Short:        Choice all the 3 languages in Rashumon3
Author: (Fabrizio Bartoloni)
Uploader:     lanch mail caribusiness it (Fabrizio Bartoloni)
Type:         text/misc
Requires:     Rashumon3demo.lha
Architecture: m68k-amigaos

Rashumon3 assumes that you only need one of the three languages featured
in it so I wrote  some simple amigados script to work-around the problem.
Dearchive the Rashumon3demo archive anywhere and copy the fonts rasharab
, rashebrew, rashfarsi as they are in FONTS:, then use the installer included
with the program, you'll be asked to choice just one between the languages
 available, pick up one random and go on, once installed copy my scripts
 in S:.
Now you can change the default language either by executing the related
 script from CLI/Shell/any filemanager you want either (like me) include the
 following lines in
        ITEM Arabic
        (WB) dh0:s/rashumon.arb
        ITEM Farsi
        (WB) dh0:s/rashumon.frs
        ITEM Hebrew
        (WB) dh0:s/rashumon.heb
These scripts need rebooting the machine to be effective.
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