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Short:Workbench replacement 1.0
Author: cs95mah at (Mark Hewitt)
Uploader:cs95mah exeter ac uk (Mark Hewitt)
Download:util/wb/mbench.lha - View contents

MBench V1.0 (c) Mark Hewitt.

- About
- Features
- Installation
- Usefull information
- Bugs
- History

This is provided on aminet at the request of those who had trouble 
downloading it from my site. Please read the following carefully.

MBench is Shareware...
Registered users will receive a KeyFile that will enable all the features of 
The unregistered version has the limitation that only 1 program can be loaded 
at a time by MBench and also only the first pop up menu item is selectable.

As a registered user you will be entitled to regular updates and bug fixes and
will receive news and details on any such upgrades aswell as any technical
support as needed.

The registration fee is £10 pounds + P&P (P&P is free if you wish to receive
the key file via e-mail). Please print out the registration form and fill 
in or send a letter containing the same information.

mbmisc.library updated
wbinfo.module updated
MBPrefs updated
MBench updated
MBenchDebug updated


If Mbench has problems on your machine then I want to fix it!!! 
Let me know what your problems are.


MBench is a replacement for the Workbench graphical interface to the amigas
filing system. It is designed to be 100% compatible with workbench, even
providing the same features with app icons, windows etc. yet provides 
additional features such as:
- internally multitasking.
- directory caches.
- system wide file notification.
- file requesters, progress gadgets etc. for copy, delete etc.
- open a window directly for any location.
- quick start menu for launching programs or running scripts to do things
  such as open an MBench window.
- assign list window.
- arexx port.
- online context sensitive help.
- and a whole host more.

Please note that this software is a BETA version and I take no responsibility
for any damage or other event arrising from the use of this software.
You use at your own risk.

If you discover any bugs then please contact me so that they can be fixed.


To Install

Run the install script or:

- make a directory MBench and assign 'MBENCH:' to it.
- copy mbench and into the MBench drawer.
- copy the Workspacedrawer, the modules drawer and the startmenu drawer 
  into the MBench drawer.
- make an assign of 'WORKSPACE:' to the MBENCH:Workspace drawer. This 
  will correspond to files in the main MBench window.
- copy 'Images/remapimage.image' to SYS:Classes/Images/
- copy 'Utilities/MBCommand' into the path somewhere eg. C:
- copy 'libs/mbmisc.library' to your LIBS: directory
- **IMPORTANT** Make sure you set the stack quite high (about 10000)
  before running MBench.
  I haven't checked for stack usage yet, but best to be safe
  (Use 'Stack 10000' at the CLI).
- If you want to use MBench instead of workbench when booting then change
  the LoadWB line in s:startup-sequence to run <>NIL MBench <>NIL:

Currently MBench prints a running log file for debugging. To get rid of this 
and speed up the running a **LOT** then redirect the output to NIL:
eg. run <>NIL: MBench <>NIL:

Also provided is a prefs file (Extras/Launchpad.prefs) for use with LaunchPad 
which shows a way of adding floating toolbars to MBench.


ICONS - Drawers take tool values VIEW - ICON/LIST to set the mode.
                                 MODE - ALL/SELECTION to view all/selection.

WBSTART - Hold Down - L.Amiga to cancel the startup drawer.
                    - L.Amiga & L.Shift to pop up the window.
                                                                                        L.Amiga & L.Shift to pop up selection window.
Copy files to WORKSPACE: to have them automatically appear on the MBench

Press shift CloseWindow to close all windows.

Use Middle Mouse Button to extended select items.

Add icons to MBench:StartMenu to have them appear in the start menu.


Known bugs include:

If you find any bugs or have any suggestions then please let me know.

Contacting Me.
By e-mail as -
WWW (frames) -
WWW (no frames) -

For the future.
Well aswell as fixing any bugs, For the near future I have plans to add
the following to MBench. Some of these features may not be made available
to unregistered users. Also if you have any thing that you would like to
see added then let me know:
- File type recognition.
- File type sensitive pop up menus.
- Option to allow directories to open in the same window rather than new
  opening a new one every time.
- Transparent icons similar to the NewIcons patch.
- Your suggestions.


 - MBench V1.0 released.

 - Copy and delete now take notice of the stop buttons.
 - Bug fixed where opening a window from the openlocation requester would
   not allow you to change the display all flag.
 - Arbitration bug to windows fixed.

 - Transparent icons now finally work. Also options for selection type.
 - Fixed bug where a drawer icon for a file wrongly tried to open a 
   directory for in that file.
 - More items moved into the mbmisc.library

 - Bug fixed that would leave unfreed memory for icon selected images.

