84782 packages online
util/wb/Fix.backdrop.lha |
No screenshot available
Short: | A handy GUI to clean up .backdrop files |
Author: | "Bruce Steers" bsteers ukonline.co.uk |
Uploader: | http://web ukonline co uk/bsteers/ |
Type: | util/wb |
Version: | 2.0 (30.08.2001) |
Architecture: | m68k-amigaos |
Date: | 2002-05-25 |
Requires: | ARexx, AWNPipe (web.ukonline.co.uk/awnpipe) |
Distribution: | Aminet, Others please ask me |
Download: | util/wb/Fix.backdrop.lha - View contents | Readme: | util/wb/Fix.backdrop.readme |
Downloads: | 720 |
Yet another handy utility from Bruce Steers
This is an Arexx script i wrote to Clean up the .backdrop file of a disk
'.backdrop' holds the info for icons to 'Leave Out' on the workbench
it seems you can have many obsolete paths still in this file.
reasons for this could be you manualy deleted a 'left out' file
or maybe the .backdrop file is an old file Restored from a backUp
whatever the reason this GUI will show all files that are listed
in a .backdrop file and considders the following errors...
if any paths are missing an icon
(this will cause file to NOT be left out and is thus Obsolete)
If any file paths do not exists.
(when WB loads these missing files are still checked (slower))
if a file path is duplicated (causing multiple checking)
To start.. Simply Double Click the Fix.backdrop Icon
you must have AWNPipe installed
If you do not have AWNPipe then get the latest archive from the support site
Fix.backdrop gets a list of devices and finds which ones have .backdrop's
Disks that are either 'missing a .backdrop' or are
'Read/Write Protected' will not be listed
The Device list is on the left with 'Information' displayed
Use this list to select a device
once the .backdrop file is checked , if any Paths are Obsolete or
Duplicated the 'Fix .backdrop' Gadget Becomes un-disabled
Simply Click the 'Fix .backdrop' Gadget to renew the file
Press the "AutoFix All" button to run through all devices listed
and fix the files if required (note: this is all automated, no requesters).
GADGET_FONT=topaz.font/8 ; these 2 alter the font
LIST_FONT=topaz.font/8 ; for the gui
AUTOFIX ; automatically starts autofix when loading.
AUTOQUIT ; automatically quits after autofix (only works with AUTOFIX)
AUTOFIX and AUTOQUIT are for once you decide that you trust what
Fix.backdrop does and want it to check/fix all your drives & quit
without you doing anything but run it :)
Note: There are no cli args , tooltypes only , and tooltypes are
read even when running from cli.
Fixed error when "Auto Fix all" finds a bad backdrop file.
I had typed FixBackdrop() instead of Fix_Backdrop()
Removed the need for using the 'Version' command.
Now NO external commands are used :)
Fixed a bug that caused an 'info' error if you have a space in a drive name.
like "Ram Disk:" (i used to rename mine to Ram_Disk: so never saw it)
removed the use of the 'C:info' command and used StateF() instead
Added a new function
AutoFix All = runs through all devices listed and fixes if required.
Added some tooltypes.
GADGET_FONT=topaz.font/8 ; these 2 alter the font
LIST_FONT=topaz.font/8 ; for the GUI
AUTOFIX ; automatically starts autofix when loading.
AUTOQUIT ; automatically quits after autofix
Fixed a bug that caused a failiure rather than reporting
if there are no .backdrop files found on any non writable disks.
(thanks Martin Elsner for reporting that :)
OOPS!, fixed a bug causing it to fail when fixing :(
now uses a listbrowser for devices not a cycle gadget.
now it beeps when a .backdrop has errors.
now it has a gadget to re-read devices for .backdrop files.
now window is disabled when updating lists
now OpenURL.library is used for the menu urls
up to version 1.5 i didn't keep any history :(
Thanks to:
William Parker ..
for making the AWNPipe device
Michaela Prüß ..
for reporting a few little bugs that have now been splatted ;)
All the Best
() /
Contents of util/wb/Fix.backdrop.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 708 1328 53.3% -lh5- 0a09 May 29 2001 Fix.backdrop.info
[generic] 587 839 70.0% -lh5- ea41 Nov 7 2000 Fix.backdrop/awnp.info
[generic] 121 136 89.0% -lh5- 76f0 Nov 7 2000 Fix.backdrop/awnp/DosDrivers/AWNPIPE
[generic] 262 481 54.5% -lh5- 921d Nov 7 2000 Fix.backdrop/awnp/DosDrivers/AWNPIPE.info
[generic] 37520 75956 49.4% -lh5- c8d6 Jan 31 2001 Fix.backdrop/awnp/L/awnpipe-handler
[generic] 3426 9236 37.1% -lh5- ff13 Aug 30 2001 Fix.backdrop/Fix.backdrop
[generic] 1500 2969 50.5% -lh5- 2d6c Aug 27 2001 Fix.backdrop/Fix.backdrop.info
[generic] 1890 4593 41.1% -lh5- 7938 Aug 30 2001 Fix.backdrop/Fix.backdrop.readme
[generic] 800 1351 59.2% -lh5- 476b Nov 7 2000 Fix.backdrop/Fix.backdrop.readme.info
[generic] 674 1656 40.7% -lh5- 4b53 Aug 30 2001 Fix.backdrop/Install_en
[generic] 529 1241 42.6% -lh5- 6d50 Nov 7 2000 Fix.backdrop/Install_en.info
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 11 files 48017 99786 48.1% May 24 2002
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