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Short:THE Addon/replacement for C= Installer
Author: Andreas.Falkenhahn at (Andreas Falkenhahn)
Uploader:Andreas Falkenhahn gmx de (Andreas Falkenhahn)
Download:util/wb/NewInstaller17.lha - View contents

NewInstaller v1.7 - Major Update

....NewInstaller is the ultimate Addon for the Commodore
Installer. Starting with v1.7 NewInstaller can also replace
the Commodore Installer! So all your future installations
will look like Multimedia shows!

Here`s what has changed since the last release:

  · Updated the third-party libraries
  · Updated, optimized and adapted the Installer script
  · Updated English and German AmigaGuide® documentations
  · Updated German catalog
  · Added possibility to use NewInstaller as a replacement for the Commodore
  · Optimized the code and changed some things
  · Removed the SMTP server code from the sourcecode because there are no
    public SMTP servers left
  · NewInstaller is now compatible with the ScalOS Workbench replacement
    (requested by many people)
  · Changed sourcecode to conditional compiling (to compile versions for
    BOA Gold users and public versions)
  · Updated Bosnian, French, Italian, Portuguesian, Russian, Slovenian and
    Swedish locale
  · Added Russian, Portuguesian, Slovenian, French, Italian and Bosnian

If you still don`t know, what NewInstaller is, here`s the

There are many Software Packages on Aminet without any
Installer although Commodore developed the Installer
tool which provides a easy-to-use graphical user interface
with powerful functions.

But many people complained that they were too lazy or it
would be too hard to create a script for the Commodore

This time is over now. NewInstaller allows everyone to
include a script in his Software Package for the famous Commodore
Installer. But no - you need not to edit it - NewInstaller does
all automatically. 

The only thing you need to do is including an install icon
in your Software Package with default tool NewInstaller.
Additionally you can change some things in the Tooltypes.

NewInstaller is fully integrated into Internet. You only
need to add a tooltype and the user can online register your program
if he wants. Or add an other tooltype and the user can visit
your homepage immediately.

But there`s more: NewInstaller can make the installation of your
program to a great Multimedia event. It can display different pictures,
play samples and modules. It even doesn`t matter if the installation
is running on AGA/ECS/OCS/Gfx boards...It will always look as good as
possible. Pictures are remapped and resized to the current screen
NewInstaller is an intelligent program with powerful
features. Here are some:

* fully integrated into Internet (Online Registration, 
  WWW visits....)

* Graphics can be used (with remapping to WB colors
  and resizing to WB resolution). Compatible with
  ECS/OCS/AGA and Gfx boards!

* Sounds can be used
* Multi language: Your Installer appears in the user`s mother tongue
                  because of the locale.library support and the more
                  than 15 supplied catalogs

* Update function: NewInstaller keeps every Software installed with
                   full path and version in mind
* UnInstall function: Just add one tooltype and the user will be asked
                      if an UnInstall script shall be created

* Intelligent handling: If no name, author and version specified in
                        the Tooltypes NewInstaller tries to figure them out                           
* Recognizing of many types: NewInstaller recognizes many filetypes.
                             For example: Executables, docs, libs, fonts,
                             ARexx scripts, MUI files, Prefs....
                             So if there is a Fonts drawer for example
                             NewInstaller will tell the user that
                             the program needs XXX.font in FONTS: and so on...

* Assign support: You can specify assigns in the Tooltypes which
                  shall be added in S:User-Startup
* Unarchive support: LHA and LZX archives will be unarchived and the user
                     can select the files from the archive he wants. This
                     option can be turned off in the Tooltypes.
                     Then the archives will only be copied

* Confirm all operations: NewInstaller tells the user every operation before
                          he does it so the user has to confirm the operation
                          or skip it !. This can be turned off in the

That were only some of NewInstaller`s powerful features. Many things can be
changed in the Tooltypes.

I decided to release NewInstaller as Shareware. The registration fee
is 10 DM ($8 US-Dollar) via email or 15 DM ($12 US-Dollar) via post.

Contact me at:

