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Short:Universal Installers for System icons
Author:Roger Håseth
Uploader:panterhz yahoo no (Roger Håseth)
Download:util/wb/TRULS.lha - View contents

   --+  Introduction  +--

This distribution includes some scripts that can be used for installing
another set of System icons to your Amiga. The scripts works with every
AmigaOS version from 2.0 - 3.9, and both icons in the OldIcons (planar),
NewIcons and ColorIcons format is supported  (stock OS 2.0 - 3.1 setups
only supports OldIcons though).

When the installer scripts are run, each Destination icon (TO) will end
up in the same format as the Source icon (FROM).  In other words,  when
Source is an OldIcon, Dest will also become an OldIcon regardless of its
original icon format.  Furthermore, it's usually only the icon _images_
that gets copied across,  which in turn means that the  Dest icon will
still have its original icon data intact (like Default Tool, ToolTypes,
Position, etc.).

   --+  Installer Scripts  +--

The following installer scripts might be included here:

Install_Icons    - Main script for installing System icons to your Amiga. It
                   looks for a "Icons" drawer in the same directory, and may
                   then install all icons in there that also exists in the
                   chosen destination dir (non-existing ones are skipped).

Install_DefIcons - A script for installing DefIcons. Here it will look for a
                   "Envarc/Sys/" or "Icons/Prefs/Env-Archive/Sys/" dir in the
                   same place as the installer,  and then install all icons
                   found in there to the chosen dest directory.

Install_Files    - This one can install some of the files in the included C
                   dir to the C dir present on your boot partition.  Under
                   AmigaOS 3.1 or lower, you can also install two DefIcons
                   related files as well (required for proper functionality
                   of DefIcons).  Existing files will NOT be overwritten!

Look further below for more information about the installer scripts.

   --+  Requirements  +--

Any Amiga with Kickstart 2.04 or higher.

The scripts uses the IconCopy and ProcessIcon commands, which is already
included. They can also be found on Aminet under:

   --+  Distribution  +--

The TRULS installation scripts is to be considered as Freeware. Everything
in this distribution must be kept together, in original unmodified form.
If you want to include the scripts in your own icon packs, you are allowed
to do so, but then the conditions are a bit different and less restrictive.
Check out the included Distribution.txt file for more information.

   --+  Preparing Installation  +--

The installer scripts uses relative paths, which means that Install_Icons
looks for a "Icons" drawer, and Install_DefIcons looks for a "Envarc/Sys/"
or "Icons/Prefs/Env-Archive/Sys/" dir in the current directory. If these
dirs are not found, the installers will exit with an error message.

If the installer(s) are included with an icon package, the dir(s) should
already include some icons. But if you have downloaded and extracted the
original TRULS.lha distribution, they are by default empty. You will then
have to copy the wanted icons into the dirs. These can be from other icon
packs that lacks an installer for example.

It is also possible to move and use the installers outside the standard dir,
but then it's really recommended that you use the Install_Files script first.
This to make sure that files required by the icon installers are found.

   --+  Using Install_Icons  +--

Here is a more detailed explenation over how to use the Install_Icons script
for installing a different set of System Icons to your Amiga:

1. After starting the installer, you will be asked to select the Destination
Volume/Dir  where the icons is to be installed to.  Here you should normally
choose your boot partition, but you can actually select any dir on any volume
if you like (for testing purposes and such).

2. If your Amiga uses icon.library 44 or higher, one of the source icons to
be installed will now be checked to see if it's in the NewIcons format.  If
this is the case,  you will then be asked if the icons  should be converted
to ColorIcons before installation begins.

3. Next up, you may be asked if the original icons found in the destination
Volume/Dir should be backed up to a lha archive (only if C:LhA is present).
Backing up the original icons is highly recommended, especially if you want
to answer Yes to the question that may be asked in point 5.

4. Upon clicking the Continue button in the next requester, the script will
now examine the contents of the "Icons" drawer,  where it makes a list over
icons to install. When this is done, the installation begins. As previously
mentioned, it's only the icon _images_ that gets copied across, and only if
matching icons is found in the destination dir. Icons that exists in source
dir but not in dest dir (and vice-versa) will mostly be skipped.

