Version 1.0 - PC DOS EXE ONLY
This program searches through an Aminet styled text file (like
INDEX, CHARTS, RECENT), and outputs the files that meet your
search critirea. These are currently:
Aminet->SLD Converter - Version 1.00
(C) S.Goodwin 1997
sld [-t[p|h|a]] [-f[s|a|c] param] [-s param] [-a param] [-c param] [-q]
-tp Set list type to src-PC
-th Set list type to Hensa
-ta Set list type to Aminet
-fs gt100K Lists only files greater than (gt) 100K
Valid conditions are, gt, ge, lt, le, eq
Valid sizes are nnnK, a.bM
-fa gt3 Filter by age (in weeks)
-fc clock Filter by comment
-s 10 Format of list requires that size parameter starts at 10
Zero (0) indicates first column.
-q Quiet mode. No output!
All parameters are case insensitive.
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