VolumeMeter V1.11 © 2002 Severin Software
New Stuff:
A few bug fixes, and a few more options...
New Tooltypes:
DRAGBARHEIGHT (Dopus 5+ users only) = set the height of the dragbar <3 to 12>
LEVEL1/2/3 = Sets the percentage at which the colours change defaults are 50,80,95
COLOUR0/1/2/3 = Sets the colours of the bars 0 (< level1) to 3 (level4)
DEVICESORT = sort drives be device name instead of volume name
Features for Dopus 5+ users:
If the backdrop is changed wait about 10 seconds (to allow slow processors to
finish) and the window will redraw with the new backdrop :)
Single click on a bar to open the device in a new lister.
The dragbar is the thin one at the bottom of the window.
Fixed a small bug that opened the popup windows behind others :(
The chip ram bar still displays total drive info, the fast ram bar now displays
memory information
New Tooltypes:
FONT = User selectable font for popups (defaults to Topaz/8)
HEIGHT = Height of the font
Now has automatic 4 colour display if any of the required pens cannot
be allocated.
V1.06 (Not realeased to the public)
Reworked the popup windows for a more 'responsive feel', once they popup, they
will be updated as you move the mouse until the mouse is moved out of the window.
Couple of bug fixes, now works with really big partitions, reported to work with
30Gb :)
New Tooltypes:
SMALL = condensed info in popup windows for smaller screens
SCALE = Puts a small scale on the right hand side of the window
DEBUG = creates a log file in ram if you are having problems :(
email it to me with any bug reports...
Workbench Titlebar info has been removed, VolumeMeter now uses popup windows.
Just put the mouse on a bar and don't move it for 2 seconds :)
This works even if the window isn't active, if this is too anoying, email me
and I'll add a tooltype option to only popup when the window is active...
You can now change the sizes of the bars through tooltypes:
BARHEIGHT = Er, Height of the bar? (limited to half the screen height)
BARWIDTH = <4...32> If I need to explain this to you buy a PC...
If BARHEIGHT is 0 or not found it defaults to 5 * BARWIDTH
DELAY has been modified to work with WBSTARTUP+/++
VolumeMeter.prefs are now saved in ENV: and ENVARC: (you can delete the prefs
file in the programs dir).
EXPERIMENTAL autoupdate...
For users who change their backdrop regularly, Uses the tooltype:
AUTOUPDATE=<1...60> In Minutes, This just closes the window, grabs a new
background and opens the window again, ANY windows that are over
VolumeMeters will be grabbed :(
Keyboard Control:
There are a few keys you can use:
SPACE - Updates the window and background
C - Closes the window for 10 seconds to allow workbench changes
ESC - Quits VolumeMeter :(
Old Stuff:
Well, 50k of hd space :)
It has not been tested on less than OS3.x, might work with 2, probably won't
work with 1
VolumeMeter opens a small window on workbench (or Dopus Magellan) and displays
a bar chart of your hard drive and ram usage (including any drives mounted over
a network). The last two bars are chip and fast ram. All bars show the amount
USED and are colour coded as follows:-
Blue 0-49%
Green 50-80%
Amber 81-94%
Red 95-100%
The main window background is transparent, but does not update if you change your
backdrop, to do it manually just click on the window and press the space bar or move
the window.
If the window is active, drive details are shown in the title bar in the following
Name (device) Total Size ?MB Used ?Mb(%) Free ?Mb(%) Blocksize ?k
If you move the mouse onto the ram columns the total hard drive sizes/usage will
be displayed:-
Total Drive Space: ?Mb Used: ?Mb Free: ?Mb
There is only one tooltype and it only works if the program is run from wbstartup.
This just lets you set a delay to allow your system to finish booting and display
your workbench backdrop before it opens its window. If the delay is too short you
will get an ugly grey background in the window (or whatever colour 0 is).
None, the position of the window is saved every time you move it.
Freeware :)
Nick Clover (Severin Software)
Please email any bug reports :( or if it works ok :)
Developed on:
A4000/060/50 128Mb, PicassoIV, P96, 40Gb of hard drives in 13 partitions from 1Gb
to 13Gb in size.
Written with Amiblitz2 V2.26 (new name of Blitz basic II)