 - Leave Out/ Put Away finally work and record the correct values to disk.
 - Bug fixed where in list mode the vertical scroller would show the wrong

 - Disk and memory update now takes place at a user definable interval.
 - Fixed bug in list mode that would cause memory trashing when you dragged
   an item where the name was longer than the name column.
 - Set the screen title to a reasonable default.
 - Fixed bug where duplicating a drawer would rename all its contents to
   copy_of_... aswell
 - Leave out bug fixed.
 - Default tool field fixed in project info requesters.
 - Fixed bug that could cause a crash if a projects default tool field was
 - Added notification on all start menu items, inc. sub drawers.
 - Fixed notification bug that could cause a crash.
 - Fixed bug that would cause MBench to crash if you changed the pattern from
   a picture to a pattern and then changed it again.
 - Clicking on directories is now more intelligent. New drawers open in the
   same mode as the parent one. And opening up a buffered directory opens it
   back in the same mode that it was opened in before.
 - Fixed bug with MFS(MultiFileSystem) that would cause MBench to hang.

 - Horay!! Finally finished my exams.
 - Fixed icon positioning problems. Now consideration is made to the icons
   text and other bits fixed.

 - More fixes to disk detection, code prepared so that regular checks for 
   new/unmounted/busy etc. disks can be made without having to reinsert a 
   disk for any changes to be detected.
 - Option to only unmount disks where they don't have a cached directory
   on them.
 - Oops - pen locking didn't work. It works properly now - fixes some if the 
   icon colour problems.
 - Fixed bug where if an project icons tool wasn't a full path, it wasn't 
   found, it correctly searches the path list now.
 - StartMenu items now have » rather that >> to show submenus. Fixes a problem
   with MagicMenus.
 - Workbench windows how declared as such - allows, gauge bar from MCP et al.
   to work properly 

 - Reworked the way that disks are detected. Now things such as the ENV: icon
   for HappyENV nolonger show up. Should work more like Workbench now.

 - Added more options to the title format.
 - You can now close all windows (except the main one) by holding down shift
   when clicking on a windows close gadget.

 - Option to lock pens to give correct colours.
 - Option to format the title bar to your own preferences added.
 - Semaphore added to menus.
 - Startup bug fixed - if there already exists an arexx port called MBench, 
   MBench will now detect this and load properly
 - Bug fixed that could try and unload a program twice if it failed to load
 - Bug fixed - if you clicked on a project icon and the default tool was 
   invalid then MBench would crash on exit trying to free a lock twice.
 - Bug fixed - added a semaphore to the commodities which should avoid some

 - Serious bug fixed now uses SYS: as the current dir always like Workbench 
   this stops some programs crashing on exit.

 - Copy bug fixed.
 - You can now enter upto 300 chars in input windows - the limit before
   was way too low.

 - Major fixes to the Information requester - now works OK when icons with
   no file are used and also enforcer hit produced by information on drawers 
 - Enforcer hit when copying just an icon fixed.
 - Bug fixed that would not update an icon when there is no file for it.

 - Enforcer hit fixed when selecting an AppMenu item with nothing selected.

 - Fixed a major bug that would leave a lock on any drawer that you double
   clicked upon using up memory and not allowing you to delete it.

 - Bug fixed where MBench would leave a lock on a newly created icon.
 - When deleting files etc. MBench will now correctly try and close/free
   any locks that it holds on an item.
 - Enforcer hit with App Routines when passing a Disk WBArg fixed.
 - Bug fixed in DICE startup code that would cause an enforcer hit when
   exiting MBPrefs. NOTE TO ANYONE USING DICE - The main startup code 
   contains a major bug - the directory is changed to the first lock in
   the WBArg list and not changed back.
 - Pop up menus now correctly make the window that they are clicked over
   the activate one (ie. the one that operations will take place in).
 - Fixed enforcer hit when copying directories.
 - Fixed enforcer hit when deleting items from a buffer with no associated
   window open.
 - Fixed bug that failed to report any errors if delete failed.

 - Copy of files majorly sped up.
 - Snapshot of windows now records the type (icon/list and show all flag.)
 - Bug fixed that would cause an enforcer hit if you drag a disk item over
   an app window.

 - Copy routine when icons copied sped up - No longer has to reread the icons.
 - Snapshot files bug fixed that could cause crashing.
 - NewDrawer memory loss bug fixed.
 - Snapshot etc. of NewIcons no longer looses the imagery untill updated.