5. When main installation is done, you may be asked if any remaining old
drawer icons in destination dir should be replaced. Be careful with your
answer here, since this will replace ALL drawer icons that was previously
skipped. You _might_ get more than you bargained for!  This question will
only be asked if a suitable drawer icon to be used as source can be found,
here the Install_Icons script will look for one in the following order:

6. The final thing to do, is perhaps to clean up and snapshot all icons
that just have been installed to your system.

   --+  Using Install_DefIcons  +--

Here is a more detailed explenation over how to use the Install_DefIcons
script for installing a different set of DefIcons to your Amiga:

1. Upon starting the installer, you will be asked to select the Destination
Volume/Dir  where the icons is to be installed to.  Here you should normally
choose your boot partition, but you can actually select any dir on any volume
if you like (for testing purposes). Do have in mind however, that the script
expects to find a Prefs/Env-Archive/Sys/ dir in the chosen dest directory.

2. If your Amiga uses icon.library 44 or higher, one of the source icons to
be installed will now be checked to see if it's in the NewIcons format.  If
this is the case,  you will then be asked if the icons  should be converted
to ColorIcons before installation begins.

3. Next, some scripts will be prepared in T:, and the source icons will be
copied to a T:DEFICINST/ dir. Here some workarounds regarding the icons may
happen (explained further below). Have in mind that this might take a while.
4. After the above is done, just click the Continue button in the requester
that pops up, and the installation will begin.  Here things will be done in
a different way than with Icon_Install: If both source and destination icon
exists, the icon _images_ will be copied across.  Otherwise, if source icon
does exist, but the destination one doesn't, the source icon _file_ will be
copied instead.

5. Next thing that _might_ happen is that you will be asked if a direct file
copy should be done with all source Drawer and Disk icons. This can often be
a good idea since they may often have window sizes best suited for the other
DefIcons. This is especially true if icons meant for interlaced screens has
been installed over icons meant for non-interlaced screens (or vice-versa).

   --+  OS2.0-3.1 vs OS3.5/3.9 DefIcons  +--

The way DefIcons works is a bit different between AmigaOS 2.0-3.1 and 3.5/3.9,
where some of the icons uses different names.  The biggest difference though,
has to do with all Disk icons except the "" one.  Under AmigaOS
3.1 and lower, they can either be of the disk or drawer type, and the file
names ends with "", just like this:

With AmigaOS 3.5/3.9/3.1.4, Disk icons can only be of the disk type, and the
file names just simply ends with ".info", like so:

The Install_DefIcons script includes some workarounds that ensures that Disk
icons will get the most proper file names depending on what  OS version they
are going to be installed to (hence the reason for copying them to T: first).
Another thing is that all Disk icons _might_ be converted to disk icon type.

For more information about the DefIcons concept, take a look at the DefIcons
section of the included Third_Party.doc file.

   --+  For Lower-end Amigas  +--

If you are using the installer scripts on an Amiga with 2MB or less RAM, you
may experience some "out of memory" situations. If this happens, an easy fix
can be to first create a Temp drawer on your Work: partition, and then enter
"Assign T: Work:Temp" in a Shell. This will just be a temporary solution, and
everything will return to normal after a reboot.  Installation will be a bit
slower, but it should at least work.

For more info about the TRULS installers and other stuff I have made, check
out my website at:

In addition, there is also my Amiga911 Maker project related website, which
can be found here:

Contents of util/wb/TRULS.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ ----------
[generic]                  260     820  31.7% -lh5- 1831 Dec 18 02:24
[generic]                  260     820  31.7% -lh5- 3d1d Nov 19 04:16 TRULS/
[generic]                 3504    6008  58.3% -lh5- 5433 Mar 11  1999 TRULS/C/DefIcons
[generic]                 2198    3296  66.7% -lh5- 8843 Nov 27  1999 TRULS/C/IconCopy
[generic]                  858    1180  72.7% -lh5- 2166 Mar 11  1999 TRULS/C/KillNewIcon
[generic]                 5013    8460  59.3% -lh5- 1efb Mar  4  2002 TRULS/C/ProcessIcon
[generic]                  771    1000  77.1% -lh5- 42d5 Dec 27  1996 TRULS/C/RequestChoice
[generic]                 1021    1516  67.3% -lh5- f14b Feb  9  1994 TRULS/C/RequestFile
[generic]                  260     820  31.7% -lh5- 5b48 Nov 19 04:08 TRULS/
[generic]                 1814    4415  41.1% -lh5- 8445 Nov 13 10:23 TRULS/Docs/Distribution.txt
[generic]                  283     836  33.9% -lh5- a213 Nov 30 07:32 TRULS/Docs/
[generic]                 1779    3981  44.7% -lh5- 61e4 Nov 27  1999 TRULS/Docs/IconCopy.readme
[generic]                  284     836  34.0% -lh5- eb56 Nov 30 07:31 TRULS/Docs/
[generic]                 2555    5892  43.4% -lh5- abff Mar  4  2002 TRULS/Docs/ProcessIcon.readme
[generic]                  287     836  34.3% -lh5- 7ac3 Nov 30 07:31 TRULS/Docs/
[generic]                  157     234  67.1% -lh5- 0572 Nov 30 07:16 TRULS/Docs/RIconCopy.txt
[generic]                  278     836  33.3% -lh5- 6469 Nov 30 07:32 TRULS/Docs/
[generic]                 3642    9300  39.2% -lh5- bf77 Nov 18 22:05 TRULS/Docs/Third_Party.doc
[generic]                  293     845  34.7% -lh5- 73d8 Nov 30 07:31 TRULS/Docs/
[generic]                 3540    9502  37.3% -lh5- 7571 Nov 13 05:58 TRULS/Docs/TRULS.readme
[generic]                  287     836  34.3% -lh5- e01c Nov 30 07:32 TRULS/Docs/
[generic]                 1227    2264  54.2% -lh5- f025 Mar 11  1999 TRULS/Envarc/deficons.prefs
[generic]                   42      42 100.0% -lh0- 3637 Nov 30 04:05 TRULS/Envarc/Sys/dummy
[generic]                  257     820  31.3% -lh5- 3933 Nov 19 04:08 TRULS/
[generic]                  964    1360  70.9% -lh5- 677a Mar 11  1999 TRULS/Extras/CreateDefaultIcon
[generic]                 1438    2236  64.3% -lh5- 11bc Nov 19 03:55 TRULS/Extras/
[generic]                 1167    4151  28.1% -lh5- c250 Oct  2 00:38 TRULS/Extras/RIconCopy
[generic]                  355     832  42.7% -lh5- 2281 Nov 19 03:55 TRULS/Extras/
[generic]                  350     820  42.7% -lh5- 39c5 Sep  5 18:54 TRULS/
[generic]                   42      42 100.0% -lh0- 3637 Nov 30 04:05 TRULS/Icons/dummy
[generic]                 4181   18802  22.2% -lh5- 2ab4 Nov 30 03:36 TRULS/Install_DefIcons
[generic]                  394     882  44.7% -lh5- 1d5b Sep  5 18:54 TRULS/
[generic]                 1584    4839  32.7% -lh5- f63e Aug 27 01:30 TRULS/Install_Files
[generic]                  391     882  44.3% -lh5- 01aa Sep  5 18:54 TRULS/
[generic]                 3766   18405  20.5% -lh5- 776c Dec 14 02:22 TRULS/Install_Icons
[generic]                  392     882  44.4% -lh5- c9a9 Sep  5 18:54 TRULS/
[generic]                  462    1031  44.8% -lh5- 3854 Dec 18 02:05 TRULS/Readme.txt
[generic]                  283     836  33.9% -lh5- 1488 Sep  5 18:53 TRULS/
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ ----------
 Total        38 files   46639  121395  38.4%            Dec 23 07:58
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