Short:        Portable Teco implementation, Tecoc-146
Author: (Pete Siemsen)
Uploader:     Rachael_ gmx net (Jacob Dahl Pind)
Type:         text/edit
Architecture: m68k-amigaos

	This directory contains TECO-C,  a version of TECO written in C.
It was written in C so the author could move comfortably from VAX/VMS
to various other machines,  including MicroVaxes,  which couldn't execute
TECO-11 prior to VMS 5.0 because they don't support PDP-11 compatibility
mode.  TECO32,  distributed with v5.0,  solved this problem.

	TECO-C is meant to be a complete implementation of TECO as defined
by the Standard TECO User's Guide,  which is in file TECO.DOC.  There is no
manual for TECO-C itself,  but the Standard TECO manual was the specification
for TECO-C,  so it serves as an excellent manual.  TECO-C departs from the
Standard manual in only a few places (like no video mode),  listed in file
PROBLEMS.TXT.  There is quick-and-dirty "wall chart" of all TECO commands
in file WCHART.TXT.

Uploader notice

I have included a smake file and a changed tecoc.lnk so it can be built
with Sas C 6.xx, inside the archive you`ll find precompiled a amiga binary
tecoc executeable.