 - Bug fixed that could cause MBench to hang when a disk was inserted.
 - Popup menus added for windows (registered users only).

 - Prefs program finished - needs testing.
 - Notification of prefs change added - currently can't change some
   settings though.
 - File and open location windows are now app windows.

 - Not really been keeping a note - had a lot of work etc on.
 - Select by pattern added.
 - Bug fixing display problems with the main window fixed eg. when you make
   a new drawer in the main window.
 - Changing the main windows backdrop mode now correctly redisplays the icons
   when it is done.
 - started to add pop up menus for windows - at the moment they are very basic.

 - minor bug fixed that sometimes didn't allow you to load any programs in
   the demo version - was due to the async loading of programs.

 - Serious bug that was causing problems with KingCON and a few other programs
 - fixed bug causing a crash when you flush libraries while MBench is running.

 - Icons routines changed, bug that could cause enforcer hits and possible 
   crashes fixed.
 - Now only changes its name to Workbench if Workbench isn't already 
   running - it has to do this as some programs eg. DICE assume that
   if they get a Workbench Message at start up then they were started
   by Workbench - WRONG!!!
 - Added flush buffers to the MBench menu.

 - Clicking in an empty list window no longer produces an enforcer hit.
 - You can drag icons to leave out into the main window and they can now
   be renamed, deleted etc. just like normal icons can.
 - left out icons now have a symbol in the bottom corner so that they can
   be distinguished from icons in the WorkSpace directory.

 - Clickin the right mouse button while the left is pressed over an item
   can now be used to cancel selection of that item.

 - Info requesters now have working shortcuts.
 - shows busy etc. disks OK.
 - left out items don't have to have a disk inserted for them to be used

 - Now correctly uses directory buffers - the maximum number of buffers to
   cache can be user defined in the settings.
 - Fixed problem when you duplicate disk icons - now correctly brings up
   the disk copy program.
 - Icon text is now displayed according to the font prefs settings.

 - fixed bug where left out drawers can't be opened.

 - correctly updates scroll bars when items are dragged in the same window.

 - fixed bug causing hang after Open is selected.
 - started rewrite of internal representation of directory lists.

 - Finished the help file.

 - updated scrolling of icon routines. They now work slightly better.

 - a memory loss bug removed.
 - information requesters now correctly show information on disks, not
   always showing SYS:
 - started to move some routines into mbmisc.library so that a number of
   internal features of MBench can be accessible to external programs
   even when MBench isn't loaded eg. progress windows, line input windows.
 - you can now drag icons into the main widows although not as yet leave
   them out:-(. You can however drag them over disks, appicons and have an
   option to copy them to the WorkSpace: assign, in effect leaving them out
   To leave out items, you have to revert back to Workbench.
 - the 'O' key was used twice in the menus. Open now uses '0' as its 
   shortcut (O, P, E, N were all already defined.)
 - clicking with various qualifiers held down doesn't register as a mouse 
   click anymore so things such as powersnap can still use there default

 - Bug causing possible crash in rename routines fixed.
 - Possible deadlock bug fixed in Close file detection routines.
 - Added GetSelectedList command so arexx programs can obtain a list of 
   currently selected files.
 - You can now drag icons on to the main window although not as yet leave
   them out.
 - Moved the E key back to execute file like on workbench. Even I kept
   getting confused by this.

 - Loading up a windows contents is now quite a bit faster.
 - cleanup now takes into account the icons width.
 - copying an icon to list mode where we show only files no longer displays
   the icon in that mode.
 - clicking a drawer in list mode now correctly uses the drawers size and
 - In the root directory icons are no longer saved as <name> if
   there doesn't exist a file along with the icon.

 - Added a KeyFile and a need to register to receive all full functionality.
   Sorry but I need the money being a poor student and all that ;-)
 - Works on my A600 now aswell.

 - fixed bug where you are unable to select list header items when the list
   header is scrolled past the first item.
 - fixed alert when executing an internal command.
 - fixed bug where you sometimes loose memory when you switch display mode 
   or close a window while the items are being loaded up into it. Also 
   results in slightly faster item loading.
 - added the routine to detect renaming of disks.
 - updated the routine to detect the sizes of files after they are changed
   now works slightly quicker and better.

 - List headers added and working.
 - sped up display of assign window.
 - added layout windows by Stacked, Horizontal, Vertical commands.
 - added activate next, previous window commands.
 - added send window to back, bring to front commands.

