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Showing: m68k-amigaos icongeneric icon
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Short:Adds icons to files based on type of file!! Hydra/LSD
Author: dom at (Dominic Clifton, Hydra/LSD)
Uploader:dom dsltd force9 met
Requires:OS 2.04+ Uses less memory if you have 3.0+, Reqtools (Supplied)
Download:util/wb/Associate_1_6.lha - View contents

/X name:  LSDDASC16.LHA


This is the file id (contained within archive as file_id.diz)

[- Hydra/LSD -] === [- Deluxe Software -]
 __    .:    __   _____ ____      .
 oo    /\   / /  / ___// __ \    .:
 \/    \/  / /   \__ \/ / / /    :|   __
          / /______/ / /_/ /     /\   Oo
         /_____/____/_____/      \/   \/
Presents {=- Associate V1.6 -=}  By Hydra

 A rather kewl WB2.04+ util for creating
  icons for files depending on the type
    of file dropped onto the appicon.

[- Hydra/LSD -] === [- Deluxe Software -]


  Associate is a rather cool Workbench utility who's job is to create icons
  for files that you drop on it's appicon..

  If (like me) you use the wb quite alot and then use the cli to create a few
  files as well you soon end up with lots of files that are missing icons..
  So you then have to go to the workbench and do one of those annoying
  "Show -> All Files" from the menu which then shows the files without icons..

  This is where Associate is usefull..  First you define a few different types
  of files, e.g. Pictures, Lha's, Source Code, Document files and so on within
  the config part of the program. then you do your "show all files" and drag
  one of the files without an icon onto Associate's appicon (an appicon is an
  icon that sit's on the main workbench window).  Associate will then try and
  match the file you dropped on it to one of the filetypes you specified.
  It matches the files first by looking at the filename and matching it to a
  wildcard string that you enter. (E.G.  "#?.IFF" for picture files)  If it
  can't find a match on the filename it will then try to match the file by
  looking at the first 20 bytes of the file and comparing that to a wildcard
  string you supplied for that type of file (E.G.  "-lh?-" for .LHA files).
  If it can't find any match accociate will pop up a small requester prompting
  you to select the file's type from a list.

  Associate will then copy the icon associated with that file type to the
  to the file you dragged onto associate.

  You can also drag more than one file onto Associate and these may be from
  any open window.

  If all that sounds complicated then don't worry.. it's just my cr*p way of
  explaining things..

  Here's a practical example.

  Say you write lots of source code and have a file called "HELLO.C" in a
  directory called "DH0:Source/Test".  If you then drag the icon for "HELLO.C"
  from workbench, after doing a "Show->All Files", onto associate.
  Associate then looks at the file and matches the extension to a source code
  file (because of the "#?.c" pattern defined for source code files) .
  It will copy a nice icon that looks like a picture of some source code to


  Associate is FreeWare :-)  (Gosh I'm soooo nice)

  This program (Associate) and all it's files may be distributed to whoever
  you may feel like giving it to in any way you see fit on the condition that
  you don't change anything in it's documentation or code without first having
  contacted me.

  Permission is herby granted to distribute this file on PD disks and
  collections and so on but don't charge loads of money..

  You can put this program on cover/subscriber disks on magazines if you like,
  but PLEASE let me know if you are going to ..


      * Gave all requesters keyboard shortcuts

      * Updated a couple of incorrect version strings.

      * Added two more options to the requesters that appear,
        "All This Type" "All First (Recognised Type)"

      * Fixed a bug with the SelectType not actually bringing up the window!

      * You can also double click on the file types in the PickWindow

      * instead of just saving the prefs when you click on "Save" it now
        closes the config window too.  (more like other prefs programs do)

      -> Uploaded to Aminet!

