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Short:Replaces tiny WHDLoad icon images
Author:Roger Håseth
Uploader:panterhz yahoo no (Roger Håseth)
Download:util/wb/WHDLoad-TinyIconFix.lha - View contents

   --+  Introduction  +--

Most of the WHDLoad Game icons are in the NewIcons format, where the OldIcon
image sizes of them are typically 8x8 or 5x5 pixels big. The reason for this
is to make the icons open quicker on the Workbench screen, which actually is
a good idea (but as with all good ideas, someone just had to go overkill and
introduce 1x1 pixel icons as well).

This concept works just fine as long as the Amiga uses a newer icon.library
and/or the NewIcons patch. But if this isn't installed, all the user can see
on screen are those pesky little icons, where especially the 1 pixel ones are
extra annoying since they may appear as invisible, and will also cause OS2.x
Amigas to crash.

The solution is of course to replace all of those tiny icons with some bigger
ones, but since doing this by hand can be a rather tedious task, I decided to
make some scripts that takes care of everything. Basically, the scripts scans
through the given directory, and may then replace the images of all the icons
which has the following characteristics:

 - Project icons with  WHDLoad  as default tool
 - Project icons with  MultiView  as default tool
 - Drawer icons

By default, only icons with a width of 10 pixels or less will be processed,
but it is however possible to override this, so that ALL icons that matches
the types mentioned above gets handled.  Another thing is that the NewIcon
images of ALL icons found will be killed/removed (this is optional).
Have in mind that it's only the icon _images_ that gets replaced, all other
icon data (like ToolTypes) will remain the same.

   --+  The Scripts  +--

This distribution includes the following scripts:

RepIcons   - Main script for replacing (tiny) WHDLoad related icons. It also
             uses another script called WRepScript for doing its job.

SetOptions - Allows the user to choose if NewIcon images should be removed
             (killed) by RepIcons script, and whether or not only tiny icon
             images shall be replaced (Force Copy).

RIconCopy  - Simple requester based script for copying icon images from one
             icon to another. First you select the Source icon (FROM), then
             the Destination icon (TO).

   --+  Requirements  +--

Any Amiga with Kickstart 2.04 or higher.

Some WHDLoad games installed (obviously :-)

The scripts uses the ProcessIcon and IconCopy commands, which is already
included. They can also be found on Aminet under:

   --+  Installation  +--

Just copy the WHDLoad-TinyIconFix drawer to wherever you like on your system.
Although it shouldn't really be required, it may still be a good idea to copy
the ProcessIcon and IconCopy executables to the C drawer of your boot partit-
ion. They are both quite handy to have.

   --+  Using RepIcons  +--

Here is a more detailed explenation over how to use the RepIcons script for
replacing (tiny) WHDLoad related icons:

1. First thing to do is to make sure that some reference icons is present on
the Ram disk. RepIcons will look for these icons, and will only replace icon
images if they can be found. You can find some example icons in the included
Icons drawer. Just drag & drop the ones you want to use, then rename them.
Basically, make sure that one or more of the following icons is present:

2. Next thing to do is deciding what should happen to the NewIcon images
that's present in the icons (kill or ignore), and whether or not only tiny
OldIcon images (width <= 10 pixels) should be replaced. Use the SetOptions
script for configuring this.

3. Finally start the RepIcons script, and choose your Games drawer/partition.
RepIcons will now scan through this directory,  where all icons that matches
the given parameters will be processed. For icons with WHDLoad as the default
tool, the icon images might be replaced by the ones in for
example. While RepIcons is running, it will give some information about what
it's currently doing. Here every skipped icon is represented by a single dot
on the "Skipped:" line.

4. While making the scripts, my thought was to make them do everything auto-
matically with minimal of work needed to be done afterwards. But if you want
to be picky, you can after RepIcons is finished, go over all WHDLoad icons
and move & snapshot all those that seems to be a bit out of place.

  --+  Icons and Palettes  +--

As previously mentioned, there are some example icons included in the Icons
drawer that can be used as reference icons with RepIcons. Here the Joystick
and Smiley icons are meant as replacements for WHDLoad icons. When I created
them,  I wasn't sure of what width to use,  but after examening the icons of
all games installed on one of my Amigas, it turned out that the average width
was 93 pixels, so that's what I ended up with using.  How many colors these
icons use is indicated by the file names, where 4C means 4 Colors and 8C is
8 Colors.

If you decide to go for one of the 8 color icons, you may need to change the
palette so that it looks correct. This can easily be done by clicking one of
the icons in the Palettes drawer. For making the change permanent, start the
Prefs/Palette program and then click Save.

Please feel free to do whatever you like with these icons and palettes,
there are no restrictions involved.