 - bug fixed. You can now select all items in the assign window. Even the
   top ones!
 - Bug causing a possible hang when refreshing windows fixed.
 - Window refreshing sped up. This is at the expense of having the windows
   not refreshed sometimes for a while but c'est la vie or whatever.
 - Started to add the list headers for the list view mode. Still not 
   working, but shouldn't be long now.

 - bug causing hang when main window updated fixed.
 - bug causing alert in MBCommand fixed. Was due to wrong value passed
   into ReadArgs.

 - when changing display (list->icon etc.) the border is no longer slightly
 - when dragging list items they now start off in the correct places.

27-Mar-1997 V0.9
- Loads a changes since the last release.

Contents of util/wb/mbench.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic]                 5674    9640  58.9% -lh5- 5e6f Jul  4  1997 mbench/AddToStartSequence
[generic]                  551    1192  46.2% -lh5- d41b Jul  4  1997 mbench/
[generic]                 2901    5020  57.8% -lh5- 4a16 Jul  4  1997 mbench/Images/remapimage.image
[generic]                 3690   11947  30.9% -lh5- e402 Jul  4  1997 mbench/Install-MBench
[generic]                 1047    1930  54.2% -lh5- 239f Jul  4  1997 mbench/
[generic]                 9207   16604  55.5% -lh5- a88c Jul  4  1997 mbench/Libs/mbmisc.library
[generic]                67561  135384  49.9% -lh5- 3dff Jul  4  1997 mbench/MBench
[generic]                18488   68103  27.1% -lh5- faea Jul  4  1997 mbench/
[generic]                 1250    1748  71.5% -lh5- b1a5 Jul  4  1997 mbench/
[generic]                11031   21348  51.7% -lh5- e7a1 Jul  4  1997 mbench/MBPrefs
[generic]                  557    1120  49.7% -lh5- 3684 Jul  4  1997 mbench/
[generic]                 8194   15636  52.4% -lh5- 0318 Jul  4  1997 mbench/Modules/fileio.module
[generic]                10122   21124  47.9% -lh5- 37be Jul  4  1997 mbench/Modules/wbinfo.module
[generic]                 4195    6872  61.0% -lh5- 6010 Jul  4  1997 mbench/Modules/wbstart.module
[generic]                  788    2154  36.6% -lh5- 2ac9 Jul  4  1997 mbench/OrderForm
[generic]                  368     955  38.5% -lh5- 7dbe Jul  4  1997 mbench/
[generic]                 6912   17178  40.2% -lh5- 6fd0 Jul  4  1997 mbench/ReadMeFirst
[generic]                  369     955  38.6% -lh5- 10c9 Jul  4  1997 mbench/
[generic]                  551    1192  46.2% -lh5- c1bc Jul  4  1997 mbench/
[generic]                  151     256  59.0% -lh5- 8d54 Jul  4  1997 mbench/StartMenuMagicMenu/
[generic]                  153     256  59.8% -lh5- b308 Jul  4  1997 mbench/StartMenuMagicMenu/
[generic]                   29     408   7.1% -lh5- 1e83 Jul  4  1997 mbench/StartMenuMagicMenu/Graphics/Deluxe Paint
[generic]                  195     276  70.7% -lh5- ea77 Jul  4  1997 mbench/StartMenuMagicMenu/Graphics/
[generic]                  215     292  73.6% -lh5- 4a69 Jul  4  1997 mbench/StartMenuMagicMenu/Graphics/
[generic]                  151     256  59.0% -lh5- 79cb Jul  4  1997 mbench/StartMenuMagicMenu/
[generic]                  152     256  59.4% -lh5- 882a Jul  4  1997 mbench/StartMenuMagicMenu/
[generic]                  215     265  81.1% -lh5- 7002 Jul  4  1997 mbench/StartMenuMagicMenu/Prefs/
[generic]                  228     291  78.4% -lh5- 7963 Jul  4  1997 mbench/StartMenuMagicMenu/Prefs/
[generic]                  155     190  81.6% -lh5- be3a Jul  4  1997 mbench/StartMenuMagicMenu/Prefs/
[generic]                  149     427  34.9% -lh5- 14ea Jul  4  1997 mbench/StartMenuMagicMenu/Prefs/Prefs
[generic]                  191     292  65.4% -lh5- 171c Jul  4  1997 mbench/StartMenuMagicMenu/Prefs/
[generic]                  216     266  81.2% -lh5- 6b4d Jul  4  1997 mbench/StartMenuMagicMenu/Prefs/
