84782 packages online
util/wb/fastbar.lha |
No screenshot available
Short: | FASTBAR1.07b, another screen-manager for AmigaOS! |
Author: | p.vancalsteren quicknet.nl (Philippe van Calsteren) |
Uploader: | p vancalsteren quicknet nl (Philippe van Calsteren) |
Type: | util/wb |
Architecture: | m68k-amigaos |
Date: | 2001-01-02 |
Download: | util/wb/fastbar.lha - View contents | Readme: | util/wb/fastbar.readme |
Downloads: | 700 |
Fastbar 1.07 BETA
If any computer can manage screens, its certainly not PC.
Amiga is the best (no need for a dull screenbar) we all know that.
So this is for the people that LIKE to have a screen-bar.
Amiga screens can be real strange named, or have hacked in
attributes and are therefor not always system friendly, so this
tool can NEVER be 100% correct.
(For instance: Protracker (screen).)
If your computer blows-up when using Fastbar,
you can say you have experienced Fastbar the Hot way!
Meaning: Your responsable for your own actions, including
downloading this file, and dubble clicking the icon.
This program is free-ware..
- Hardware:
Any Amiga computer with OS 3.xx,
- Software:
RexxMast running.
OUDAR .. Http://wuarchive.wustl.edu/aminetbin/find?OUDAR (Latest included!)
(Needed for the MENU button function..)
Copy the OUDAR.exe to your path, example: c:
Copy the FASTBAR drawer anywhere you like.
To make fastbar autostart on boot, you could copy the Fastbar.exe
with icon, to your (Workbench/Sys):WBstartup/ drawer.
There are a few tooltypes wich you can setup.
For more information, please consult the docs.
28/12/2000, Philippe van Calsteren. (p.vancalsteren@quicknet.nl)
Van Calsteren Software since 1986!
Amiga 1200 040/25 + 603e/200 + 64 Meg, and 8,6 GB HD
With Mediator and VooDoo3 and Ethenet adapter.
Amiga 4000 040/40 + 16 Meg, and 1,8 GB HD
With XSurf multimedia card / ethernet adapter.
Author of : AmiPoPuP'2000, the next generation messenger! (To be released )
Heady, the iritating little head for your WB! (Unreleased.... )
TFH_Cheat, the cheater for Tales From Heaven! (See aminet!)
OS3.9Grab.jpg, a nice Voodoo3+Mediator ,shot! (See amimet!)
OUDAR.lha, the devicelister for Workbench 3+! (See aminet!)
Contents of util/wb/fastbar.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 504 1042 48.4% -lh5- 1b73 Sep 13 1998 FASTBAR.info
[generic] 27527 60668 45.4% -lh5- 49f2 Dec 26 2000 fastbar/fastbar.exe
[generic] 663 1315 50.4% -lh5- fca4 Dec 29 2000 fastbar/fastbar.exe.info
[generic] 1651 3389 48.7% -lh5- 04e2 Dec 26 2000 fastbar/FASTBAR.guide
[generic] 469 980 47.9% -lh5- 2f49 Dec 26 2000 fastbar/FASTBAR.guide.info
[generic] 645 1495 43.1% -lh5- 49bc Dec 26 2000 fastbar/fastbar.log
[generic] 1140 2357 48.4% -lh5- 1c47 Dec 29 2000 fastbar/FASTBAR.readme
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 7 files 32599 71246 45.8% Jan 1 2001
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