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Short:Easily print tape covers (slim tape & more)
Author: jerryp at (Jarda Pokorny)
Uploader:kedar infima cz (Radek Machacek)
Download:text/print/Cassette12.lha - View contents

What the hell is Cassette?

  Cassette is a program for printing audio tape covers.
  You can easily create, preview and print covers.
  You can use AGFA outline fonts and the WYSIWYG technology.

 Features :
    - better look (especially under OS 3.x)
    - both font and color GUI configuration
    - font sensitive
    - full mouse and keyboard control
    - iconify to app-icon/menu, zoom
    - save with icons
    - built-in icons (changeable)
    - drag and drop icon operations
    - store configuration to icon
    - store requester's positions
    - localization, built-in english strings
    - file overwrite checking, backup files
    - autosense printer DPI
    - supports Magic Workbench 2.0
    - run on selected public screen
    - AmigaGuide® help
    - pretty internal requesters
    - store data files as ASCII text
    - self antiviral check
    - auto song numbering
    - auto font height
    - selectable font width
    - swap, copy, paste & clear functions
    - clipboard support
    - reqtools support
    - slim tape support
    - autoreplace missing fonts

 Required hard & software
 To start program you need:
    - system V37 or greater   (Release 2.04)
    - 1 MB of memory
    - external diskfont.library V37+
    - external asl.library V37+ or reqtools.library V38+
    - 8KB program stack

 To use program I recommend you:
    - system V39 or greater   (Release 3.x)
    - 2MB of memory
    - external locale.library V38+
    - external amigaguide.library V34+
    - outline Intellifons (AGFA), installed in your system
    - harddisk, printer, better monitor (VGA, multiscan)

 Simply you need:
  · Poor:  A500+, A600
  · Best:  A1200HD, A3000, A4000

 About author...

             _#      **MMp     g#00   `N##0"   _agN#0P0N#         _#L
            g##       jN##    j##F     J##   _dN0"      "        g##L
          _#]##      _0 ##L  jN##F     ###  g#0"               _03##L
         gE_j##      #  0## jF ##F    j##F j##     ______     gE_j##L
       _0"""N##     d"  J##L0  ##F    0##  0##     "9##F"   _0"""5##L
     _gF    ]##    jF    ##0   ##F    ##F  `##k     d##   _gF    j##L
   _g#_    _j##L__g#__   ]N  _j##L_ _d##L_  `#Nh___g#N' _g#_    _j##L_
  `""""    """""'""""'    "  """""" """"""     """"""" `""""    """"""
                         »» FOREVER THE BEST ««

  Send your ideas, comments and bugreports to:

  Address:   Jarda Pokorny             Phone:     ++42/47/484 55
  ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯    Kmochova 25               ¯¯¯¯¯       ___
             Usti nad Labem            Snapshot:  {8-)
             400 11                    ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯    ¯¯¯
             Czech republic, EUROPE

======================= Listing of archive 'Cassette12.lha': =======================

Original  Packed Ratio    Date     Time    Name
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------  -------------
    1192     595 50.0% 22-Apr-96 15:00:00
   90304   42831 52.5% 22-Apr-96 15:00:00  Cassette/Cassette
    1567     532 66.0% 22-Apr-96 15:00:00  Cassette/
    1192     591 50.4% 22-Apr-96 15:00:00  Cassette/
     694     453 34.7% 22-Apr-96 15:00:00  Cassette/Cassettes/ACDC · Death
    1336     541 59.5% 22-Apr-96 15:00:00  Cassette/Cassettes/ACDC ·
     757     476 37.1% 22-Apr-96 15:00:00  Cassette/Cassettes/MEGADETH
    1336     540 59.5% 22-Apr-96 15:00:00  Cassette/Cassettes/
     783     517 33.9% 22-Apr-96 15:00:00  Cassette/Cassettes/Nirvana · Sinister
    1336     539 59.6% 22-Apr-96 15:00:00  Cassette/Cassettes/Nirvana ·
    5764    2721 52.7% 22-Apr-96 15:00:00  Cassette/Catalogs/czech/cassette.catalog
    5302    2488 53.0% 22-Apr-96 15:00:00  Cassette/Catalogs/english/cassette.catalog
    5766    2718 52.8% 22-Apr-96 15:00:00  Cassette/Catalogs/ÃeÓtina/cassette.catalog
    5764    2722 52.7% 22-Apr-96 15:00:00  Cassette/Catalogs/çeský/cassette.catalog
   14294    5143 64.0% 22-Apr-96 15:00:00  Cassette/Help
    1577     818 48.1% 22-Apr-96 15:00:00  Cassette/
     649     239 63.1% 22-Apr-96 15:00:00  Cassette/Icons/
     628     279 55.5% 22-Apr-96 15:00:00  Cassette/Icons/
     469     229 51.1% 22-Apr-96 15:00:00  Cassette/Icons/
    1629     662 59.3% 22-Apr-96 15:00:00  Cassette/Icons/
    1385     557 59.7% 22-Apr-96 15:00:00  Cassette/Icons/
     469     226 51.8% 22-Apr-96 15:00:00  Cassette/Icons/NÁpovÅ
     469     231 50.7% 22-Apr-96 15:00:00  Cassette/Icons/Nápovë
     469     227 51.5% 22-Apr-96 15:00:00  Cassette/Icons/Nápovì
   61909   22346 63.9% 22-Apr-96 15:00:00  Cassette/NÁpovÅda
    1577     824 47.7% 22-Apr-96 15:00:00  Cassette/NÁpovÅ
   61909   22342 63.9% 22-Apr-96 15:00:00  Cassette/Nápovëda
    1577     817 48.1% 22-Apr-96 15:00:00  Cassette/Nápovë
   61909   22346 63.9% 22-Apr-96 15:00:00  Cassette/Nápovìda
    1577     822 47.8% 22-Apr-96 15:00:00  Cassette/Nápovì
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------
  335589  136372 59.3% 30-May-96 20:55:00   30 files