Andreas Falkenhahn
An der Trift 2
36132 Eiterfeld-Arzell

ICQ: 42908277

Contents of util/wb/NewInstaller17.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic]                 3896    9262  42.1% -lh5- 6ea9 Jan  4  2000 NewInstaller1_7/Catalogs/bosanski/NewInstaller.catalog
[generic]                 3224    7458  43.2% -lh5- 1997 Dec  1  1999 NewInstaller1_7/Catalogs/español/NewInstaller.catalog
[generic]                 4470   11262  39.7% -lh5- 8b3e Dec 26  1999 NewInstaller1_7/Catalogs/français/NewInstaller.catalog
[generic]                 4205   11955  35.2% -lh5- 26d0 Dec 23  1999 NewInstaller1_7/Catalogs/
[generic]                 4344   10952  39.7% -lh5- 5c4b Sep  8  2001 NewInstaller1_7/Catalogs/deutsch/NewInstaller.catalog
[generic]                 2094    4392  47.7% -lh5- f628 Aug  6  1998 NewInstaller1_7/Catalogs/magyar/NewInstaller.catalog
[generic]                 4135   11237  36.8% -lh5- 331f Dec 23  1999 NewInstaller1_7/Catalogs/NewInstaller.ct
[generic]                 4283    9290  46.1% -lh5- 610c Jan  3  2000 NewInstaller1_7/Catalogs/russian/NewInstaller.catalog
[generic]                 4093   10296  39.8% -lh5- 0ad7 Feb 24  2000 NewInstaller1_7/Catalogs/italiano/NewInstaller.catalog
[generic]                 1856    4322  42.9% -lh5- bb18 Aug  6  1998 NewInstaller1_7/Catalogs/norsk/newinstaller.catalog
[generic]                 1931    4306  44.8% -lh5- 45b3 Aug 19  1998 NewInstaller1_7/Catalogs/suomi/NewInstaller.catalog
[generic]                 1994    4592  43.4% -lh5- 0711 Aug  6  1998 NewInstaller1_7/Catalogs/nederlands/NewInstaller.catalog
[generic]                 1943    4388  44.3% -lh5- 4a13 Aug  6  1998 NewInstaller1_7/Catalogs/polski/NewInstaller.catalog
[generic]                 3289    7252  45.4% -lh5- db63 May 11  1999 NewInstaller1_7/Catalogs/ÃeÓtina/NewInstaller.catalog
[generic]                 4123   10374  39.7% -lh5- be3d Aug  8  2000 NewInstaller1_7/Catalogs/português/NewInstaller.catalog
[generic]                 4119    9868  41.7% -lh5- 4548 Feb 12  2000 NewInstaller1_7/Catalogs/slovensko/NewInstaller.catalog
[generic]                 1790    3704  48.3% -lh5- 370f Aug  6  1998 NewInstaller1_7/Catalogs/türkçe/NewInstaller.catalog
[generic]                 4007    9604  41.7% -lh5- 4236 Feb 27  2000 NewInstaller1_7/Catalogs/svenska/NewInstaller.catalog
[generic]                22108   31344  70.5% -lh5- fd52 Jan  3  1998 NewInstaller1_7/Defaults/endsnd
[generic]                64667   86220  75.0% -lh5- 6570 Aug 16  1998 NewInstaller1_7/Defaults/installsndloop
[generic]                 6263   26692  23.5% -lh5- 82f2 Dec 30  1998 NewInstaller1_7/Defaults/startbg
[generic]                60467   65680  92.1% -lh5- d0a7 Jan  1  1980 NewInstaller1_7/Defaults/startsnd
[generic]                   67      67 100.0% -lh0- d16b Aug  4  1998 NewInstaller1_7/Demos/Libs/testdummy.library
[generic]                  794    1513  52.5% -lh5- d4cb Dec  2  1999 NewInstaller1_7/Demos/MultimediaInstall.dat
[generic]                  413     679  60.8% -lh5- 2bca Dec  2  1999 NewInstaller1_7/Demos/NormalInstall.dat
[generic]                  112     143  78.3% -lh5- 9739 Feb  6  1999 NewInstaller1_7/Demos/registration.dat
[generic]                 2443    4556  53.6% -lh5- 21ba Aug  4  1998 NewInstaller1_7/Demos/TestDummy
[generic]                 1372    2584  53.1% -lh5- 183b Mar 23  1998 NewInstaller1_7/Demos/Fonts/microknight/8
[generic]                 1383    5138  26.9% -lh5- a43d Sep  8  2001 NewInstaller1_7/Demos/
[generic]                 1134    4758  23.8% -lh5- 4a84 Sep  8  2001 NewInstaller1_7/Demos/
[generic]                  293     528  55.5% -lh5- 60fc Dec  2  1999 NewInstaller1_7/Demos/TestDummy.doc
[generic]                 1354    2384  56.8% -lh5- b11e Dec 23  1999 NewInstaller1_7/Demos/
[generic]                  564    2273  24.8% -lh5- 8651 Sep  8  2001 NewInstaller1_7/
[generic]                 2894   13020  22.2% -lh5- 8bd8 Jan  4  1980 NewInstaller1_7/Demos/Data/Homepage.iff
[generic]                   35     264  13.3% -lh5- f89a Mar 23  1998 NewInstaller1_7/Demos/Fonts/microknight.font
[generic]                  559    1451  38.5% -lh5- a221 Dec 23  1999 NewInstaller1_7/Demos/
