ExtraInfo is a replacement for the Workbench "Information" function,
and adds a great deal of functionality on top. I wrote it because I
was sick of squinting at that tiny topaz-8 font in a window without
keyboard shortcuts that is Commodore's original offering. ExtraInfo
takes advantage of AmigaOS3 features, but only requires OS2.
ExtraInfo uses the excellent BGUI library by Jan van den Baard to
provide font-sensitive, keyboard-controllable gadgets in a resizeable
window. The library itself is included, but programmers are encouraged
to get the full package from AmiNet in directory dev/gui.
Version 1.3
- FIX: Incorrect memory deallocation was causing guru on exit (WB3).
- FIX: Bug in installer script was putting ExtraWBInfo icon in wrong
Version 1.2
- NEW: AmigaOS3 WBInfo() support. Now includes ExtraWBInfo, by Simon
Dick, allowing you to summon ExtraInfo using the Workbench
"Information" menu item, and within other programs that support
this interface.
- NEW: NewIcons support. Load, replace and save NewIcons. Displays
NewIcons correctly remapped for the screen. Can replace a standard
icon with a NewIcon (but not vice versa).
- NEW: MultiUser filesystem support. Changes file protection bits
through MultiUser, if available. Displays GroupID and UserID names.
Checks user's access rights to the current object and enables or
disables functions as appropriate.
- NEW: Multiple selection of tooltypes for Toggle, Remove, Cut and
Copy functions.
- NEW: Multiple target files support. Specify multiple files from
Workbench or Shell and select them using Next/Prev buttons or menu.
- NEW: Image button on icon page, to replace icon image with that of
either the default icon (as specified by WhatIs or the AmigaOS), or
one chosen using a file requester.
- NEW: More intelligent tooltypes Toggle function: replaces YES/NO,
TRUE/FALSE and ON/OFF with the opposite value.
- NEW: Menu item to launch user-configurable, external icon editor.
- NEW: "Save As" menu option to save icon under another name.
- NEW: READICON keyword forces ExtraInfo to get its configuration
from program icon tooltypes instead of Shell command line.
- NEW: Support for AmigaOS3+ memory pools reduces memory
- NEW: CENTRESCREEN keyword to open window in the centre of the
screen, provided no window definition is saved in ENV:.
- NEW: Checks tooltype length during load and paste, warns before
- NEW: Optional "Discard Changes?" warning.
- NEW: Warns before pasting large clipboard texts.
- NEW: Abbreviations added to shell template.
- NEW: File requesters now retain their last used directory, etc.
- NEW: Now sets protection bits of icon file to same as target except
for pure, script, execute (always false) and read (always true).
- NEW: German and Italian catalogs.
- CHG: Changed KEEPWINSIZE to SAVEWINSIZE of opposite logic. If
SAVEWINSIZE is set, window size and position is written to ENV:
each time ExtraInfo is quit.
- FIX: ASL File requesters now open with a more reasonable height.
- FIX: No longer checks manually for guide when Help is requested.
This lets you put the guide anywhere in AmigaGuide's path without
having to set the GUIDENAME tooltype.
- FIX: Finally enables/disables tooltypes paste button correctly.
- FIX: Language keyword had no effect previously.
o AmigaOS 2.04 / Kickstart V37 or higher.
o bgui.library V38 or higher (included).
o Freeware.
o Can be started from Workbench or Shell.
o AmigaOS3 WBInfo() support, using ExtraWBInfo by Simon Dick,
allowing you to summon ExtraInfo using the Workbench "Information"
menu item, and within other programs that support this interface.
o Edit tooltypes, with Insert, Toggle, Duplicate and Remove buttons.
Also arrange their order with Top, Bottom, Up and Down, and
cut/copy/paste them to/from the clipboard.
o Comprehensive file, volume and icon information display.
o Fully supports the NewIcons system, by Nicola Salmoria.
o Displays file version ID strings and file type (using WhatIs
library, by Sylvain Rougier and Pierre Carrette, not included).
o Replace icon image by dragging and dropping, or requesting WhatIs/
AmigaOS default icon, or by choosing an icon with a requester.
o Strip or add bitplanes to icon images - useful for reducing size of
icon file and eliminating image corruption in faulty icons.
o UnSnapshot icon position and swap pens 1 and 2 (black and white,
called "ReColor" in IconEdit).
o Menu item to launch user-configurable, external icon editor.
o AppWindow support - drop icons on window to show info for them, to
replace icon images, to specify default tool, or to quickly insert
filenames into tooltypes.
o AppIcon option, with user-configurable image and placement.
o Opens on the default public screen, optionally on a named one.
o Font-sensitive gadget layout in resizeable windows using BGUI
library: uses the screen's default font, with option to override
and specify font.
o Option to specify tooltypes listview font.
o All gadgets have keyboard shortcuts.
o AmigaGuide documentation, available on-line.
o Installer script included.
o Locale support for presenting all text and messages in the user's
preferred language, plus option to override and specify language.
o You cannot replace a NewIcon image with a standard one, or change
the standard image that is "inside" a NewIcon.
o Depending on the icon size, the window may be too tall to open on
a 200-line (ie. NTSC) screen.
$VER: ExtraInfo.readme 1.3 (16.8.95)