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Short:Lava red appearace for Workbench and Directory Opus 5
Author: mexico at ptt.yu (Miki)
Uploader:mexico ptt yu (Miki)
Download:util/wb/LavaWB.lha - View contents

  Here are included the preferences for some programs which
  change the look and feel of Workbench: VisualPrefs , Birdie ,
  MagicMenu and TitleShadow. Their latest versions can be found
  on Aminet.

  Requirements:   High colour Workbench
                  + all the programs listed above

  Recommended:    OS 3.5
                  1024 x 768 screenmode or higher

                  FullPalette ( also on Aminet )

                  13 point screen font 

  Installation: First you have to install all these programs
  ------------  like it says in their manuals and then change
                their preferences.

  Usage :

 Visual Prefs : This preferences are for VP 1.5 or higher. Copy the
                directory Lava where ever you want , start GUI of
                VisualPrefs , open Lava/Lava.pre , and under
                System/Bitmaps choose Lava. Then save the prefs.

                NOTE: The gadgets may look weird in GUI prefs and
                      the first time when you save the prefs. That's
                      because most gadgets are drawn to use ONLY with
                      Birdie and included textures. However, when you
                      see how it looks you won't regret it.

 Birdie : Open Birdie prefs ( bprefs.lha , also on Aminet) , load my
          Birdie prefs , for Active window pattern choose
          ActiveWindow.png and in pattern list choose InactiveWindow.png.
          Do NOT add any more patterns to pattern list because this set
          is designed for only one pattern.

 MagicMenu: This prefs file is for MagicMenu 2.35 (
            Open MMPrefs ,load MM_Red.prefs ,and then save the prefs.
            I also added MM_Blue prefs file. You might want to use it if
            you think that not every part of Workbench should be red.

 TitleShadow: Copy my titleshadow.prefs to ENV: and ENVARC: and then load
              TitleShadowPrefs and save the prefs again. Here I've added
              a pink outline to the selected window title so now it
              has a nice glow effect.

              NOTE: In order this to work you'll have to install
                    Full Palette first. After the installation copy
                    the included FullPalette.prefs to ENV:Sys and ENVARC:Sys
                    and then reboot your Amiga.

 Workbench: I included a desktop picture in Lava style for WB , a texture
            for WB windows and a background for DOpus requesters. These
            pictures really require OS 3.5 ( because of its picture.datatype
            which does dithering on highcolour screens ) or true colour workbench.

            NOTE: I've added a pointer prefs file which you may use with this
                  Lava set. On all Amiga computers pointer is red by default ,
                  so it might be hard to see if you use the AquaRed background.
                  This yellow pointer can be distinguished well on red and it
                  looks cool too.

   I wanted to keep this archive as short as possible , so I uploaded the snapshot
   of my WB separately as pix/wb/LavaWBsnap.jpg.