[generic]                  968    2097  46.2% -lh5- faec Aug  8  2000 NewInstaller1_7/Docs/ATO.readme
[generic]                  559    1451  38.5% -lh5- 3d1a Sep  9  2001 NewInstaller1_7/Docs/
[generic]                18030   53034  34.0% -lh5- 92d7 Sep  9  2001 NewInstaller1_7/Docs/
[generic]                 1089    1871  58.2% -lh5- c70c Sep  9  2001 NewInstaller1_7/Docs/
[generic]                16894   50390  33.5% -lh5- 9005 Sep  9  2001 NewInstaller1_7/Docs/
[generic]                 1144    1871  61.1% -lh5- db31 Sep  9  2001 NewInstaller1_7/Docs/
[generic]                16638   46660  35.7% -lh5- e6e4 Jan  5  2000 NewInstaller1_7/Docs/
[generic]                  980    1857  52.8% -lh5- dfed Sep  9  2001 NewInstaller1_7/Docs/
[generic]                18199   50162  36.3% -lh5- ada3 Dec 28  1999 NewInstaller1_7/Docs/NI_franç
[generic]                 1099    1871  58.7% -lh5- c306 Sep  9  2001 NewInstaller1_7/Docs/NI_franç
[generic]                17915   54226  33.0% -lh5- 6f82 Feb 24  2000 NewInstaller1_7/Docs/
[generic]                  981    1857  52.8% -lh5- ac9a Sep  9  2001 NewInstaller1_7/Docs/
[generic]                17511   44818  39.1% -lh5- 34fa Jan  3  2000 NewInstaller1_7/Docs/
[generic]                  981    1857  52.8% -lh5- d6a5 Sep  9  2001 NewInstaller1_7/Docs/
[generic]                17670   50718  34.8% -lh5- fdbb Feb 12  2000 NewInstaller1_7/Docs/
[generic]                  979    1857  52.7% -lh5- 2ed3 Sep  9  2001 NewInstaller1_7/Docs/
[generic]                  592    2049  28.9% -lh5- c0e8 Sep  9  2001 NewInstaller1_7/Docs/Form_english.txt
[generic]                 1637    5160  31.7% -lh5- 2a2f Sep  9  2001 NewInstaller1_7/Docs/
[generic]                19630   59765  32.8% -lh5- bb5d Sep  8  2001 NewInstaller1_7/Docs/NI_portuguê
[generic]                  980    1857  52.8% -lh5- 38eb Sep  9  2001 NewInstaller1_7/Docs/NI_portuguê
[generic]                 1215    2415  50.3% -lh5- 4afd Sep  9  2001 NewInstaller1_7/Docs/OrderInfo_english.txt
[generic]                  565    2020  28.0% -lh5- ca57 Sep  9  2001 NewInstaller1_7/Docs/Form_deutsch.txt
[generic]                 1089    1871  58.2% -lh5- 413e Sep  9  2001 NewInstaller1_7/Docs/
[generic]                  900    1658  54.3% -lh5- b0ac Sep  9  2001 NewInstaller1_7/Docs/OrderInfo_deutsch.txt
[generic]                 1639    5160  31.8% -lh5- 2bc9 Sep  9  2001 NewInstaller1_7/Docs/
[generic]                  563    2273  24.8% -lh5- 40b0 Sep  9  2001 NewInstaller1_7/
[generic]                 1087    1871  58.1% -lh5- 49a5 Sep  9  2001 NewInstaller1_7/Docs/
[generic]                23978   43896  54.6% -lh5- 9d74 Feb 18  2000 NewInstaller1_7/Libs/guigfx.library
[generic]                18648   22376  83.3% -lh5- 31b5 Dec 26  2000 NewInstaller1_7/Libs/identify.library
[generic]                 5736   10684  53.7% -lh5- 3405 Sep 26  1999 NewInstaller1_7/Libs/openurl.library
[generic]                24301  110924  21.9% -lh5- 8071 Sep  9  2001 NewInstaller1_7/Install
[generic]                23487   52452  44.8% -lh5- 6413 May 24  1999 NewInstaller1_7/Libs/render.library
[generic]                30624   46148  66.4% -lh5- 52f3 Aug  4  1997 NewInstaller1_7/Libs/reqtools.library
[generic]                  562    2273  24.7% -lh5- f876 Sep  8  2001 NewInstaller1_7/
[generic]                  394     968  40.7% -lh5- 6272 Dec  1  1999 NewInstaller1_7/Tools/SetDefaultTheme
[generic]                  239     460  52.0% -lh5- 7d0d Dec 23  1999 NewInstaller1_7/Tools/
[generic]                  568    2273  25.0% -lh5- 9576 Sep  8  2001
[generic]                 2234    6015  37.1% -lh5- 2f47 Sep  8  2001 NewInstaller1_7/
[generic]                74636   74636 100.0% -lh0- c3bf Sep  8  2001 NewInstaller1_7/NewInstaller
[generic]                 1402    1999  70.1% -lh5- 64a0 Sep  8  2001 NewInstaller1_7/
[generic]                 2132    5090  41.9% -lh5- bb90 Sep  8  2001 NewInstaller1_7/NewInstaller1_7.readme
[generic]                 1638    5160  31.7% -lh5- bb7f Sep  8  2001 NewInstaller1_7/
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
 Total        78 files  598831 1231858  48.6%            Sep 22  2001
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