Short:        V2.29 of this Great Userfriendly Editor
Author: (Robert Brandner
Uploader:     rbr prip tuwien ac at (Robert Brandner)
Type:         text/edit
Architecture: m68k-amigaos

PolyEd is a very fast and userfriendly multi-purpose text editor.

New Features of v2.29

- Find Matching Brackets
- Macros may now also be assigned to the plain Return, Enter, 
  Tab and Help keys.
- ARexx handling of windows enhanced
- Bugs fixed
- More default icons (also NewIcons)
- Macro for block-format (by Stefan Schulz)

Main Features include:

- arbitrary number of texts at same time
- arbitrary number of windows for each text
- multilevel undo and redo
- Easy but powerful macro creation and usage
- very fast (even on an A500)
- context sensitive online help
- localized (catalogs for english, german and swedish available)
- supports AGA chips
- font- and size-sensitive requesters
- and much more

PolyEd is SHAREWARE. This demo-version provides all features, but
it quits after 10 minutes (allowing you to save your work before).
PolyEd requires OS2.04 or higher.