Spy system allows monitoring of CPU times consumed by all tasks and processes
running on the Amiga. This package also contains an utility (DSD) to show
the free CPU time in graphical and numerical form.
Report command can be used to list any or all tasks and processes, their
priorities, start-up times, task pointers, task types, CPU times, time since
last dispatch, signal states, parent processes, etc.
TOPCpu can be used to show ten most CPU active tasks or processes and their
relative CPU usage in numeric and graphic formats.
CPUTime measures CPU and real time used by a given CLI command (a bit like
time in U*IX). It may now be aborted with CTRL+C (new in V3).
Timing accuracy vastly improved since the first release. Now exact timing is
also available under Kickstart 1.x using a hardware CIA timer.
Release 3 adds Workbench support for DSD, TopCPU, and Spy. They can now
be started from WB and the options are controlled with icon tool types.
Workbench 1.2, 1.3 and 2.04 as well as Amiga 500/1000/2000/3000 compatible.