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Short:Zoo 2.10 (PPC), including source
Author:(various, see below)
Uploader:Andreas_Kleinert t-online de
Download:util/arc/ZooPPC.lha - View contents

  "Zoo is used to create and maintain collections of files in
   compressed form.  It uses a Lempel-Ziv compression algorithm
   that gives space savings in the range of 20% to 80% depend-
   ing on the type of file data.  Zoo can store and selectively
   extract multiple generations of the same file.  Data can be
   recovered from damaged archives by skipping the damaged por-
   tion and locating undamaged data with the help of fiz(1)."

 Now finally available for powerUP (TM), too...
 (guess, you all waited for it 8-)

 See changes.powerup for necessary changes
 for the SAS/C 7.00 PPC port.

 PPC binary is called "zoo.elf" (fiz.elf) and useable from Shell
 when being used with ppc.library V46+

 ARK, 27/Aug/98



  In the past, some guy called "SPH" took most of my free PPC ports
  (those where the sources have been included) and ported them to WOS.

  While I've nothing against WOS ports, an other point is very distasteful
  and unfair in my opinion: removing all references to my name and initials
  and simply replacing those with his own, while also removing all references
  to PPC-Lib/ELF and replacing those with WOS references and usually some flames
  or even offenses against the competing kernel and porter - without actually
  rewriting the readme text itself in a major way (for example, if I describe what
  *I* specifically did for the port - and what he didn't have to do a *second* time,
  of course - he does not even remove/change *those* notes and/or give me credit).

  This leads to the strange situation, that I hereby have to copyright this
  .readme text, to claim its authorship and forbid changes which aren't
  clearly marked as being changes to the original: While quotes may have
  been derived from other parts of the distribution, the whole .readme as
  such now is (C)opyrighted by Andreas R. Kleinert in 1998.

  Copyrights to the other files remain as such. Nevertheless I'd ask anyone
  to give me credit for the changes which I did myself and which of
  course have been labeled/marked/documented as such. Even free software
  lives from respecting the intellectual work and property of others. Thank you.


