Replaces windowbar.lha
This is a powerfull window mimizer and program launcher, it works
like windows(r) taskbar.
He can mimize any system window (windows with system frame and gadgets).
This is also easy-to-use toolbar, he can run any AmigaOS program
(wbstart.library required, included in archive).
This is a beta program!
TEXTURE - path for texture for windowbar main window, default:
GENMASK - generate mask (transparency) for texture for windowbar main
window, transparency color is 0, default - off,
FONT - font for windowbar, default - xenpl/font,
FONTSIZE - size of font in y, default: 8,
WDTHBORGAD - width of border frame for gadgets, default is 3,
HEIGHT - height of windowbar main window, default is 60,
WIDTH - width of windowbar main window, default is workbench screen
LEFT - Left position of windowbar main window,
TOP - same for Top position, 0 means "on bottom", >1 - "on top",
default is 0,
ICONWIDTH - width of toolbar icons, default is 28, scalable,
ICONHEIGHT - same for height icons of toolbar,
OFFHELP - on/off windowbar "help",
TIMEHELP - time of windowbar "help" appear, default is 1,
NOONTOP - on/off force front of windowbar main window,
R,G,B - colors main windowbar window, or gadgets backround
default is 150 for R,G,B,
BLUR - blur for windowbar window and workbench screen,
DEPTHBLUR - depth of blur, default is 3, values: 0-255,
TRANSP - transparency for windowbar window,
DEPTHTRANSP - depth of transparency, default is 128, values - 0-255,
Options TRANSP and BLUR can be mixed,
NOTEXTURE - no texture for windowbar main window,
TEXTPEN - color of windowbar gadget text, when system window is
ACTIVEPEN - same for active system - window,
GTEXUP, GTEXDOWN - paths for textures for windowbar gadgets,
USESYSGAD - windowbar use system gadget (ZIP window) for mimize
windows, when option is inactive windowbar use textures from
progdir:w_gfx/01.g and progdir:w_gfx/02.g,
ICOGADOFF - remove mimize gadget from system windows, all options for
mimize gadget are inactive,
KEEPPOPUP - After open popup under any windowbar gadget, you must
choose any option, to close popup.
DEBUG - debug mode, windowbar logs all actions for standard output
(console/file). If you have any problems with windowbar, please send
me this output. For example:
AmigaOS:>windowbar debug >ram:debug.txt
(Or setting icon tooltype)
And file debug.txt goes to
Offcourse outputs from enforcers are welcome too.
Have fun.