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util/moni/SysInspector14.lha |
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SysInspector is a complete system monitor for AmigaOS. It allows you to
view what tasks are currently running on your system and suspend or kill
them, remove locks left behind by buggy applications, generate mountlists
for mounted devices, and much more!
The main goals while developping it were:
o Stability and reliability - you want to remove crashed tasks, not to
crash another one.
o Usefulness - it must allow you to do more than just view what's on your
o A modern, font-adaptive, and easy-to-use GUI, by using the ClassAct
BOOPSI toolkit. No cryptic commands to remember, it's all presented
with a very intuitive GUI.
o Be useful for both the casual user who's only curious and for the
advanced user who needs to remove crashed tasks or libraries.
o User-configurability.
SysInspector requires at least Kickstart 3.0 or better, and the ClassAct
BOOPSI classes installed on your system. The latest ClassAct archive can
be found at ftp://ftp.thule.no/pub/classact/ and
SysInspector is released as non-crippled Shareware. The asked fee is
15$ US. Please help keeping the Amiga alive by supporting Amiga authors.
° NEW: "Timer Requests" and "Resident DOS cmds" added to the list
° NEW: Added "Intuition Settings..." to the Tools menu.
° NEW: "PUBSCREEN" argument/tooltype.
° NEW: Added support for Jason Hulance's "Explorer" (included in
this archive along with a pre-made datafile).
° NEW: You can now open a new public screen from the "Screens/Windows"
list. Note that I have no intention of turning SysInspector into
a full-featured public screen manager, so don't expect any fancy
° Fixed problems with RAM: DOS locks. The "Scan RAM: locks" prefs
option is now gone.
° New pictogram for Assigns.
° Message Ports priority is now editable.
° Iconifying when there was no icon available would use a garbled
icon (built-in icon had a wrng PlanePick value).
° boards.library 2.17 included (now recognizes 375 boards).
° Some changes to the listbrowser V42 support to match with the
latest changes in the current beta.
° Animated "About" is back for button.gadget V41 (a forecoming
update of the gadget will eliminate the flicker).
° Fixed potential Enforcer hits when saving prefs would fail.
° Now uses 32-bits maths to calculate the largest block percentage
in the More window when displaying a memory node.
° Saving the content of the More window would display the wrong
address for the displayed object if you were using formatted
hex values.
° Some changes to the Screenmode ModeID sort code, fixing some
occasional problems with it.
° After signaling a task, will wait for 3 secs instead of just one
before checking if it's gone.
° Some changes to the "More" display for tasks and processes.
° Note that the Warped FTP site is often behind with classes
releases. I advise you check ftp://ftp.thule.no/pub/classact/
instead to obtain the latest ClassAct archive.
° I'll be probably be moving during spring '98, so please Email me
first before sending me any regular mail or registration fee.
Contents of util/moni/SysInspector14.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 1169 2062 56.7% -lh5- 4d95 Sep 1 1997 SysInspector.info
[generic] 1176 1757 66.9% -lh5- 9cad Sep 1 1997 SysInspector/Arexx.info
[generic] 97 151 64.2% -lh5- b2dd Aug 28 1997 SysInspector/ARexx/display.sirexx
[generic] 416 805 51.7% -lh5- d77e Oct 6 1997 SysInspector/ARexx/FlushCX.sirexx
[generic] 637 1328 48.0% -lh5- 5040 Aug 28 1997 SysInspector/ARexx/FlushDatatypes.sirexx
[generic] 759 1571 48.3% -lh5- 252c Sep 10 1997 SysInspector/ARexx/FlushGadgets.sirexx
[generic] 237 401 59.1% -lh5- 76a5 Aug 28 1997 SysInspector/ARexx/getsiaddr.sirexx
[generic] 153 219 69.9% -lh5- 5435 Aug 28 1997 SysInspector/ARexx/ListTasks.sirexx
[generic] 59 59 100.0% -lh0- 86b6 Aug 28 1997 SysInspector/ARexx/Prefs.sirexx
[generic] 57 57 100.0% -lh0- 4773 Aug 28 1997 SysInspector/ARexx/SaveReport.sirexx
[generic] 301 493 61.1% -lh5- 0a8e Aug 28 1997 SysInspector/ARexx/ShowLib.sirexx
[generic] 803 2310 34.8% -lh5- 5336 Aug 28 1997 SysInspector/ARexx/showprefs.sirexx
[generic] 22758 59216 38.4% -lh5- 2450 Jan 19 1998 SysInspector/C/explorer
[generic] 1506 4468 33.7% -lh5- 8c08 Feb 13 1998 SysInspector/Install
[generic] 1288 1738 74.1% -lh5- 3afb Sep 1 1997 SysInspector/Install.info
[generic] 6264 11852 52.9% -lh5- 0bb5 Jan 25 1998 SysInspector/libs/boards.library
[generic] 23652 68300 34.6% -lh5- baad Feb 8 1998 SysInspector/s/Explorer.config
[generic] 81569 253720 32.1% -lh5- 421c Feb 13 1998 SysInspector/SysInspector
[generic] 28554 84930 33.6% -lh5- 8aee Feb 13 1998 SysInspector/SysInspector.guide
[generic] 1127 1796 62.8% -lh5- 1ae3 Sep 1 1997 SysInspector/SysInspector.guide.info
[generic] 1709 2596 65.8% -lh5- e1b1 Jan 15 1998 SysInspector/SysInspector.info
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 21 files 174291 499829 34.9% Feb 13 1998
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