Many people have some sort of nice utility installed on their Amiga that
selects a random WBPattern/Beep sound/whatever each time they boot. Well,
okey, it's nice. But...but...!
I don't just want to have a different backdrop each time I boot! I want
the font that goes best with that background! I want a sound that fits in,
a matching pointer, perhaps a different palette. But man, it's hell changing
all those prefs-files once you want to change it!
No more!
With Moods v1.0, you can make these collections of preferences-files as you
want! You can have, say, a Boring mood that sets your Amiga in a standard
out-of-the-box-gray-background WB, a Happy-mood with a kick-ass background
of endless fun and a smiling mouse-pointer, a Girlfriend-mood with a nice
picture of that very special person. Whatever you want! Moods v1.0 simply
collects preferences files for one "Mood" and puts them in an archive. Then,
the next time you feel like a switch of moods, just bring up that window
and click on another one. It might sound boring, but that's because I suck
at english. Try it, and you'll never wanna live without it!
· AmigaOS 2.1+
· ReqTools library, at least V38
· Lha installed somewhere in your path
· A few kB of disk space
It's as simple as that. :)
Just extract the archive to RAM: and double-click on the "Install Moods"
icon - after you've read the "READ ME"-file, of course. :)
It uses the standard Commodore Installer utility, so it should be pretty
The entire Moods distrubition is protected by the Anti-Microsoft Public
License currently residing at - if you
are or have ever been, in any way, affiliated with Microsoft corporation or
any subcorporations thereof, you MUST read and agree on the terms outlined
in this license before you can continue using any piece of this software.
If you do not agree on this, you must delete the Moods archive and this
.readme file NOW!
Other legal stuff:
This program is Shareware. Well, sort of. I'm not demanding anything for
you using it. But if you like it and use it a lot, please send me something
I might have use for. That way, we'll both be happy! :) You can find my
address at the bottom of this file.
This .readme file and the contents of the Moods10.lha archive are
the property of Rune Jacobsen. You may not change any of the files without
written permission from me, the author. You may distribute this piece of
software as long as you do not charge anything more than the cost of a disk
for it. And that's only if you need a new disk to distribute it! ;)
I have tried to make this program as safe to use as possible, but I do not
accept any fault if anything should happen to your system as a result of
using this program.
This program may not in any event be distributed on the Microsoft Network
or any subnetwork thereof. If you see this software on such a network,
please inform me so I can take proper action.
Contact the author:
IRC: Shitlips @ #AmigaCafe
Snailmail: Rune Jacobsen
1055 Oslo