Short: FW ARexx script to control GPFax driver V0.95 Author: Steve Bowie & Gary V. Raposo ( Uploader: Gary V Raposo (raposo ecf toronto edu) Type: util/rexx Architecture: generic FinalFax95.rexx (11/01/95) by Steve Bowie & Gary V. Raposo FinalFax95.rexx is a simple ARexx script that allows Final Writer users to launch GPFax and switch between the GPFax driver and the default PrefPrinter driver, all from within Final Writer. Extremely useful for sessions that involve printing to the PrefPrinter as well as to fax. Please report all bugs, problems, and suggestions to: Gary V. Raposo ///// \\ /\/\\/\/\\/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////uedeHEAD Mechanical Engineering, University of Toronto, Canada Skule(TM) 9T7 "...I'd rather be famous than righteous or holy, any day..." Morrissey