  The Author

  Associate was written by Dominic Clifton - Deluxe Software Ltd,
  Alias Hydra/LSD

  E-Mail:   (only until 29/01/96)

  Mail:    Deluxe Software Ltd, 9 Shires Copse, Southbourne, Bournemouth,
           Dorset BH6 4AL. ENGLAND

  Phone:   +44 (0)973 524877  (ANytime up till 10:00pm)
           +44 (0)1202 434858 (Ditto)

  Modem:   +44 (0)1202 434121 (24Hrs)



  Amiga Shopper Magazine for putting this on their cover disk! :-)

  First Edition
  Daffy Duck

  And YOU the user for actually reading this bit :-)

Contents of util/wb/Associate_1_6.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic]                  601    1233  48.7% -lh5- d8b7 Jul 15  1997
[generic]                 6762   18042  37.5% -lh5- 42b0 Jul 15  1997 Associate_V1.6/Associate.Guide
[generic]                  755    1911  39.5% -lh5- 846e Jul 15  1997 Associate_V1.6/
[generic]                 2365    5000  47.3% -lh5- 8b81 Jul 15  1997 Associate_V1.6/Associate_1_6.readme
[generic]                  663    1595  41.6% -lh5- 2988 Jul 15  1997 Associate_V1.6/
[generic]                19622   37312  52.6% -lh5- 7f46 Jul 15  1997 Associate_V1.6/Associate_WB20
[generic]                 1417    2411  58.8% -lh5- 3beb Jul 15  1997 Associate_V1.6/
[generic]                19599   37384  52.4% -lh5- c081 Jul 15  1997 Associate_V1.6/Associate_WB30
[generic]                 1418    2411  58.8% -lh5- 607e Jul 15  1997 Associate_V1.6/
[generic]                  598    1233  48.5% -lh5- b11d Jul 11  1997 Associate_V1.6/
[generic]                  444    1606  27.6% -lh5- 7ed1 Jul 11  1997 Associate_V1.6/ExampleConfig/Associate.cfg
[generic]                  985    1571  62.7% -lh5- 3fa1 Jul 11  1997 Associate_V1.6/ExampleConfig/
[generic]                   98     114  86.0% -lh5- 1024 Jul 11  1997 Associate_V1.6/ExampleConfig/Readme.TXT
[generic]                  583    1499  38.9% -lh5- 93bc Jul 11  1997 Associate_V1.6/ExampleConfig/
[generic]                  233     427  54.6% -lh5- a33c Jul 15  1997 Associate_V1.6/file_id.diz
[generic]                  293     552  53.1% -lh5- e939 Jul 15  1997 Associate_V1.6/
[generic]                  594    1233  48.2% -lh5- b075 Jul 11  1997 Associate_V1.6/
[generic]                  446    1104  40.4% -lh5- 3908 Jul 11  1997 Associate_V1.6/Icons/
[generic]                  247    1504  16.4% -lh5- 340f Jul 11  1997 Associate_V1.6/Icons/
[generic]                 1077    1603  67.2% -lh5- bbfe Jul 11  1997 Associate_V1.6/Icons/
[generic]                 1066    1533  69.5% -lh5- 2399 Jul 11  1997 Associate_V1.6/Icons/
[generic]                 1137    1648  69.0% -lh5- 1e60 Jul 11  1997 Associate_V1.6/Icons/
[generic]                 1290    1813  71.2% -lh5- 00cb Jul 11  1997 Associate_V1.6/Icons/
[generic]                  596    1233  48.3% -lh5- 2f7f Jul 11  1997 Associate_V1.6/Icons/
[generic]                  436     875  49.8% -lh5- 570b Jul 11  1997 Associate_V1.6/Icons/
[generic]                  753    1911  39.4% -lh5- 8dfc Jul 11  1997 Associate_V1.6/Icons/
[generic]                  509    1498  34.0% -lh5- b8ec Jul 11  1997 Associate_V1.6/Icons/
[generic]                 1089    1689  64.5% -lh5- 089e Jul 11  1997 Associate_V1.6/Icons/
[generic]                 1047    1766  59.3% -lh5- b66f Jul 11  1997 Associate_V1.6/Icons/
[generic]                 1971    2534  77.8% -lh5- b508 Jul 11  1997 Associate_V1.6/Icons/
[generic]                  421    1353  31.1% -lh5- e644 Jul 11  1997 Associate_V1.6/Icons/
[generic]                 1083    1795  60.3% -lh5- 6547 Jul 11  1997 Associate_V1.6/Icons/
[generic]                  549    1216  45.1% -lh5- 7158 Jul 11  1997 Associate_V1.6/Icons/
