84782 packages online
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Short: | Adds Cut'n'Paste to DOpus5.5+ |
Author: | "Keith Halstead" cutnpaste halsteadk.freeserve.co.uk |
Uploader: | Keith Halstead <cutnpaste halsteadk freeserve co uk> |
Type: | util/dopus |
Architecture: | m68k-amigaos |
Date: | 1999-09-10 |
Replaces: | CutNPaste34.lha |
Download: | util/dopus/CutNPaste34.lha - View contents | Readme: | util/dopus/CutNPaste34.readme |
Downloads: | 6014 |
$VER: CutNPaste.dopus5 3.4 (10.09.99)
RELEASE 4: Bug-fixed Spanish and French translations - if you use the Spanish
translation, you MUST download this archive and install the new
catalog or else the "view" requester may not work properly.
Opus Cut'n'Paste adds "Cut", "Copy" and "Paste" commands to lister pop-up and
filetype pop-up menus in Directory Opus 5.66+ allowing you to copy and move
files using only one lister. It will work with 5.5+ but you will need to add
the commands manually to your lister toolbars (full instructions are provided
in the archive).
It is not just a Windows 95 "Cut and Paste" clone - there are many other useful
features such as the ability to add more items to the clipboard, paste into
archives, paste links to the items in the clipboard, toggle cut/copy, etc.
Version 1.1 was written by Andrew Dunbar <andrew@gpsoft.com.au>.
Locale support, Danish translation and bugfix for spaces in filenames by
Michael Skibsted Sørensen <MSS@kob.dk>.
German translation by Andreas Mair <amair@gmx.de>.
Swedish translation by Lars Renström <larrie@ludd.luth.se>.
Polish translation by Marcin Orîowski <carlos@amiga.com.pl>.
Finnish translation by Marko Seppänen <marko.seppanen@wwnet.fi>.
Spanish translation by Javier de las Rivas <javierdlr@redestb.es>.
Norwegian translation by Kolbjørn Barmen <kolla@nvg.ntnu.no>.
French translation by Jean-Marc Mossu <mossujma@easynet.fr>.
Catalan translation by Llorenç Grau <llg@cryogen.com>.
Italian translation by Matteo Cavalleri <shiva@mwizard.net>
All others who wrote with suggestions and compliments - and those who voted
for it on Aminet! Hi to all on the DOpus mailing list who use Cut'n'Paste!
It's easy! See text file in archive. Installer script provided.
V3.4 - Ability to paste links to the original files
- Ability to paste files/dirs into LZX/LhA/ZIP archives
- Ability to add items to the clipboard - option to check for items
already in the clipboard
- Function in view requester to toggle cut/copy of existing clipboard
- View requesters now show whether items are cut or copied
- Second view requester behaviour changed - can also be disabled now
- Italian translation by Matteo Cavalleri <shiva@mwizard.net>
- Several user-configurable options to alter Cut'n'Paste's behaviour
- Added a "Help" button to the "About..." window which will load the
Cut'n'Paste documentation from DOpus5:Help/CutNPaste.guide
- "About..." window now shows number of items in the clipboard
- Icon provided for the updated and improved CutNPaste.guide
- Included an installer script
- Automatic cutting/copying of an associated icon from RMB cut/copy/add
menu is now optional - can enable or disable for all listers, or
enable just for icon (action) mode listers
- Updates to documentation and 7/10 catalogs - Catalan, Polish and
Swedish will be updated in future releases, currently the new strings
for these languages are in English. Note that you MUST use the
catalogs provided in THIS archive with v3.4.
- Bugfix for copying "somefile.info" icons without "somefile" in icon mode
RELEASE 2: Swedish catalog fully updated for V3.4.
RELEASE 3: Catalan catalog fully updated for V3.4.
RELEASE 4: Bug-fixed Spanish and French translations - if you use the Spanish
translation, you MUST download this archive and install the new
catalog or else the "view" requester may not work properly.
Freeware. If you think it's really good then please email me and tell me!
Can be put on magazine coverdiscs (e.g. Amiga Format and any future
publications by the CU Amiga team) or distributed with Opus Magellan II, as
long as all other files accompany it unchanged and you email me to let me
know! Further information in main documentation.
Contents of util/dopus/CutNPaste34.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ ----------
[generic] 569 1012 56.2% -lh5- 4a66 Aug 28 1999 CutNPaste.info
[generic] 3627 11958 30.3% -lh5- cd9d Sep 10 1999 CutNPaste/Install Cut'n'Paste
[generic] 1085 1948 55.7% -lh5- 2058 Aug 28 1999 CutNPaste/Install Cut'n'Paste.info
[generic] 793 1962 40.4% -lh5- 9817 Sep 7 1999 CutNPaste/locale/catalß½CutNPaste.catalog
[generic] 985 2626 37.5% -lh5- d227 Jul 20 1999 CutNPaste/locale/CutNPaste.cd
[generic] 781 1896 41.2% -lh5- 395f Jul 28 1999 CutNPaste/locale/dansk/CutNPaste.catalog
[generic] 795 1922 41.4% -lh5- b1a0 Jul 22 1999 CutNPaste/locale/deutsch/CutNPaste.catalog
[generic] 731 1834 39.9% -lh5- 632c Sep 10 1999 CutNPaste/locale/espaÐl/CutNPaste.catalog
[generic] 764 1908 40.0% -lh5- c6b4 Sep 10 1999 CutNPaste/locale/franíÂis/CutNPaste.catalog
[generic] 819 2040 40.1% -lh5- 527d Jul 26 1999 CutNPaste/locale/italiano/CutNPaste.catalog
[generic] 756 1842 41.0% -lh5- 73fc Jul 21 1999 CutNPaste/locale/norsk/CutNPaste.catalog
[generic] 536 1132 47.3% -lh5- a430 Aug 27 1999 CutNPaste/locale/polski/CutNPaste.catalog
[generic] 769 1838 41.8% -lh5- 122e Jul 21 1999 CutNPaste/locale/suomi/CutNPaste.catalog
[generic] 750 1910 39.3% -lh5- c95e Aug 28 1999 CutNPaste/locale/svenska/CutNPaste.catalog
[generic] 12418 32351 38.4% -lh5- 46c9 Sep 10 1999 CutNPaste/Opus5/Help/CutNPaste.guide
[generic] 1032 1648 62.6% -lh5- 4452 Apr 28 1999 CutNPaste/Opus5/Help/CutNPaste.guide.info
[generic] 408 824 49.5% -lh5- 5ee1 Nov 29 1998 CutNPaste/Opus5/Images/Clip-Copy.small
[generic] 456 900 50.7% -lh5- 69f6 Nov 29 1998 CutNPaste/Opus5/Images/Clip-Cut.small
[generic] 482 888 54.3% -lh5- 66fc Nov 29 1998 CutNPaste/Opus5/Images/Clip-Paste.small
[generic] 451 816 55.3% -lh5- a062 Nov 30 1998 CutNPaste/Opus5/Images/Clip-PasteAs.small
[generic] 437 852 51.3% -lh5- b50f Nov 30 1998 CutNPaste/Opus5/Images/Clip-View.small
[generic] 5692 22865 24.9% -lh5- e29e Sep 4 1999 CutNPaste/Opus5/Modules/CutNPaste.dopus5
[generic] 647 1195 54.1% -lh5- bece Aug 28 1999 CutNPaste/README.txt
[generic] 1054 1633 64.5% -lh5- 4056 Aug 28 1999 CutNPaste/README.txt.info
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ ----------
Total 24 files 36837 99800 36.9% Sep 10 1999
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