screen to center it. This may
be fixed in the future.
This program was created by me. My name and adress are as follows:
Jógvan Jacobsen
oman Viðarlund, 7kj
FO 100 Tórshavn
North Atlantic
Email: jogvanj@yahoo.com
I hope ProTexCon program will be useful for someone.
Amstrad notepad Resources
There are some good Amstrad notepad resources on the net. Here are
some listed.
Tim's Amstrad NC Users' Site
My favorite NC website. It contains manuals, FAQ, software for the NCs
and more. Defenitly worth checking out.
Version 0.9
· FIX Corrected parameter reading and enterpreting. Now it is case
insensitive. And of course it should be.
· ADD Created a Directory Opus filetype. Now you see a Protext
document when you double click it. If you have DOpus that is.
· ADD Added support for new amigaguide commands. Only useful for
Workbench 3.1 and newer.
Version 0.8
· FIX Completely rewrote the character translation part. Now it
translates ALL characters and not just the ones that I use. It is also
much faster now.
· ADD I added all the Protext formatting codes that I can find. It
still does'nt fully support them in the output though.
Version 0.7
· FIX: Fixed Conversion to all formats.
· FIX: Fixed special character translation.
Version 0.6
· FIX: Fixed html conversion.
· ADD: Added the ability to convert into amigaguide.
· NEW: CLI based operation. It was'nt usable untill this point.
Version 0.5
· NEW: Added the ability to convert into html code.
· NEW: Added the ability to translate special characters.
· ADD: Added the ability to convert into ascii.
Version 0.4
· FIX: Rewrote the whole thing from scratch.
· NEW: Added the ability to read a file and write the content an
· NEW: Added the ability to write to content of one file to another.
Version 0.3
· FIX: Reading and writing rewritten several times. Still did'nt work.
Version 0.2
First real attempt to real program. Did'nt work.
· NEW: CLI based argument enterpreter.
· NEW: Read inputfile and write outputfile. Did'nt work!
Version 0.1
Started life 30th of august when I decided to create Protext document
converter and started planning how it would work.
Contents of text/misc/ProTexCon.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 603 1233 48.9% -lh5- 9d37 Sep 6 2003 ProTexCon.info
[generic] 1037 1898 54.6% -lh5- 6556 Sep 7 2003 ProTexCon/Examples/Goddag mann.ptx
[generic] 3013 8027 37.5% -lh5- 9fe3 Sep 8 2003 ProTexCon/Examples/Readme.ptx
[generic] 466 872 53.4% -lh5- 2911 Sep 6 2003 ProTexCon/Examples/Yvirlýsing.ptx
[generic] 166 372 44.6% -lh5- 3b4f Sep 8 2003 ProTexCon/FileTypes/Protext Document
[generic] 666 1403 47.5% -lh5- 6db8 Sep 6 2003 ProTexCon/FileTypes/Protext Document.info
[generic] 2849 7562 37.7% -lh5- 34e5 Sep 8 2003 ProTexCon/ProTexCon.readme
[generic] 1340 1857 72.2% -lh5- d496 Sep 6 2003 ProTexCon/ProTexCon.readme.info
[generic] 17108 44100 38.8% -lh5- 39c0 Sep 8 2003 ProTexCon/PTC
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 9 files 27248 67324 40.5% Sep 14 2003
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