Contents of text/print/Cassette12.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic]                  595    1192  49.9% -lh5- 0dc1 Apr 22  1996
[generic]                42831   90304  47.4% -lh5- 0349 Apr 22  1996 Cassette/Cassette
[generic]                  532    1567  34.0% -lh5- 0c7c Apr 22  1996 Cassette/
[generic]                  591    1192  49.6% -lh5- 370e Apr 22  1996 Cassette/
[generic]                  453     694  65.3% -lh5- 0269 Apr 22  1996 Cassette/Cassettes/ACDC · Death
[generic]                  541    1336  40.5% -lh5- 8fce Apr 22  1996 Cassette/Cassettes/ACDC ·
[generic]                  476     757  62.9% -lh5- d388 Apr 22  1996 Cassette/Cassettes/MEGADETH
[generic]                  540    1336  40.4% -lh5- 913f Apr 22  1996 Cassette/Cassettes/
[generic]                  517     783  66.0% -lh5- 9a06 Apr 22  1996 Cassette/Cassettes/Nirvana · Sinister
[generic]                  539    1336  40.3% -lh5- 3d72 Apr 22  1996 Cassette/Cassettes/Nirvana ·
[generic]                 2721    5764  47.2% -lh5- 7994 Apr 22  1996 Cassette/Catalogs/czech/cassette.catalog
[generic]                 2488    5302  46.9% -lh5- 0bb6 Apr 22  1996 Cassette/Catalogs/english/cassette.catalog
[generic]                 2718    5766  47.1% -lh5- f365 Apr 22  1996 Cassette/Catalogs/ÃeÓtina/cassette.catalog
[generic]                 2722    5764  47.2% -lh5- 09ce Apr 22  1996 Cassette/Catalogs/çeský/cassette.catalog
[generic]                 5143   14294  36.0% -lh5- 0a5e Apr 22  1996 Cassette/Help
[generic]                  818    1577  51.9% -lh5- 5b76 Apr 22  1996 Cassette/
[generic]                  239     649  36.8% -lh5- b51a Apr 22  1996 Cassette/Icons/
[generic]                  279     628  44.4% -lh5- 97d8 Apr 22  1996 Cassette/Icons/
[generic]                  229     469  48.8% -lh5- c7e4 Apr 22  1996 Cassette/Icons/
[generic]                  662    1629  40.6% -lh5- 6566 Apr 22  1996 Cassette/Icons/
[generic]                  557    1385  40.2% -lh5- 8b97 Apr 22  1996 Cassette/Icons/
[generic]                  226     469  48.2% -lh5- 7543 Apr 22  1996 Cassette/Icons/NÁpovÅ
[generic]                  231     469  49.3% -lh5- 7464 Apr 22  1996 Cassette/Icons/Nápovë
[generic]                  227     469  48.4% -lh5- 86c2 Apr 22  1996 Cassette/Icons/Nápovì
[generic]                22346   61909  36.1% -lh5- 82f9 Apr 22  1996 Cassette/NÁpovÅda
[generic]                  824    1577  52.3% -lh5- c14c Apr 22  1996 Cassette/NÁpovÅ
[generic]                22342   61909  36.1% -lh5- f541 Apr 22  1996 Cassette/Nápovëda
[generic]                  817    1577  51.8% -lh5- 773e Apr 22  1996 Cassette/Nápovë
[generic]                22346   61909  36.1% -lh5- aeab Apr 22  1996 Cassette/Nápovìda
[generic]                  822    1577  52.1% -lh5- c28f Apr 22  1996 Cassette/Nápovì
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
 Total        30 files  136372  335589  40.6%            May 30  1996
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