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Short:Golden appearace for Workbench and Directory Opus 5
Author: mexico at ptt.yu (Miki)
Uploader:mexico ptt yu (Miki)
Download:util/wb/GoldWB.lha - View contents

  This Workbench style was inspired by - gold. It makes the
  world go around , it is in the Swiss banks , even Your mother
  has it , but now You can enjoy in its warm glow on your Amiga.

  Here are included the preferences for some programs which
  change the look and feel of Workbench: VisualPrefs , Birdie ,
  MagicMenu and TitleShadow. Their latest versions can be found
  on Aminet.

  Requirements:   High colour Workbench
                  + all the programs listed above

  Recommended:    OS 3.5
                  1024 x 768 screenmode or higher

                  FullPalette ( also on Aminet )

                  13 point screen font 

  Installation: First you have to install all these programs
  ------------  like it says in their manuals and then change
                their preferences.

  Usage :

 Visual Prefs : This preferences are for VP 1.5 or higher. Copy the
                directory Gold where ever you want , start GUI of
                VisualPrefs , open Gold/Gold.pre , and under
                System/Bitmaps choose Gold. Then save the prefs.

                NOTE: The gadgets may look weird in GUI prefs and
                      the first time when you save the prefs. That's
                      because most gadgets are drawn to use ONLY with
                      Birdie and included textures. However, when you
                      see how it looks you won't regret it.

                NOTE 2: This Gold set is loosely based on VP-Aqua set
                        by Martin Bren. I emailed him and asked him
                        for a promission to upload this changed set ,
                        but as he did not answer me for some time
                        I assume that it's OK to upload this to Aminet
                        as long as I mention that my VP set is based on
                        Mr. Bren's.

 Birdie : Open Birdie prefs ( bprefs.lha , also on Aminet) , load my
          Birdie prefs , for Active window pattern choose
          ActiveWindow.png and in pattern list choose InactiveWindow.png.
          Do NOT add any more patterns to pattern list because this set
          is designed for only one pattern.

 MagicMenu: This prefs file is for MagicMenu 2.35 (
            Open MMPrefs ,load MM_GoldBlue.prefs ,and then save the prefs.
            This prefs file does not really belong to this Gold set , but
            it looks very nice so you might want to check it out.

 TitleShadow: Copy my titleshadow.prefs to ENV: and ENVARC: and then load
              TitleShadowPrefs and save the prefs agin. Here I've added
              the brown shadow to the selected window title so now it
              looks a bit more shiny.

              NOTE: In order this to work you'll have to install
                    Full Palette first. After the installation copy
                    the included FullPalette.prefs to ENV:Sys and ENVARC:Sys
                    and then reboot your Amiga.

 DOpus 5: For DOpus 5 I included a 32 color OS 3.5 Lister icon which you should copy
          to DOpus5:Icons. The icon I included represents a lowres image of my DOpus
          lister. I did a snap of desktop, loaded it into PPaint , cropped the image,
          did some make-up and loaded a brush into IconEdit. It was a 5 minute work.
          You should do the same to make your icon because it's no hassle and it
          looks very effective!

 Workbench: I included a desktop picture in golden style for WB and two textures
            for WB windows ( I prefer a darker one and white text colour ). This
            pictures really require OS 3.5 ( because of its picture.datatype
            which does dithering on highcolour screens ) or true colour workbench.

   I wanted to keep this archive as short as possible , so I uploaded the snapshot
   of my WB separately as pix/wb/GoldWB.jpg.

   Oh , I know, the window buttons remind of the VIVA logo. I hope no one will mind...