For more info about WHDLoad-TinyIconFix and other stuff I have made, check
out my website at:

In addition, there is also my Amiga911 Maker project related website, which
can be found here:

Contents of util/wb/WHDLoad-TinyIconFix.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ ----------
[generic]                  257     820  31.3% -lh5- cca3 Dec 18 00:50
[generic]                  257     820  31.3% -lh5- 34f9 May 10  2018 WHDLoad-TinyIconFix/
[generic]                 2198    3296  66.7% -lh5- 8843 Nov 27  1999 WHDLoad-TinyIconFix/C/IconCopy
[generic]                 5013    8460  59.3% -lh5- 1efb Mar  4  2002 WHDLoad-TinyIconFix/C/ProcessIcon
[generic]                  771    1000  77.1% -lh5- 42d5 Dec 27  1996 WHDLoad-TinyIconFix/C/RequestChoice
[generic]                 1021    1516  67.3% -lh5- f14b Feb  9  1994 WHDLoad-TinyIconFix/C/RequestFile
[generic]                  256     820  31.2% -lh5- a61a Jun 21  2018 WHDLoad-TinyIconFix/
[generic]                 1779    3981  44.7% -lh5- 61e4 Nov 27  1999 WHDLoad-TinyIconFix/Docs/IconCopy.readme
[generic]                  285     836  34.1% -lh5- 7c91 Jun 21  2018 WHDLoad-TinyIconFix/Docs/
[generic]                 2555    5892  43.4% -lh5- abff Mar  4  2002 WHDLoad-TinyIconFix/Docs/ProcessIcon.readme
[generic]                  284     836  34.0% -lh5- 44c2 Jun 21  2018 WHDLoad-TinyIconFix/Docs/
[generic]                  240     392  61.2% -lh5- 4a4d Jun 20  2018 WHDLoad-TinyIconFix/Docs/RequestX.readme
[generic]                  286     836  34.2% -lh5- 42a8 Jun 21  2018 WHDLoad-TinyIconFix/Docs/
[generic]                 2630    5831  45.1% -lh5- fb45 Jun 18  2018 WHDLoad-TinyIconFix/Docs/WHDL-TinyIconFix.readme
[generic]                  284     836  34.0% -lh5- 7514 Jun 21  2018 WHDLoad-TinyIconFix/Docs/
[generic]                  260     820  31.7% -lh5- 418c May 10  2018 WHDLoad-TinyIconFix/
[generic]                92210   92210 100.0% -lh0- aa77 May  8  2018 WHDLoad-TinyIconFix/Extra/WBrushes.lha
[generic]                  152     220  69.1% -lh5- 068a Jun 21  2018 WHDLoad-TinyIconFix/Extra/WBrushes.readme
[generic]                  288     836  34.4% -lh5- 792b May  9  2018 WHDLoad-TinyIconFix/Extra/
[generic]                  259     820  31.6% -lh5- 71ab May 10  2018 WHDLoad-TinyIconFix/
[generic]                  264     820  32.2% -lh5- 6dfd May  3  2018 WHDLoad-TinyIconFix/Icons/
[generic]                  436     900  48.4% -lh5- 3812 May  3  2018 WHDLoad-TinyIconFix/Icons/Drawers/
[generic]                  249     660  37.7% -lh5- e5c8 May  3  2018 WHDLoad-TinyIconFix/Icons/Drawers/
[generic]                  259     820  31.6% -lh5- 6870 May  3  2018 WHDLoad-TinyIconFix/Icons/Drawers/
[generic]                  257     820  31.3% -lh5- 6de6 May 10  2018 WHDLoad-TinyIconFix/Icons/
[generic]                 4523    8386  53.9% -lh5- a97e Jan 28  2018 WHDLoad-TinyIconFix/Icons/Joystick-Big/
[generic]                 1749    4258  41.1% -lh5- 424e Jan 28  2018 WHDLoad-TinyIconFix/Icons/Joystick-Big/
[generic]                 2315    4258  54.4% -lh5- 9198 Jan 28  2018 WHDLoad-TinyIconFix/Icons/Joystick-Big/
[generic]                 2945    6322  46.6% -lh5- 4e1c Jan 28  2018 WHDLoad-TinyIconFix/Icons/Joystick-Big/
[generic]                 3864    6322  61.1% -lh5- 78cb Jan 28  2018 WHDLoad-TinyIconFix/Icons/Joystick-Big/
[generic]                 2489    6322  39.4% -lh5- 983e Jan 28  2018 WHDLoad-TinyIconFix/Icons/Joystick-Big/
[generic]                 3753    6322  59.4% -lh5- 0cd6 Jan 28  2018 WHDLoad-TinyIconFix/Icons/Joystick-Big/
[generic]                  257     820  31.3% -lh5- 6d90 May 10  2018 WHDLoad-TinyIconFix/Icons/
[generic]                 2348    4354  53.9% -lh5- 4d8e Jan 28  2018 WHDLoad-TinyIconFix/Icons/Joystick-Small/
[generic]                  937    2242  41.8% -lh5- 8c1c Jan 28  2018 WHDLoad-TinyIconFix/Icons/Joystick-Small/
