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util/pack/Historian95_2.lha |
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Historian 95.2 ©1995 Ian J. Einman
Historian is a tool for dating archives. Usually, date stamp of most LZX
and LHA archives is set to the time the archive is created, or the time a
file was last added to the archive. If you downloaded the archive, the
date is set to when you downloaded it.
Since you have probably collected hundreds of file archives, you now need
Historian. Historian will find the newest file in an archive, and set the
datestamp of the archive to the date of the newest file contained within it.
Now, when you list a directory containing your archives, the dates listed
will actually reflect the contents of the archive. This works very well in
conjunction with a directory utility. You can list the files by date, and
easily pick out very old or very new archives.
This is also useful when you have two archives of similar content and need
to know which is most recent. If you downloaded the oldest archive more
recently than the newer archive, you might delete the newer one if you only
looked at the date on the archive.
Historian ignores files without a three-letter suffix. Any file with a
three-letter suffix will attempt to be dated with the archiver with the
suffix name (LZX, LHA, LZH). BE CAREFUL because Historian does not
currently work with every format. DO NOT let it date a ZOO archive!
Listing of archive 'Historian95_2.lha':
Original Packed Ratio Date Time Name
-------- ------- ----- --------- -------- -------------
1472 1037 29.5% 05-Jun-95 20:04:42 Historian
2874 1326 53.8% 05-Mar-95 14:03:42 Historian.doc
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------
4346 2363 45.6% 05-Jun-95 20:06:16 2 files
Contents of util/pack/Historian95_2.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 1037 1472 70.4% -lh5- 1ca3 Jun 5 1995 Historian
[generic] 1326 2874 46.1% -lh5- a1c7 Mar 5 1995 Historian.doc
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 2 files 2363 4346 54.4% Sep 17 1995
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