              For any comments write to Miki


Contents of util/wb/GoldWB.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic]                  974    1718  56.7% -lh5- 31c8 May 17  2002 GoldWB/VisualPrefs/Gold/Gold.pre
[generic]                 1952    3138  62.2% -lh5- 39b4 Aug 15  2002 GoldWB/VisualPrefs/Gold/SBarLogo/Default
[generic]                 1232    3142  39.2% -lh5- 7016 Aug 14  2002 GoldWB/VisualPrefs/Gold/SBarLogo/Default_BoingBall
[generic]                 1282    1608  79.7% -lh5- f258 Aug 15  2002 GoldWB/VisualPrefs/Gold/SDepth/Default
[generic]                  933    1128  82.7% -lh5- 2a39 May 27  2001 GoldWB/VisualPrefs/Gold/SDepth/Default.mask
[generic]                  556    1630  34.1% -lh5- 4fab May 27  2001 GoldWB/VisualPrefs/Gold/SDepth/Default_Grey
[generic]                  847    2038  41.6% -lh5- 951b Aug 15  2002 GoldWB/VisualPrefs/Gold/Size/Default
[generic]                  209    1080  19.4% -lh5- 34ef Sep  6  1999 GoldWB/VisualPrefs/Gold/Size/Default.mask
[generic]                 1533    2312  66.3% -lh5- f5aa Aug 15  2002 GoldWB/VisualPrefs/Gold/Snapshot/Default
[generic]                 1933    2466  78.4% -lh5- 30e2 Aug 15  2002 GoldWB/VisualPrefs/Gold/Zoom/Default
[generic]                  129     154  83.8% -lh5- e590 Mar 18  2001 GoldWB/VisualPrefs/Gold/Checkmark/Default.mask
[generic]                 1980    2444  81.0% -lh5- b7fa Aug 15  2002 GoldWB/VisualPrefs/Gold/Close/Default
[generic]                  407    1668  24.4% -lh5- 0346 Aug 14  2002 GoldWB/VisualPrefs/Gold/Cycle/Default
[generic]                  156     160  97.5% -lh5- 0dd9 Sep  6  1999 GoldWB/VisualPrefs/Gold/Cycle/Default.mask
[generic]                 1872    2464  76.0% -lh5- 07eb Aug 15  2002 GoldWB/VisualPrefs/Gold/Depth/Default
[generic]                  822    1240  66.3% -lh5- 6121 Aug 15  2002 GoldWB/VisualPrefs/Gold/Fallback/Default
[generic]                 1872    2464  76.0% -lh5- 07eb Aug 15  2002 GoldWB/VisualPrefs/Gold/Iconify/Default
[generic]                 1517    2266  66.9% -lh5- 56a0 Aug 15  2002 GoldWB/VisualPrefs/Gold/MUI/Default
[generic]                 1842    2868  64.2% -lh5- 81ab Aug 15  2002 GoldWB/VisualPrefs/Gold/Padlock/Default
[generic]                 1597    2348  68.0% -lh5- b427 Aug 15  2002 GoldWB/VisualPrefs/Gold/PopUp/Default
[generic]                  281     594  47.3% -lh5- a20c Aug 14  2002 GoldWB/VisualPrefs/Gold/ArrowDown/Default
[generic]                  153     920  16.6% -lh5- dedc Sep  6  1999 GoldWB/VisualPrefs/Gold/ArrowDown/default.mask
[generic]                  415     626  66.3% -lh5- 508f Aug 15  2002 GoldWB/VisualPrefs/Gold/ArrowLeft/Default
[generic]                  163     984  16.6% -lh5- 640c Sep  6  1999 GoldWB/VisualPrefs/Gold/ArrowLeft/Default.mask
[generic]                  435     626  69.5% -lh5- 0071 Aug 14  2002 GoldWB/VisualPrefs/Gold/ArrowRight/Default
[generic]                  161     984  16.4% -lh5- 4fe2 Sep  6  1999 GoldWB/VisualPrefs/Gold/ArrowRight/Default.mask
[generic]                  279     596  46.8% -lh5- 851f Aug 15  2002 GoldWB/VisualPrefs/Gold/ArrowUp/Default
[generic]                  150     920  16.3% -lh5- 3214 Sep  6  1999 GoldWB/VisualPrefs/Gold/ArrowUp/Default.mask
[generic]                  522    1330  39.2% -lh5- 0059 Aug 14  2002 GoldWB/VisualPrefs/Gold/Checkmark/Default
[generic]                43775   43775 100.0% -lh0- cfda Aug 15  2002 GoldWB/Workbench/AquaGold.jpg
[generic]                  598     647  92.4% -lh5- e29f Aug 15  2002 GoldWB/Birdie/ActiveWindow.png
[generic]                  108     154  70.1% -lh5- 9319 Aug 15  2002 GoldWB/Birdie/Birdie.Prefs
[generic]                  603     649  92.9% -lh5- b52e Aug 15  2002 GoldWB/Birdie/InActiveWindow.png
[generic]                 5029    6168  81.5% -lh5- 1afe Aug 15  2002 GoldWB/DOpus5/Icons/
[generic]                 1081    3450  31.3% -lh5- 042d Aug 15  2002 GoldWB/FullPalette/FullPalette.prefs
[generic]                  399     871  45.8% -lh5- d2e3 Aug 15  2002 GoldWB/MagicMenu/MM_GoldBlue.prefs
[generic]                   38      54  70.4% -lh5- 1380 Aug 15  2002 GoldWB/TitleShadow/titleshadow.prefs
[generic]                14800   14800 100.0% -lh0- 84d4 Aug 15  2002 GoldWB/Workbench/WinBack.jpg
[generic]                 3637    3637 100.0% -lh0- 9bcb Aug 15  2002 GoldWB/Workbench/WinBack2.jpg
[generic]                 1828    4258  42.9% -lh5- b98e Aug 15  2002 GoldWB.readme
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
 Total        40 files   98100  124379  78.9%            Aug 18  2002
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