Short: Text editor with syntax highlightning Author: support(a)hd-rec*de (Thilo Koehler) Uploader: support hd-rec de (Thilo Koehler) Type: text/edit Version: 2.7b Architecture: m68k-amigaos >= 3.1.0 Distribution: Aminet URL: ___________________________________________________________ TuiTED V2.7b ___________________________________________________________ This is a small editor for different programming languages. It supports HTML, C/C++ and hex editing of binary files. Actions on a text file can be done via ARexx scripts. If you have written an ARexx script, e.g. for C++ compiling, please send it to me and I will include this in the TuiTED archive. It is highly configurable, but I am too lazy to describe all features for now, as it is quite straigt forwared. just check the tooltypes. By default, it will behave like EditPad, except it has a sourcecode browser, which can be turned off. ___________________________________________________________ Requirements ___________________________________________________________ Hardware: Any Amiga with 4MB of free FastRAM. Runs emulated on AOne, Pegasos, Amithlon and WinUAE Software: - OS3.1+ ___________________________________________________________ Features ___________________________________________________________ * HTML, C/C++, Hex syntax highlightning * Unlimited Undo * Clipboard for Copy&Paste * Multi-Document Support (up to 16 documents) * Optional File Tree Browser * ARexx Port * Launch ARexx scripts from menu * Perform Actions in Tree Browser on Pictures, Sounds and Archive Files ___________________________________________________________ Installation ___________________________________________________________ Just copy TuiTED + .info wherever you want. If you want to use ARexx scripts, copy the "ARexx" drawer to the same location as well. The ARexx Scripts will be called with the current filename including full diskpath as the one and only argument. That's all ! ___________________________________________________________ Configuration ___________________________________________________________ TuiTED is entirely configured via Tooltypes. Examples: ...................................................... SourceBrowser = No DrawStat = No PubScreen = Workbench ...................................................... This will give you a minimalistic editpad! ...................................................... Sourcebrowser = Yes DrawStat = Yes DefaultPath = Work:MyCSourcecodes PubScreen = TuiTED Backup = Yes ...................................................... This will give you a nice C/C++ IDE! All Tooltypes: ; Window Settings WindowX = 100 ; window dimensions (not used in full screen mode) WindowY = 100 WindowWidth = 600 WindowHeight = 400 RememberDimensions = Yes ; remember window sizes on next session ; IDE Settings PubScreen = Workbench ; Pubscreen to open on, use "TuiTED" to open on your own screen which will be Workbench clone SourceBrowser = Yes ; use the file tree browser SourceBrowser_Width = 220 ; width in pixels for the file tree browser SourceBrowser_Pattern = ~(#?.(info|bak|xtra)) ; dos pattern to filter file for the file tree browser SourceBrowser_Path = Ram: ; default path for the file tree Backup = Yes ; create a backup file when you save (the old file will be renamed from "myfile.txt" to "myfile.txt.bak" ARexxPort = TUITED_REXX ; name of ARexx port RememberLastFiles = Yes ; show last files (does not work yet) BubbleHelp = Yes ; switch bubble help on/off PicPattern = #?.(gif|jpg|iff|png|tif|pcx|bmp) ; dos pattern associated wih picture files SoundPattern = #?.(aiff|8svx|mp3|wav|maud|cdda|snd|mp2|aifc|aif) ; dos pattern that will be associated with audio files UnPackerPattern = #?.(lha|zip|lzx|tar|rar|tgz|gz) ; dos pattern that will be associated with unpacker PicViewer = Sys:Utilities/Multiview ; tool to use with picture files SoundPlayer = C:TKPlayer ; tool to use with audio files UnPacker = Sys:Tools/UnArc ; tool to use as unpacker UndoBuffer = Yes ; use undo buffer UndoBuffer_Path = SYS:T ; temporare path for undo buffer UndoBuffer_RamSize = 250000 ; maximum bytes in RAM for the undo buffer UndoBuffer_DiskSize = 250000000 ; maximum bytes on disk for the undo buffer UndoBuffer_MaxSteps = 1000 ; maximum number of undo steps ; General Texteditor Settings FontName = Helvetica ; font name we want to use in editor field FontSize = 13 ; font size FixFontName = topaz ; font name for hex editor fix font FixFontSize = 9 BlinkSpeed = 3 ; 0 = no blinking, 1...10 = fast...slow MarkerLoose = Yes ; if you move the cursor, the marked area gets lost CursorHideByMark = Yes ; cursor will be hidden when you mark an area WrapLeft = Yes ; cursor will jump one line upwards if you execeed the left border WrapRight = Yes ; cursor will jump one line down if you execeed the right border DelWrap = Yes ; you are able to do "WrapLeft" during delete EntfWrap = Yes ; you are able to drag the lower line upwards while deleting CursorDrag = Yes ; the cursor will be draged when you mark an area with the mouse and set to the position whrere you release the mouse TabSize = 4 ; pressing TAB is converted into <n> space characters RealTab = Yes ; Use TAB character or emulate by <tabsize> space characters AutoIndent = Yes ; if you press RETURN, the new line will automatically start with space characters like the upper line Scroll_X = 20 ; TuiTED starts to scroll horizontally when you come <n> pixels close to the side border Scroll_Lines = 0 ; TuiTED starts to scroll vertically when you come <n> lines close to the top or bottom border BreakReturn = Yes ; pressing RETURN will cut the current line at the current position and take the right part down DrawStat = Yes ; show the "Line: xxx Pos: xxx" display ShiftMark = Yes ; mark an area not only with mouse but by pressing SHIFT and move the cursor wih arrow keys ScrollRedraw = No ; redraw whole texteditor field when scrolling instead of using ScrollRastPort(), which might be fast on systems with slow gfx card LineCursor = No ; show a line instead of a block cursor ; ASCII Editor Settings Text = $000000 ; color for ASCII text Background = $FFFFFF ; background for all text types MarkerBG = $AABBDD ; marker background color MarkerText = $FFFFFF ; marker foreground color CursorBG = $AA0000 ; not used CursorText = $FFAAAA ; not used Text_Pattern = #?.(txt|src|guide|readme|log|doc) ; dos pattern that will be associated with the texteditor ; Amiblitz Settings AB2_Token = $0000FF ; color of Amiblitz tokens, e.g. "NPrint" AB2_Constant = $992277 ; color of Amiblitz constants, e.g. "#IDCMP_MOUSEBUTTONS" AB2_Text = $000000 ; color of Amiblitz normal text AB2_Comment = $669966 ; color of Amiblitz comments, e.g. " ; this is my comment" AB2_String = $666666 ; color of Amiblitz strings, e.g. string.s = "i am a string" AB2_Macro = $AA7788 ; color of Amiblitz macros, e.g. "!mymarco" AB2_NewType = $445599 ; color of Amiblitz newtypes, e.g. "alienxpos" AB2_Number = $002266 ; color of Amiblitz numeric values, e.g. "x = 0.4231" AB2_Libsdir = Blitz2: ; default dir where you store your decompiled blitzlibs for scanning, you may want to change this AB2_Pattern = #?.(ab2|bb2) ; dos pattern that will be associated with the Amiblitz highlighning ; C/C++ Settings C_Directive = $FF0000 ; color of C directive, e.g. "#define" C_KeyWord = $0000FF ; color of C keyword, e.g. "return" C_String = $808080 ; color of C strings C_Number = $992277 ; color of C numeric values C_Comment = $008000 ; color of C comment, e.g. "// this is my comment" C_Text = $000000 ; color of C text C_Pattern = #?.(c|cpp|h|hpp|rexx|rx|arexx|pl) ; dos pattern that will be associated with C highlightning ; HTML Settings HTML_Tag = $2244E0 ; color of HTML tags, e.g. "<br>" HTML_TagAttr = $228855 ; color of HTML tag attributes, e.g. "<table width=100>" HTML_Number = $770077 ; color of HTML numeric values HTML_String = $888888 ; color of HTML strings, e.g. "<table align="left"> HTML_Text = $332200 ; color of ordinary text HTML_Char = $990000 ; color of HTML character definition, e.g. "ü" HTML_Pattern = #?.(html|htm|php|xml) ; dos pattern that will be associated with HTML highlightning ; HEX Settings HEX_Offset = $FF0000 HEX_Data = $0000FF HEX_Number = $992277 HEX_ASCII = $008000 HEX_Other = $666666 HEX_Pattern = #?.(bin|exe|raw|dat) ; dos pattern that will be associated with the hex-editor ___________________________________________________________ Usage ___________________________________________________________ Should be self explaining. ___________________________________________________________ AREXX Interface ___________________________________________________________ QUIT : quit TuiTED OPEN <file> : open a new document CLOSE : close the current document SAVE : save the current document SAVEAS <file> : save the current document as ... POPUP : popup gui if in iconfied state, window to front if already open ICONIFY : iconify the gui and add an app icon to workbench For more commands your suggestions are welcome! ___________________________________________________________ Known Bugs and Problems ___________________________________________________________ - Find function is still missing "previous" search - can not copy&paste text larger than 200kB - will crash if you load/save document via ARexx in iconified state (will be fixed later) - scrolling problems with text of more than 32767 lines - slow on loading large (>1MB) text files - removed support for MonkeyScript and BlitzBasic2. Watch out for AIDE! ___________________________________________________________ Future ___________________________________________________________ - hmm... suggestions are welcome. This is probably one of the last versions of TuiTED. The successor will be called NTuiTED, and will be based on te NTUI Toolkit rather than TUI. Please email bug reports, suggestions or just "thank you" to support(a)hd-rec*de ___________________________________________________________ History ___________________________________________________________ v2.7b - fixed an enforcer hit when double clicking into an empty line v2.2 - 2.7 - lots of recompiles, possible minor bugfixes - speedup for reading in large C/HTML/Amiblitz documents: highlightning is now done on demand - fixed a freeze when opening a bracked that had no closing bracked - tooltype handling is now 3.1 and MOS1.4 compliant - AREXX code re-written v2.1 - improved speed when you mark a text range - doubleclick into the text marks a word now instead of the whole line - added real tab support finally - fixed a gfx bug when a bracket was highlighted and you delete/insert a character - added single quote highlightning to html - fixed some possible enforcer hits (even though they never appeared on my system) - fixed a bug when always an extra line was added at the bottom of the document - fixed a gfx bug in C highlightning: text after /* ... */ in the same line was still colored as a comment - some speed-ups in text rendering - added configurable file extentions for each highlightning type - startup speed up (icon is cached and not loaded again for every tooltype) - improved behaviour when opening files or asking for hex mode - no more orphaned pages etc. v2.0 - fixed a serious bug when you type a character with ASCII code>127 in syntax highlightning mode - fixed a bug where the syntax highlightning was not reset to "nothing" - new feature: can load, highlight, edit and save binary files in hex-editor style (very cool if you want to quick hack a binary file) - added tooltypes for the pen colours of hex files highlightning - improved replace-all: now it replaces all occurences in the whole document, wherever the cursor is - improved replace-all: if there is a manual selection of text, only within the selection will be replaced - improved replace-all: document is refreshed only once, so the speed is much faster - if you want to see how it changes, you can still replace step by step - improved editing speed for C, Hex and HTML - added fix font support for hex highlightning - TuiTED can now remember its window dimensions (RememberDimensions=Yes) - TuiTED Bubble help was broken, and is now configurable (BubbleHelp=Yes) v1.9 - C/C++ highlightning is now case sensitive, making e.g. BOOL and bool possible - handles TAB characters (but not yet displayed correctly) - fixed a bug when the source browser was not used (open/open new was broken) - open a new file will not cause a new tab if the text is "new" and never touched - fixed a bug when TuiTED was started twice and sent Arexx command "open", and the filename contained space characters v1.8 - improved C/C++ highlightning - improved AmiBlitz2 highlightning - added support for highlightning bracket pairs - some minor bugfixes v1.7 - fixed a bug in undo system - improved the speed of undo system - recompile with minor enhancements and bugfixes v1.6 - fixed a clipboard bug when first line was empty - added tooltype "linecursor=<yes|no>" to decide if you want a block cursor or line cursor - switched to bigger font in document tabs because my screen resolution is high enough v1.5 - fixed clipboard bug for AOS4 - added returncode switch in menu, so text documents can be converted easily between Amiga/Linux and Windows returncode v1.3 - fixed TAB iconify problem - TuiTED now auto-detects source return code format (Amiga/Windows/DOS) and save ASCII file with correct return code - fixed a small bug when loading a new document via "open" in menu - added AppIcon, AppMenu and drag&drop * now you can drag&drop a drawer or disk into the sourcebrowser * now you can drag&drop a textfile into the texteditor * window close gadget now iconifies instead of quitting TuiTED * iconifed GUI can be popped up by workbench tool menu or doubleclicking the AppIcon - TuiTED checks for a running instance first, and will send the startfile via ARexx if necessary instead of opening a new instance - added tooltype for ARexx Port name - fixed a memory leak of 4096 bytes (still a leak of about 600 bytes) - speedup AB2 library reading - added new AREXX commands "POPUP" and "ICONIFY" - some "behind the scenes" cleanups and minor bugfixes V1.2 - added string bufferoverflow checking - added "select all" option - internal memory optimizing, should take less memory (~2,0MB, still a lot...) - rewrite of GadTools code, now works fine under MOS (continuous scrollers, scroller arrows, string gadgets) - fixed a bug with ctrl->RAmiga wrapping (keys were send double) - added tooltype "scrollredraw" to force a complete redraw instead of ScrollRastPort(), because it is faster on some systems - fixed: text pixelwidth was not calculated on pure ASCII files (only highlighted files) - some refreshing optimizing and tokenizing speedups ___________________________________________________________ DISCLAIMER ___________________________________________________________ THE SOFTWARE AND DOCUMENTATION IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. YOU ARE ADVISED TO TEST THE SOFTWARE THOROUGHLY BEFORE RELYING ON IT. YOU AGREE TO ACCEPT THE ENTIRE RISK AS TO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE SOFTWARE AND DOCUMENTATION. IN NO EVENT WILL THILO KOEHLER BE LIABLE FOR DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES RESULTING FROM ANY DEFECT IN THE PROGRAM.