[generic]                  253     369  68.6% -lh5- 11eb Jul 11  1997 Associate_V1.6/Icons/
[generic]                 1043    1634  63.8% -lh5- 93a6 Jul 11  1997 Associate_V1.6/Icons/
[generic]                 1006    1593  63.2% -lh5- e33b Jul 11  1997 Associate_V1.6/Icons/
[generic]                  895    1473  60.8% -lh5- 836a Jul 11  1997 Associate_V1.6/Icons/
[generic]                  581    1501  38.7% -lh5- 83a9 Jul 11  1997 Associate_V1.6/Icons/
[generic]                  614    1412  43.5% -lh5- 167b Jul 11  1997 Associate_V1.6/Icons/
[generic]                  563    1713  32.9% -lh5- a770 Jul 11  1997 Associate_V1.6/Icons/
[generic]                 1045    1459  71.6% -lh5- 9398 Jul 11  1997 Associate_V1.6/Icons/
[generic]                 1040    1629  63.8% -lh5- 1e4a Jul 11  1997 Associate_V1.6/Icons/
[generic]                  596    1233  48.3% -lh5- 3073 Jul 11  1997 Associate_V1.6/
[generic]                30624   46148  66.4% -lh5- 52f3 Jul 11  1997 Associate_V1.6/libs/reqtools.library
[generic]                  723    1233  58.6% -lh5- 9e9f Jul 11  1997 Associate_V1.6/
[generic]                   14      14 100.0% -lh0- 1494 Jul 11  1997 Associate_V1.6/Source/!Debug
[generic]                  604    1392  43.4% -lh5- 267f Jul 15  1997 Associate_V1.6/Source/!
[generic]                   14      14 100.0% -lh0- 1564 Jul 11  1997 Associate_V1.6/Source/!Nuke_Objects
[generic]                  608    1392  43.7% -lh5- 527a Jul 15  1997 Associate_V1.6/Source/!
[generic]                 5521   20160  27.4% -lh5- a511 Jul 15  1997 Associate_V1.6/Source/Associate.c
[generic]                  678    1480  45.8% -lh5- e503 Jul 15  1997 Associate_V1.6/Source/
[generic]                 2953   11366  26.0% -lh5- 837a Jul 15  1997 Associate_V1.6/Source/AssociateGui.c
[generic]                  596    1390  42.9% -lh5- 19a2 Jul 15  1997 Associate_V1.6/Source/
[generic]                 1248    7238  17.2% -lh5- ac0f Jul 15  1997 Associate_V1.6/Source/AssociateGui.gui
[generic]                  470    1003  46.9% -lh5- 17cc Jul 15  1997 Associate_V1.6/Source/
[generic]                 1023    5267  19.4% -lh5- 4b23 Jul 15  1997 Associate_V1.6/Source/AssociateGui.h
[generic]                  598    1390  43.0% -lh5- a122 Jul 15  1997 Associate_V1.6/Source/
[generic]                 3556   15969  22.3% -lh5- 9c07 Jul 11  1997 Associate_V1.6/Source/GuiHandler.c
[generic]                  685    1486  46.1% -lh5- 8d09 Jul 15  1997 Associate_V1.6/Source/
[generic]                  405    1188  34.1% -lh5- ad03 Jul 11  1997 Associate_V1.6/Source/Includes.h
[generic]                  602    1390  43.3% -lh5- 5422 Jul 15  1997 Associate_V1.6/Source/
[generic]                  240     520  46.2% -lh5- aa18 Jul 11  1997 Associate_V1.6/Source/Protos.h
[generic]                  599    1390  43.1% -lh5- e2a9 Jul 15  1997 Associate_V1.6/Source/
[generic]                  148     201  73.6% -lh5- 6173 Jul 15  1997 Associate_V1.6/Source/SCoptions
[generic]                  418    1189  35.2% -lh5- 8302 Jul 15  1997 Associate_V1.6/Source/
[generic]                  328     507  64.7% -lh5- 216b Jul 15  1997 Associate_V1.6/Source/Source_Readme.TXT
[generic]                  663    1597  41.5% -lh5- 96ed Jul 15  1997 Associate_V1.6/Source/
[generic]                  633    1563  40.5% -lh5- e9bf Jul 15  1997 Associate_V1.6/Source/Vars.h
[generic]                  679    1483  45.8% -lh5- 6122 Jul 15  1997 Associate_V1.6/Source/
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
 Total        69 files  133013  282595  47.1%            Jul 17  1997
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