              For any comments write to Miki


Contents of util/wb/LavaWB.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic]                  478    1744  27.4% -lh5- 72bf Sep  5  2002 LavaWB/VisualPrefs/Lava/Blank.iff
[generic]                  870    1718  50.6% -lh5- 042e Sep  5  2002 LavaWB/VisualPrefs/Lava/Lava.pre
[generic]                  933    1128  82.7% -lh5- 2a39 Jun  3  2002 LavaWB/VisualPrefs/Lava/SDepth/Default.mask
[generic]                  514    1884  27.3% -lh5- d375 Sep  5  2002 LavaWB/VisualPrefs/Lava/Size/Default
[generic]                  517    1810  28.6% -lh5- 66dc Sep  5  2002 LavaWB/VisualPrefs/Lava/Size/Default-
[generic]                  839    2130  39.4% -lh5- 3026 Sep  5  2002 LavaWB/VisualPrefs/Lava/Snapshot/Default
[generic]                 1515    2334  64.9% -lh5- cb28 Sep  5  2002 LavaWB/VisualPrefs/Lava/Zoom/Default
[generic]                 1441    2334  61.7% -lh5- 45d0 Sep  5  2002 LavaWB/VisualPrefs/Lava/Zoom/Default_Blank
[generic]                43744   43744 100.0% -lh0- 03b7 Sep  5  2002 LavaWB/Workbench/AquaRed.jpg
[generic]                 1998    1998 100.0% -lh0- 0ef0 Sep  5  2002 LavaWB/Workbench/MenuBackGradient.png
[generic]                 4048    4048 100.0% -lh0- b4a6 Sep  5  2002 LavaWB/Workbench/WinBack.jpg
[generic]                 1488    2332  63.8% -lh5- 7e7c Sep  5  2002 LavaWB/VisualPrefs/Lava/Depth/Default
[generic]                 1441    2334  61.7% -lh5- 45d0 Sep  5  2002 LavaWB/VisualPrefs/Lava/Depth/Default_Blank
[generic]                  788    1222  64.5% -lh5- a7ba Sep  5  2002 LavaWB/VisualPrefs/Lava/Fallback/Default
[generic]                 1490    2350  63.4% -lh5- 8c20 Sep  5  2002 LavaWB/VisualPrefs/Lava/Iconify/Default
[generic]                 1441    2334  61.7% -lh5- 45d0 Sep  5  2002 LavaWB/VisualPrefs/Lava/Iconify/Default_Blank
[generic]                  821    2076  39.5% -lh5- 5f6a Sep  5  2002 LavaWB/VisualPrefs/Lava/MUI/Default
[generic]                  911    2504  36.4% -lh5- 1a82 Sep  5  2002 LavaWB/VisualPrefs/Lava/Padlock/Default
[generic]                  762    2088  36.5% -lh5- 3faf Sep  5  2002 LavaWB/VisualPrefs/Lava/PopUp/Default
[generic]                 1232    3142  39.2% -lh5- 7016 Aug 14  2002 LavaWB/VisualPrefs/Lava/SBarLogo/Default
[generic]                  556    1630  34.1% -lh5- 4fab Jun  3  2002 LavaWB/VisualPrefs/Lava/SDepth/Default
[generic]                  253     678  37.3% -lh5- 5a51 Sep  5  2002 LavaWB/VisualPrefs/Lava/ArrowRight/Default
[generic]                  161     984  16.4% -lh5- 4fe2 Jun  3  2002 LavaWB/VisualPrefs/Lava/ArrowRight/Default.mask
[generic]                  234     528  44.3% -lh5- a6b6 Sep  5  2002 LavaWB/VisualPrefs/Lava/ArrowUp/Default
[generic]                  150     920  16.3% -lh5- 3214 Jun  3  2002 LavaWB/VisualPrefs/Lava/ArrowUp/Default.mask
[generic]                  563    1198  47.0% -lh5- fc2d Sep  5  2002 LavaWB/VisualPrefs/Lava/Checkmark/Default
[generic]                  129     154  83.8% -lh5- e590 Jun  3  2002 LavaWB/VisualPrefs/Lava/Checkmark/Default.mask
[generic]                 1494    2328  64.2% -lh5- a401 Sep  5  2002 LavaWB/VisualPrefs/Lava/Close/Default
[generic]                 1441    2334  61.7% -lh5- 45d0 Sep  5  2002 LavaWB/VisualPrefs/Lava/Close/Default_Blank
[generic]                  561    1654  33.9% -lh5- d78a Sep  5  2002 LavaWB/VisualPrefs/Lava/Cycle/Default
[generic]                  156     160  97.5% -lh5- 0dd9 Jun  3  2002 LavaWB/VisualPrefs/Lava/Cycle/Default.mask
[generic]                  877    1760  49.8% -lh5- 1a35 Sep  5  2002 LavaWB/Birdie/ActiveWindow.png
[generic]                 1027    1920  53.5% -lh5- 40df Sep  5  2002 LavaWB/Birdie/InActiveWindow.png
[generic]                  984    3450  28.5% -lh5- ca1f Sep  5  2002 LavaWB/FullPalette/FullPalette.prefs
[generic]                  415     871  47.6% -lh5- aacf Jul 25  2002 LavaWB/MagicMenu/MM_Blue.prefs
[generic]                  415     871  47.6% -lh5- f3a5 Sep  5  2002 LavaWB/MagicMenu/MM_Red.prefs
[generic]                  166     318  52.2% -lh5- 5c98 Sep  5  2002 LavaWB/Pointer/Pointer.prefs
[generic]                   36      54  66.7% -lh5- fb40 Sep  5  2002 LavaWB/TitleShadow/TitleShadow.prefs
[generic]                  234     528  44.3% -lh5- 03f7 Sep  5  2002 LavaWB/VisualPrefs/Lava/ArrowDown/Default
[generic]                  153     920  16.6% -lh5- dedc Jun  3  2002 LavaWB/VisualPrefs/Lava/ArrowDown/default.mask
[generic]                  251     676  37.1% -lh5- 198d Sep  5  2002 LavaWB/VisualPrefs/Lava/ArrowLeft/Default
[generic]                  163     984  16.6% -lh5- 640c Jun  3  2002 LavaWB/VisualPrefs/Lava/ArrowLeft/Default.mask
[generic]                 1465    3404  43.0% -lh5- f1de Sep  5  2002 LavaWB.readme
[generic]                   97     129  75.2% -lh5- 698c Sep  5  2002 LavaWB/Birdie/Birdie.Prefs
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
 Total        44 files   79252  113707  69.7%            Sep  8  2002
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