Updater V2.02 (15 February 98)
This program is born because of complains of translators:
they have to check the whole file after each modification
I do, so they were very angry because i change the translation
very often :-)
This prog can read .catalog file and then save them after
It can read .cd files and .ct files: you can give a new .cd
file and then an old .cd file and it will compare them;
You can give a .ct and all new strings will be created
so you can easylly translate them.
You can even with a .cd and a .catalog build a .ct file!
There is also a developer part:
With a .cd file and source files (*.c) the prog
checks the unused strings so you can remove it!
You can even build a .cd file from C source file:
The prog get all strings of theses files and then
after some work you can update the source and remplace
the strings with the locale functio with matching ID.
New in version 2.02:
- fixe some troubles with explicit ID number in .cd files.
- change the behaviour of strings display list.
New in version 2.00:
- use of TextEditor.mcc instead of intuition string
gadget. This class allows style and format text effects.
- use of toolbar.mcc instead of button... nicer.
- fixed loading troubles (old .ct/.cd).
- add a 'insert an entry in .cd' option.
New in version 1.12:
-now updater closed the muifilereq.library...
(i'm so stupid sometimes... arghhh)
New in version 1.11:
-fixed some dummy bugs when saving .cd file (sorry)!
-fixed bugs when saving .catalog too
New in version 1.10:
-add search option.
-add default dirs setting.
-added today date facilities.
-add bump version and revision.
-fixe NewDirNList.mcc bug.
-fixe a save .cd file after loading a .ct file.
Give me some feedback please.
Have Fun!!