Short: Brown Workbench theme by Nowee for Visualprefs Author: Uploader: Nowee fr fm Type: pix/theme Requires: Visualprefs, JPEG/GIF datatypes. Architecture: generic Some Workbench look made by nOWEE Id and support by BEAV[i]S. Background used under authorisation. ------------------ Manual installation -------------------- -Copy the Blue&Brown theme (drawer Blue&Brown) in any place on your HD, best is SYS:Prefs/Presets/GUI... -Assign the place where you put your overshaker GUI gadgets as "GUI:". -Save your workbench prefs. -Copy the supplied fonts to the FONTS: directory -Replace your workbench prefs with the ones provided in drawer ENVARC. -Reset your computer. It's that simple. ----------------------------------------------------------- Please refer to Visualprefs and FPPrefs documentation on how to intall both and lock colors. Find all your Amiga favorite GUI's and Themes at: Feel free to mail new GUI bitmaps or submit us ideas... Dedicated to my beloved Sabi. My contribution to Aminet. Stay tuned next release almost ready...#@!