Contents of util/arc/ZooPPC.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic]                  495     852  58.1% -lh5- a7ab Apr  7  1998 ZooPPC/src/addbfcrc.c
[generic]                 1032    2097  49.2% -lh5- f0d9 Apr  7  1998 ZooPPC/src/addbftcc.c
[generic]                 1438    3872  37.1% -lh5- e566 Apr  7  1998 ZooPPC/src/addfname.c
[generic]                 5721   15725  36.4% -lh5- b202 Apr  7  1998 ZooPPC/src/amiga.c
[generic]                 1199    3097  38.7% -lh5- 849e Apr  7  1998 ZooPPC/src/ar.h
[generic]                  305     517  59.0% -lh5- 2dff Apr  7  1998 ZooPPC/src/
[generic]                  451     995  45.3% -lh5- 73a0 Apr  7  1998 ZooPPC/src/assert.h
[generic]                 1392    3098  44.9% -lh5- 1170 Apr  7  1998 ZooPPC/src/basename.c
[generic]                 2264    6214  36.4% -lh5- e8f2 Apr  7  1998 ZooPPC/src/bilf.c
[generic]                 1307    2650  49.3% -lh5- 50d6 Apr  7  1998 ZooPPC/src/bsd.c
[generic]                  160     206  77.7% -lh5- e14c Apr  7  1998 ZooPPC/src/changes.powerup
[generic]                 1045    2176  48.0% -lh5- c4ec Apr  7  1998 ZooPPC/src/Checksums
[generic]                 2756    9595  28.7% -lh5- b727 Apr  7  1998 ZooPPC/src/comment.c
[generic]                 1043    2160  48.3% -lh5- ef6b Apr  7  1998 ZooPPC/src/Copyright
[generic]                  918    2446  37.5% -lh5- cdd3 Apr  7  1998 ZooPPC/src/crcdefs.c
[generic]                  351     615  57.1% -lh5- 5c7c Apr  7  1998 ZooPPC/src/debug.h
[generic]                  661    1444  45.8% -lh5- a9bf Apr  7  1998 ZooPPC/src/decode.c
[generic]                 1110    4173  26.6% -lh5- 8b30 Apr  7  1998 ZooPPC/src/descrip.mms
[generic]                 2678    7732  34.6% -lh5- 878c Apr  7  1998 ZooPPC/src/encode.c
[generic]                  375     825  45.5% -lh5- b5b3 Apr  7  1998 ZooPPC/src/errors.i
[generic]                  929    1814  51.2% -lh5- 09f4 Apr  7  1998 ZooPPC/src/file.fix
[generic]                 8482   13552  62.6% -lh5- a17a Apr  7  1998 ZooPPC/src/fiz
[generic]                 1720    3849  44.7% -lh5- 69e7 Apr  7  1998 ZooPPC/src/fiz.1
[generic]                 2608    6394  40.8% -lh5- 0858 Apr  7  1998 ZooPPC/src/fiz.c
[generic]                 1720    4227  40.7% -lh5- 2f60 Apr  7  1998 ZooPPC/src/
[generic]                 1257    2422  51.9% -lh5- 4dd5 Apr  7  1998 ZooPPC/src/generic.c
[generic]                 1630    4549  35.8% -lh5- 699a Apr  7  1998 ZooPPC/src/getfile.c
[generic]                 2411    8006  30.1% -lh5- 6df9 Apr  7  1998 ZooPPC/src/huf.c
[generic]                 1093    2138  51.1% -lh5- dcc5 Apr  7  1998 ZooPPC/src/Install
[generic]                 1210    3086  39.2% -lh5- 1152 Apr  7  1998 ZooPPC/src/io.c
[generic]                  777    2706  28.7% -lh5- 2e6a Apr  7  1998 ZooPPC/src/List
[generic]                 4562   12283  37.1% -lh5- 8873 Apr  7  1998 ZooPPC/src/lzc.asm
[generic]                 2662    8071  33.0% -lh5- e91d Apr  7  1998 ZooPPC/src/lzc.c
[generic]                  309     574  53.8% -lh5- 627e Apr  7  1998 ZooPPC/src/lzconst.h
[generic]                 3506    9144  38.3% -lh5- 76f3 Apr  7  1998 ZooPPC/src/lzd.asm
[generic]                 8535   27564  31.0% -lh5- 0d4a Apr  7  1998 ZooPPC/src/lzd.c
[generic]                  638    1361  46.9% -lh5- b5a2 Apr  7  1998 ZooPPC/src/lzh.c
[generic]                  567     991  57.2% -lh5- 0fd9 Apr  7  1998 ZooPPC/src/lzh.h
[generic]                  664    1590  41.8% -lh5- 0541 Apr  7  1998 ZooPPC/src/machine.c
[generic]                  629    1069  58.8% -lh5- 1430 Apr  7  1998 ZooPPC/src/machine.h
[generic]                  246     369  66.7% -lh5- 312e Apr  7  1998 ZooPPC/src/
[generic]                 2963   10232  29.0% -lh5- f302 Apr  7  1998 ZooPPC/src/makefile
[generic]                 1489    5078  29.3% -lh5- 0822 Apr  7  1998 ZooPPC/src/Makefile.ami
[generic]                 1215    4490  27.1% -lh5- d42b Apr  7  1998 ZooPPC/src/makefile.tcc
[generic]                 2496    6198  40.3% -lh5- 7037 Apr  7  1998 ZooPPC/src/makelist.c
[generic]                  761    1845  41.2% -lh5- 47e6 Apr  7  1998 ZooPPC/src/maketbl.c
[generic]                 1190    2987  39.8% -lh5- eac9 Apr  7  1998 ZooPPC/src/maketree.c
[generic]                 3616    9205  39.3% -lh5- 925b Apr  7  1998 ZooPPC/src/misc.c