[generic]                 1226    2242  54.7% -lh5- 9dd7 Jan 28  2018 WHDLoad-TinyIconFix/Icons/Joystick-Small/
[generic]                 1477    3298  44.8% -lh5- fd57 Jan 28  2018 WHDLoad-TinyIconFix/Icons/Joystick-Small/
[generic]                 1986    3298  60.2% -lh5- 5a54 Jan 28  2018 WHDLoad-TinyIconFix/Icons/Joystick-Small/
[generic]                 1339    3298  40.6% -lh5- 4fa8 Jan 28  2018 WHDLoad-TinyIconFix/Icons/Joystick-Small/
[generic]                 1981    3298  60.1% -lh5- b4a1 Jan 28  2018 WHDLoad-TinyIconFix/Icons/Joystick-Small/
[generic]                  259     820  31.6% -lh5- e3ad May  4  2018 WHDLoad-TinyIconFix/Icons/
[generic]                  881    1396  63.1% -lh5- 1228 May  3  2018 WHDLoad-TinyIconFix/Icons/ReadMes/
[generic]                  285     836  34.1% -lh5- 3f4f May  3  2018 WHDLoad-TinyIconFix/Icons/ReadMes/
[generic]                  258     820  31.5% -lh5- 7e17 May 10  2018 WHDLoad-TinyIconFix/Icons/
[generic]                 4274    8386  51.0% -lh5- 1e55 Jan 28  2018 WHDLoad-TinyIconFix/Icons/Smiley-Big/
[generic]                 2024    4258  47.5% -lh5- acdd Jan 28  2018 WHDLoad-TinyIconFix/Icons/Smiley-Big/
[generic]                 2481    6322  39.2% -lh5- a716 Jan 28  2018 WHDLoad-TinyIconFix/Icons/Smiley-Big/
[generic]                 2647    6322  41.9% -lh5- b738 Jan 28  2018 WHDLoad-TinyIconFix/Icons/Smiley-Big/
[generic]                  256     820  31.2% -lh5- 8e3c May 10  2018 WHDLoad-TinyIconFix/Icons/
[generic]                 2244    4354  51.5% -lh5- 0c8e Jan 28  2018 WHDLoad-TinyIconFix/Icons/Smiley-Small/
[generic]                 1116    2242  49.8% -lh5- e991 Jan 28  2018 WHDLoad-TinyIconFix/Icons/Smiley-Small/
[generic]                 1378    3298  41.8% -lh5- 39f9 Jan 28  2018 WHDLoad-TinyIconFix/Icons/Smiley-Small/
[generic]                 1454    3298  44.1% -lh5- 72e4 Jan 28  2018 WHDLoad-TinyIconFix/Icons/Smiley-Small/
[generic]                  261     820  31.8% -lh5- 020e May 10  2018 WHDLoad-TinyIconFix/
[generic]                  126     175  72.0% -lh5- cc70 Nov 20 02:26 WHDLoad-TinyIconFix/Palettes/8C-MagicWB
[generic]                  271    1184  22.9% -lh5- 34ae May  3  2018 WHDLoad-TinyIconFix/Palettes/
[generic]                  123     173  71.1% -lh5- 591f Nov 20 02:26 WHDLoad-TinyIconFix/Palettes/8C-Panter
[generic]                  274    1184  23.1% -lh5- e092 May  3  2018 WHDLoad-TinyIconFix/Palettes/
[generic]                  106     106 100.0% -lh0- 9967 Jun  1  2017 WHDLoad-TinyIconFix/Palettes/OS2.x-8C-MagicWB
[generic]                  105     106  99.1% -lh5- 78b4 Feb  1  2018 WHDLoad-TinyIconFix/Palettes/OS2.x-8C-Panter
[generic]                  103     434  23.7% -lh5- a144 May 31  2017 WHDLoad-TinyIconFix/Palettes/OS3.x-8C-MagicWB
[generic]                  107     434  24.7% -lh5- 7d92 Feb  1  2018 WHDLoad-TinyIconFix/Palettes/OS3.x-8C-Panter
[generic]                  169     268  63.1% -lh5- 2117 Nov 20 02:28 WHDLoad-TinyIconFix/Palettes/Restore
[generic]                  274    1184  23.1% -lh5- a19b May  3  2018 WHDLoad-TinyIconFix/Palettes/
[generic]                  899    2568  35.0% -lh5- c156 May  8  2018 WHDLoad-TinyIconFix/RepIcons
[generic]                  280     882  31.7% -lh5- 07b9 May 10  2018 WHDLoad-TinyIconFix/
[generic]                 1167    4151  28.1% -lh5- c250 Oct  2 00:38 WHDLoad-TinyIconFix/RIconCopy
[generic]                  358     832  43.0% -lh5- 58f3 May 10  2018 WHDLoad-TinyIconFix/
[generic]                  510    1357  37.6% -lh5- 1c89 May  4  2018 WHDLoad-TinyIconFix/SetOptions
[generic]                  358     832  43.0% -lh5- 505f May 10  2018 WHDLoad-TinyIconFix/
[generic]                  772    2362  32.7% -lh5- d197 Dec 18 00:28 WHDLoad-TinyIconFix/WRepScript
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ ----------
 Total        71 files  171759  262362  65.5%            Dec 17 19:48
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