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Showing: m68k-amigaos icongeneric icon
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Short:Substitute for "magiwb-daemon"
Author:Jaroslav Pokorny, yaya005 seznam cz
Requires:OS3.0 - 3.1, CPU 68020+
Download:util/sys/setcolors13.lha - View contents

For OS 3.5 and OS 3.9 it´s irelevant.
   This program is used to allocate you the Workbench-defined color.
Making Color thoughtless OS 3.x causes, it is not possible
satisfactory set your own color palette. In addition, if you use
MagicWB 2.0, then you may already have found the utility 'MagicWB-daemon'
used to set the first 8 color palettes for icon MWB has a number of
errors. His first mistake is when the screen changes from the WB to 8 colors
MWB lose palette icons. The second mistake will take effect on a VGA / Multiscan
monitor during startup - MWB-daemon sometimes present hype
the MagicWB and then hangs :-(. And as the problems were not enough, find
with some incorrectly written program, hard to redefine the color WB
and MWB-daemon They can not go back.

   That's why I wrote this short little program as a substitute MWB-daemon.
It has removed from his s: startup-sequence as: user-startup and place
her to write command 'Run> NIL: C: SetColors' (just in with: user-startup).
SetColors command to copy the folder C: 'settings' SetColors.prefs'
Copy the directory 'ENVARC:' respectively. 'SYS: Prefs / env-archive' and
restart the Amiga ...

   The program is written entirely systems, no patches system 
services. Therefore, they can change the parameter screen flash WB
poor adjustment (or not set yet) colors.

   Sorry, this program is done in a hurry (per day)
and therefore contains no GUI, nor is it a commodity and requires the OS 3.x
Therefore, any changes to the settings must be done in a text file
'ENVARC: SetColors.prefs'. Here's an example of my settings
16-color WB (attaching the My Settings 'sys / palette.prefs').

S = 0,149,149,149; Sharing pen MWB
S = 1,0,0,0; Sharing pen MWB
S = 2255255255; Sharing pen MWB
S = 3,68,117,182; Sharing pen MWB
S = 4123123123; Sharing pen MWB
S = 5175175175; Sharing pen MWB
S = 6170144124; Sharing pen MWB
S = 7255169151; Sharing pen MWB
E = 8112155175; Exclusive pen MagicCopper
S = 9,234,113.15; sharing a pen - my color: orange
S = 10,23,147,23, sharing a pen - my color: dark green
S = 11,153,255.17, sharing a pen - my color: light green
S = 12,75,255,255, sharing a pen - by preference: light blue
S = 13,6,43,191, sharing a pen - by preference: dark blue
S = 14255239.0; Sharing Pen - according to preference: yellow
S = 15,181,4,0, sharing a pen - by preference: red
D = 7.5 DrawInfo - light gray for BACKGROUND

S = n, r, g, b (sets and allocates sharing sites pen 'n' the color 'rgb')
E = n, r, g, b (sets and allocates an exclusive pen 'n' the color 'rgb')
D = i, p (Specify the index 'i' structure DrawInfo pen 'p')

Explanation of terms:
* Sharing a pen to the desired color. One is not allowed
  change (or applications, which it allocates). Other applications it
  can be used - eg Multiview to view images.
  Utility 'SetColors' cares to set always stays
  the original color.

* Exclusive pen to the desired color. Use and change
  it can only application that allocates. Particularly suitable for
  MagicCopper type of small programs, creating a pen from a 'rainbow'.
  Other applications would not use him because he does not have all the same

* DrawInfo structure is assigned to each screen. Determines what will be
  system in which the pen draw. In OS 3.0, preferences can be set
  most pens, but only to 8 colors. Nor can set the pen 7
  background for the gadget. Set D = 7.5 a very nice beautify WB -
  gadtools the interface looks much better. Preference for the pen
  ignoring even the system itself, setting sometimes fails.
  The Kickstart 3.1 no longer were a few problems are resolved, but
  some (also new) program requires a value of deliberations nonsensical 0th

    Here are the names and index structures per DrawInfo:
    DETAILPEN 0 / * OS 1.3 compatible pen * /
    BLOCKPEN 1 / * OS 1.3 compatible pen * /
    TEXTPEN 2 / * the pen to text on the background * /
    SHINEPEN 3 / * Clear edge 3D object * /
    SHADOWPEN 4 / * dark edge of 3D object * /
    FILLPEN 5 / ram * active window / Gadgets * /
    FILLTEXTPEN 6 / * pen over the text FILLPEN * /
    BACKGROUNDPEN 7 / * background of inactive windows / gadgets - it was 0 * /
    HIGHLIGHTTEXTPEN 8 / * pen to highlight the text * /
    BARDETAILPEN 9 / * pen for text Ramu screens and menus * /
    BARBLOCKPEN 10 / * background for the menu screens and frames * /
    BARTRIMPEN 11 / * pen Ram line under the screen * /
Translated by Google and Ya.
Originalni ceska "dokumentace" je obsazena  v archivu. 

Contents of util/sys/setcolors13.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic]                  743    1197  62.1% -lh5- 5a60 Sep 13  1996
[generic]                  123     434  28.3% -lh5- 7b87 Sep 13  1996 SetColors/palette.prefs
[generic]                 4935    7908  62.4% -lh5- cfbb Sep 13  1996 SetColors/SetColors
[generic]                 2368    5395  43.9% -lh5- 25a0 Sep 13  1996 SetColors/SetColors.ctime
[generic]                  413    1103  37.4% -lh5- 238c Sep 13  1996 SetColors/
[generic]                  145     265  54.7% -lh5- 5796 Sep 13  1996 SetColors/SetColors.prefs
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
 Total         6 files    8727   16302  53.5%            Oct 28 19:10
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