[generic]                  188     205  91.7% -lh5- 9177 Jul  4  1997 mbench/StartMenuMagicMenu/Prefs/
[generic]                  151     256  59.0% -lh5- 6b76 Jul  4  1997 mbench/StartMenuMagicMenu/
[generic]                  630    2657  23.7% -lh5- e451 Jul  4  1997 mbench/StartMenuMagicMenu/Programming/Silly
[generic]                  633    2657  23.8% -lh5- f877 Jul  4  1997 mbench/StartMenuMagicMenu/Programming/Silly Sized Items/
[generic]                  151     256  59.0% -lh5- 5120 Jul  4  1997 mbench/StartMenuMagicMenu/
[generic]                  186     254  73.2% -lh5- f20f Jul  4  1997 mbench/StartMenuMagicMenu/Text/
[generic]                  206     269  76.6% -lh5- f827 Jul  4  1997 mbench/StartMenuMagicMenu/Text/
[generic]                  209     280  74.6% -lh5- b455 Jul  4  1997 mbench/StartMenuMagicMenu/Text/
[generic]                  152     256  59.4% -lh5- ba80 Jul  4  1997 mbench/StartMenuMagicMenu/
[generic]                  555    1192  46.6% -lh5- 858a Jul  4  1997 mbench/
[generic]                  122     448  27.2% -lh5- 8f6d Jul  4  1997 mbench/StartMenuStandard/
[generic]                   29     408   7.1% -lh5- 1e83 Jul  4  1997 mbench/StartMenuStandard/Graphics/Deluxe Paint
[generic]                  147     448  32.8% -lh5- df9b Jul  4  1997 mbench/StartMenuStandard/Graphics/
[generic]                  166     425  39.1% -lh5- 7a73 Jul  4  1997 mbench/StartMenuStandard/Graphics/Personal
[generic]                  121     448  27.0% -lh5- fdf3 Jul  4  1997 mbench/StartMenuStandard/
[generic]                  138     193  71.5% -lh5- 90b8 Jul  4  1997 mbench/StartMenuStandard/Prefs/
[generic]                  161     411  39.2% -lh5- c153 Jul  4  1997 mbench/StartMenuStandard/Prefs/
[generic]                  130     414  31.4% -lh5- 1d01 Jul  4  1997 mbench/StartMenuStandard/Prefs/
[generic]                  143     412  34.7% -lh5- 5926 Jul  4  1997 mbench/StartMenuStandard/Prefs/
[generic]                  149     427  34.9% -lh5- 7fc4 Jul  4  1997 mbench/StartMenuStandard/Prefs/Prefs
[generic]                  154     412  37.4% -lh5- 1fbe Jul  4  1997 mbench/StartMenuStandard/Prefs/
[generic]                  125     194  64.4% -lh5- ccfe Jul  4  1997 mbench/StartMenuStandard/Prefs/
[generic]                  135     193  69.9% -lh5- a8d9 Jul  4  1997 mbench/StartMenuStandard/Prefs/
[generic]                  121     448  27.0% -lh5- fdf3 Jul  4  1997 mbench/StartMenuStandard/
[generic]                  631    2657  23.7% -lh5- b9e3 Jul  4  1997 mbench/StartMenuStandard/Programming/Silly
[generic]                  631    2657  23.7% -lh5- b9e3 Jul  4  1997 mbench/StartMenuStandard/Programming/Silly Sized Items/
[generic]                  121     448  27.0% -lh5- fdf3 Jul  4  1997 mbench/StartMenuStandard/
[generic]                  149     414  36.0% -lh5- e73c Jul  4  1997 mbench/StartMenuStandard/Text/Cygnus
[generic]                  150     418  35.9% -lh5- 9e81 Jul  4  1997 mbench/StartMenuStandard/Text/Final
[generic]                  153     420  36.4% -lh5- 93a3 Jul  4  1997 mbench/StartMenuStandard/Text/
[generic]                  147     448  32.8% -lh5- ef54 Jul  4  1997 mbench/StartMenuStandard/Text/
[generic]                  578    1219  47.4% -lh5- 6506 Jul  4  1997 mbench/
[generic]                  716     996  71.9% -lh5- 172c Jul  4  1997 mbench/Utilities/MBCommand
[generic]                  439     596  73.7% -lh5- 5999 Jul  4  1997 mbench/Utilities/MBInfo
[generic]                  553    1192  46.4% -lh5- 3473 Jul  4  1997 mbench/
[generic]                  693    2746  25.2% -lh5- 9658 Jul  4  1997
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
 Total        68 files  165519  371607  44.5%            Jul  5  1997
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