Program: PointerEyes
Version: 4.4 and 3.12
Date: January 25, 1996
Coded by: John Hughes
Compiled with: SAS/C 6.56
Machine: A4000 68EC030/25 AmigaDOS 3.1
Required: PointerEyes3.12 : AmigaDos 2.0 or greater
PointerEyes4.4 : AmigaDOS 3.0 or above
screennotify.library 1.0 (included) (not required for v4.x)
MagicWB is also recommended
«««««««««««« WHAT'S NEW »»»»»»»»»»»
Removed more Enforcer Hits. None show up for me now. (What about you? let me know.)
Fixed problem with some programs not being able to close there
screen with Pointer Eyes on that screen. (Notably 'Term')
datatype.library support. (AmigaDos 3.0)
User defined eye images. (AmigaDos 3.0)
Use any sized eyes, with any number of colors. (AmigaDos 3.0)
Installation scripts.
Bug fixes.
and more.
Version 4.x is for AmigaDos 3.0+
Version 3.x is for AmigaDos 2.0+
o All settings are saved and loaded from the icon @{" Tooltypes " Link "TOOLTYPES"}.
o The background color and eye color are automatic allowing it to look
as though the eyes are attached to the screen's title bar or you
can choose it's colors. (not supported in version 4.1 yet)
o The eyes can be auto-centered on the title bar or be located
anywhere on the screen.
o The eyes can be any size and have any number of colors. (version 4.0+ only)
There are two eye sizes (8 and 11 pixels tall). (version 3.9+)
You may choose between the sizes, or let the program determine which
best fits your public screen title bar.
o You can choose the public screen in which Pointer Eyes appears on.
o If the mouse isn't moved for a while, the eyes will go to sleep, and
periodicaly peek out at you.
o The eyes will blink at random intervals.
o The eyes are rolled periodically.
o Allowings the WB screen to be closed/reopened if system preferences are
changed, or for any other reason.
o Monitors screens using screennotify.library, so that public screens can
safely be closed when the eyes are on that screen.
o You can lock the window in place so you don't accidentlly grab it.
o The eyes can stay behind, in front of all windows, or just float.
o The eyes can follow you around to the front most or active
public screen.
o It's a Commodity.
o Low task priority of -2, so it doesn't get in the way of other tasks.
o datatypes.library support. (Version 4.0+ only)
o User defined eye images.. Make your own eyes!!! :)
o Small code.
Partial History:
v3.8 June 9, 1995
Bug Fix: The pulldown menu is now the correct color.
Bug Fix: Eyes window wasn't being reopened after wb screen close/opened.
Added @{" tooltype " Link "TOOLTYPES"} EYESPICTUREFILE, which allows the
user to choose how many seconds of no mouse movement will cause the
eyes to go to sleep.
v4.0 June 12, 1995
AmigaDos v3.0 is required because of datatype support and AllocBitMap().
Datatype support for user defined eye images.
BltBitMapRastPort() is now used instead of DrawImage().
Installation script now included!
Eye ILBM files included:
OriginalEyes (sizes: 8,11,13)
ShadedEyes (sizes: 8,11,13)
MagicWBEyes (sizes: 8,11,13)
RedYellowEyes (sizes: 11)
v3.9 July 5, 1995
As with version 4.1:
Major Bug Fix: I didn't ReplyMsg() when OpenWBScreen() was called
and the WB screen was already opened. Finally!!!
This is a bugfix update to version 3.8 which is for AmigaDos 2.0+ users.
v4.1 July 5, 1995
Major Bug Fix: I didn't ReplyMsg() when OpenWBScreen() was called
and the WB screen was already opened. Finally!!!
Typo in documentation. FOLLOWMOUSE is now FOLLOWSCREEN.
screennotify.library is now not required, but used if available.
Added @{" tooltype " Link "TOOLTYPES"} USESCREENNOTIFY, which
specifies whether or not to use screennotify.library.
v4.2 & v3.10 October 3, 1995
Postcardware version.
This version is Postcardware, which basically means that this software is
public domain, and if you use it please send me a postcard of your country
or your city.
Changed the text that the About menu displays.
Removed hotkey bug. The hotkey string was deallocated after it was found in some cases. (enforcer hit?)
v4.2 & v3.10 RELEASE 2 October 8, 1995
Fixed a typo in the installer scripts which caused the docs to not be installed.
Did a few other minor changes in the installation scripts.
Sorry this release was delayed, due to problems with aminet.
v4.3 & v3.11 November 14, 1995
Added some more screennotify support. AddPubScreenClient().
This should solve the problems with a screen closing in a couple of
programs such as Term.
Removed a couple of harmless enforcer hits. I think they were removed.
v4.4 & v3.12 January 25, 1996
Removed a few more harmless enforcer hits related to checking if a
window is in back of all other non-backdrop windows.
Changed the method in which Pointer Eyes determines if another
window is also a Pointer Eyes window.