[generic]                 3315    8270  40.1% -lh5- 2ff8 Apr  7  1998 ZooPPC/src/misc2.c
[generic]                  925    2290  40.4% -lh5- d035 Apr  7  1998 ZooPPC/src/msdos.c
[generic]                 1101    2860  38.5% -lh5- 5572 Apr  7  1998 ZooPPC/src/mstime.i
[generic]                 3013    8266  36.5% -lh5- 2cb8 Apr  7  1998 ZooPPC/src/needed.c
[generic]                 2593    7588  34.2% -lh5- 3bc2 Apr  7  1998 ZooPPC/src/nextfile.c
[generic]                  632    1127  56.1% -lh5- d9fe Apr  7  1998 ZooPPC/src/nixmode.i
[generic]                 1490    3434  43.4% -lh5- b406 Apr  7  1998 ZooPPC/src/nixtime.i
[generic]                  814    1874  43.4% -lh5- 8564 Apr  7  1998 ZooPPC/src/options.c
[generic]                 6404   16246  39.4% -lh5- 4d7f Apr  7  1998 ZooPPC/src/options.doc
[generic]                 2578    9144  28.2% -lh5- 8f1f Apr  7  1998 ZooPPC/src/options.h
[generic]                   28      28 100.0% -lh0- 4c25 Apr  7  1998 ZooPPC/src/options.opt
[generic]                 1950    5640  34.6% -lh5- 94f1 Apr  7  1998 ZooPPC/src/parse.c
[generic]                  373     626  59.6% -lh5- ec88 Apr  7  1998 ZooPPC/src/parse.h
[generic]                 5797   20752  27.9% -lh5- fa09 Apr  7  1998 ZooPPC/src/portable.c
[generic]                  902    2620  34.4% -lh5- d04e Apr  7  1998 ZooPPC/src/portable.h
[generic]                 3419    9094  37.6% -lh5- 4840 Apr  7  1998 ZooPPC/src/prterror.c
[generic]                  203     308  65.9% -lh5- f82e Apr  7  1998 ZooPPC/src/quiet.c
[generic]                  579     579 100.0% -lh0- 17d7 Apr  7  1998 ZooPPC/src/sample.zoo
[generic]                  172     266  64.7% -lh5- 477a Apr  7  1998 ZooPPC/src/SCOPTIONS
[generic]                  886    3563  24.9% -lh5- a6a2 Apr  7  1998 ZooPPC/src/smakefile
[generic]                 1856    4088  45.4% -lh5- 9bf7 Apr  7  1998 ZooPPC/src/sysv.c
[generic]                 1039    2063  50.4% -lh5- 3c21 Apr  7  1998 ZooPPC/src/turboc.c
[generic]                   93     113  82.3% -lh5- c3ac Apr  7  1998 ZooPPC/src/turboc.cfg
[generic]                  154     264  58.3% -lh5- 0ff0 Apr  7  1998 ZooPPC/src/varargs.h
[generic]                  722    2083  34.7% -lh5- a13e Apr  7  1998 ZooPPC/src/various.h
[generic]                  101     111  91.0% -lh5- caf8 Apr  7  1998 ZooPPC/src/version.c
[generic]                 3776   10243  36.9% -lh5- 05f1 Apr  7  1998 ZooPPC/src/vms.c
[generic]                 6686   18584  36.0% -lh5- 85fe Apr  7  1998 ZooPPC/src/vmsbugs.doc
[generic]                  754    3909  19.3% -lh5- 58b1 Apr  7  1998 ZooPPC/src/
[generic]                 2282    6408  35.6% -lh5- 8fb3 Apr  7  1998 ZooPPC/src/vmstime.c
[generic]                16794   46685  36.0% -lh5- 4b87 Apr  7  1998 ZooPPC/src/zoo.1
[generic]                 5748   15555  37.0% -lh5- 1f44 Apr  7  1998 ZooPPC/src/zoo.c
[generic]                 3464    9523  36.4% -lh5- cdd0 Apr  7  1998 ZooPPC/src/zoo.h
[generic]                16684   50054  33.3% -lh5- 16a2 Apr  7  1998 ZooPPC/src/
[generic]                 8266   25370  32.6% -lh5- 00d1 Apr  7  1998 ZooPPC/src/zooadd.c
[generic]                 3237    8295  39.0% -lh5- 6778 Apr  7  1998 ZooPPC/src/zooadd2.c
[generic]                 3236    9676  33.4% -lh5- b344 Apr  7  1998 ZooPPC/src/zoodel.c
[generic]                 6524   19570  33.3% -lh5- 974f Apr  7  1998 ZooPPC/src/zooext.c
[generic]                  991    2258  43.9% -lh5- a9ff Apr  7  1998 ZooPPC/src/zoofilt.c
[generic]                 1039    3455  30.1% -lh5- 5c81 Apr  7  1998 ZooPPC/src/zoofns.h
[generic]                  795    1965  40.5% -lh5- 383d Apr  7  1998 ZooPPC/src/zooio.h
[generic]                 6030   17335  34.8% -lh5- 30fd Apr  7  1998 ZooPPC/src/zoolist.c
[generic]                  768    1639  46.9% -lh5- 0332 Apr  7  1998 ZooPPC/src/zoomem.h
[generic]                 4541   12264  37.0% -lh5- 409b Apr  7  1998 ZooPPC/src/zoopack.c
[generic]                31154   67309  46.3% -lh5- bd30 Aug 27  1998 ZooPPC/bin/fiz.elf
[generic]                64732  151608  42.7% -lh5- d6a6 Aug 27  1998 ZooPPC/bin/zoo.elf
[generic]                 1256    2644  47.5% -lh5- 8fab Aug 27  1998 ZooPPC/ZooPPC.readme
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
 Total        95 files  316482  823929  38.4%            Aug 29  1998
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